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Everything posted by NQ-Naunet

  1. I'll certainly give you that re: the timeline! I'm still a bit foggy on the specifics there, but I trust what you say. You're the eyes and ears on the ground, after all! Regarding the wrecks event, I can totally see how that would only serve to increase your frustration. I can say for certain that our intention there was to provide players with something to do after reading a lot of feedback that the game had become boring. It was meant to be something we rolled out to parallel player-driven activities, not replace 'em. This is a great write-up!! I don't see why shifting back to something like this can't happen. I'm sure you feel this keenly, but it's worth repeating - I really appreciate that you're willing to engage with me like this. I care a lot about how you're all doing in-game, and interactions like this really help me help all of you.
  2. ...yeah, totally! For real, I agree. ?‍♀️ People will likely always complain when their ship crashes and they lose out, which is all part of gameplay. Based on my internal research, it seems we modified the mechanic to help new Beta players feel more comfortable and confident during this phase of testing. (Was it the perfect call? Perhaps not, seeing as it hurt players like you who enjoyed scavenging exactly as it was. Still, I get why it was done and I'd like to make it my mini mission to change the decision so that scavengers can once again enjoy their profession.) I appreciate you weighing in despite your frustration.
  3. Greetings everyone, It looks like it's been a while since we've dusted off the ol' roleplay & lore section of the forums! Given that, I'd love to kick off a discussion about its current status: 1. Has anybody participated in some immersive RP lately? If so, tell us all about it! What's hot, what's not, etc. 2. Describe your character and/or share your mood boards/character reference imagery!! 3. What kinds of things would you like to see in the future concerning DU lore? 4. Whatever else you'd like to discuss on the topic! I'm really looking forward to hearing from all of you. Together, I think we can cultivate a lively little RP community again here.
  4. Perfect, thank you for doing that! I've tucked the post safely into my notes. ❤️ Alright, onto the meat of the matter: scavenging. So to my (new) understanding, the situation goes a little something like this: Previously, if you crashed your ship and destroyed the core, the ship would go "grey" on the minimap which indicated that it was abandoned. In order to claim an abandoned ship and all of its parts, all you had to do was repair the core. Players like you used to fly around (with an eye on the radar) seeking out these abandoned ships - once found, you could claim your spoils and make bank. ? Once Beta hit, this mechanic was changed so that only ships taken down in PvP could be claimed the way that's described above. This fundamentally shifted the way players like you were able to enjoy DU. The reason for the change centered around new players and the learning curve associated with piloting ships. (New players would crash and feel like other, more experienced players were hanging around like 'vultures', waiting to claim their ship.) I can understand why we at NQ implemented the change, as appealing to the widest player-base possible makes good business sense at this stage of development. During Beta, we want as many people as possible touching the game so that we can understand how best to shape it prior to its official launch. (The more HAPPY testers the better, put simply.) Having said that, I do personally feel that it would be in our best interest to consider shifting scavenging back to its roots as we creep closer to official launch. To me, it sounds like all of you established a really great slice of emergent gameplay in DU... which is what it's all about! ✨ This quote in particular really moved me, because I understand exactly what it's like to feel that kind of excitement about a game. It's a rare joy, isn't it? On that note, I will also add that I'm not in any position to make promises, but I'd love to hear about any compromises you feel could work for all of you regarding the future of scavenging. I've heard non-committal buzz about possibly reinstating your version of scavenging in PvP zones in the future - would that feel fair? Let me know your thoughts, and thank you all again for your patience and engagement!
  5. Amazing start, Anomaly. Thank you! I also hope more people weigh in on this so that we can all create a nice, robust list.
  6. Hi again! I'd like to put together a list of official tags, and since you're interested in this I would love your input. Are there any you feel we absolutely need? (A special "NQ Dev" tag to assist you in finding their responses is on the list.)
  7. Hi there - I see you posted just over a half an hour ago. Are you still experiencing issues?
  8. (Researching the other points with the team now! You're a saint for being patient with me while I learn about DU/NQ and simultaneously support all of you.) ?
  9. To start, I think this is the easiest thing to tackle & clarify - based on player feedback, I'm in the process of revitalizing the Idea Box here in the forums. I encourage you to place any ideas you suspect were removed from Feature Upvote here instead. (You may have already done this! If you have, send me the link to your post and I'll stick it in my notes ASAP.) ? Now that I'm dedicated to checking on the forums daily, you'll absolutely be seen/I will pass the ideas along! (Plus, selfishly... I like being able to organize ideas here where they 'live forever' if that makes sense. Feature Upvote doesn't give me that kind of organization/storage capability.) If I had to guess, I would say that your submissions were removed because changes to scavenging were recently made, therefore bumping it down in terms of priority. That doesn't mean it will never be revisited, and it certainly doesn't mean you're being rejected. (Another reason why I'd like these ideas to live here permanently. I can re-surface them as many times as I need to once I sense that a topic is re-emerging priority-wise!) So as a final recap to this point, my gut says that we should: 1) use Feature Upvote first, but if you notice your submission isn't posted within 48 hrs, 2) utilize the Idea Box here so that nothing important is lost. (Being mindful that I can't make any guarantees, but this will help me 'go to bat' for all of your ideas long-term.)
  10. I'm looking forward to Saturday's discussion, everyone.
  11. A PvP-specific tutorial would be super useful, I agree. I'm sure one will be introduced as PvP is iterated on and improved. Thanks for your submission!
  12. Great idea, Olmeca. Thank you for your submission!
  13. Haunty's correct! We removed the collision boxes on trees as a response to player feedback. Keep your eyes peeled, as may change in the future.
  14. Hi Bobbylord! Thanks for being patient with me - but here I am, as promised. (I had to attend a couple of big meetings yesterday, and even got pulled into some emergency player support! 'Twas busy.) Under the wider umbrella of the topic of scavenging, I feel that there are a few situations at play in this thread: 1) Players who adapted to scavenging before a changes were made to the profession are feeling disappointed by its apparent lack of viability. 2) Players are conflating abandoned player constructs with the NQ-placed ship wrecks. 3) Feature Upvote submissions are tough to track (players don't know when or why some submissions are removed) and it leaves many of you feeling unheard. Please correct me if I've misunderstood anything, and we'll kick off a discussion!
  15. Good afternoon, everybody!! If you (and/or your Org-mates) are a fan of Lua and you've used it to breathe life into a creation you're dying to show off... now's your chance. For a chance to be featured in our Lua Museum (ooooh, ahhhh!), please submit your builds using the handy dandy form we've put together. ? Click HERE to access the form! ? Thank you for taking the time to check this out, and happy building!! We can't wait to review your submissions. ~ NQ-Naunet For those not in-the-know, Lua is a lightweight, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language designed primarily for embedded use in applications. This video contains more information about the ways in which you can use it in DU!
  16. I personally love forums and find them quite useful. They're the perfect spot to house (and organize) information long-term. Discord is obviously great for quick, real-time communication. When NQ had fewer community team members, it made sense to spend more time in a space where announcements could be pushed and reacted to quickly - especially with the game in Beta now, being able to gather player insights immediately is extremely useful to the devs. Forum communications take a bit more time to thoughtfully write and need, to some degree, to be planned in advance. Now that there are more community-focused staffers, adequate time can be spent planning out posts, organizing the information and engaging with everyone here properly. ❤️ Hopefully that makes sense! - Edited to say: SpaceMom can't be everywhere at once! (Even if I do regard her as some kind of community super woman!) I'm happy I can now split her duties with her! -
  17. Gotcha, now I have a better understanding of what you're experiencing! Thanks for clarifying, there. PvP is not yet in its final form. As we're in Beta, it's no secret to anybody that certain features will look and feel unpolished for a time. Once we've thoroughly tested the current Construct vs Construct iteration of PvP, we'll be able to develop something more robust (AKA exciting) that runs smoothly! ?
  18. I almost forgot to crown you for being first! Here you go!
  19. Oof, that doesn't sound fun at all. I can see why you're frustrated. Have you submitted a ticket about this? I personally haven't heard any widespread reports about the game crashing when you're killed in PvP, but I'm quite new - it could be a known issue. Best to double check with support! If/when you find out more, please update me. I want to know how you're getting on with it. (I'll also do some digging internally and report back if I find out anything of note!)
  20. Nobody likes being sneak-attacked by space trees! (Putting this post in the category of: sentences I never thought I'd type.) ?
  21. Friendly reminder: It's perfectly reasonable to express your frustration, but please do so constructively and in a way that promotes healthy discussion with your fellow forum members. Thank you. ❤️
  22. This is my absolute favourite playlist to listen to while gaming:
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