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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by EmperorToch

  1. Stark pretty much hit it on the head! "I'm guessing it's like a land tenant where SS can do what they want anywhere as long as while they are on the property they obey the rules of the Land"
  2. indeed indeed. I would really hope the community, and i mean the WHOLE community, learn from this little problem. Therefore we can better ourselves.
  3. but you see, even after the spam had stopped people continued to be so toxic. I dont see why its so hard for people to stay calm and resolve the issue. I know this cause it happened to me after my rookie mistakes.
  4. But is he wrong though? I have see *SO* much hostility when it comes to newer people. Like the only way to make people learn is to yell and scream and tease till said newbie gets the message. I think it would better the community as a whole if instead of being so damn toxic. We actually tried to be decent human beings and kindly help new people understand whats right and whats wrong. but more than ever people need to understand this one simple thing- its an online forum. Its not real, it doesnt exist in physical space, you cant touch it, smell it, taste it...SO WHY GET SO WORKED UP OVER IT! I understand spam is annoying but lashing out is NOT the proper way to do things. Stay calm, stay civilized, and above all. Be professional.
  5. this all seems eerily familiar *looks back at my old recruiting post when i was a rookie* yeah it does...
  6. OMG talk about sexy ships the X-70B is one helluva ship
  7. Aye the Ebon Hawk was a fine ship.
  8. He does a better job at explaining it then I do xDDDDD
  9. Have our protection like how we would offer protection to other organizations and settlements.
  10. It was not any of us that wanted to create solar secure. It was Bosses decision and he asked us permission to stay in our organization but run his own in the side. I don't want to say he didn't take inspiration from us with the name but still. We made agreements that we would provide a place for them to work like a Bae of operations as part of the agreement. But allow him to make his own decisions on how the organization itself is run. I do not control him or his org. I do not order him around and tell people to do this and that. He wanted to be independent but have our protection so that's what he's got. Which is why I disapproved of his spamming mistake. But like I said his business is able to be hired for work outside of TSE territory. They aren't just for us. Which is why he asked multiple organizations if they wanted to join. He only wants you to be friendly towards TSE because they like us and some of their members are our members. We are allies, it's simple as that.
  11. Our agreements with them are agreements you would make with another org basically. They chose to affiliate their name with us and we don't object cause who are we to tell people what their orgs should be called? Do you think i would approach Kytheum and tell him he needs to change the name of his org to something other than "Empire" because we both share the word "Empire" in our org names? I don't think so. Its simple. They are security forces that wanted to have a base of operations and people to protect and we contracted them as such. They are a independent org which ANYONE from ANY org can join. Kind of like CSYN. I hope i have made it clearer :/
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