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Posts posted by MoriarTheChosen

  1. 7 hours ago, PopsiclePete said:


    What makes you think that? It's certainly not the case that PVP has ever been a "primary" focus. In fact, PVP was put in the perspective of the game as a whole, as one option available in the purpose of the game, which is to build civilizations and communities.

    PVP in DU is a tool, a means to an end and not a goal in itself. That does not exclude a part of the player base making it THEIR goal, but it does set the function of the mechanic for the overall game. Combat PVP is part of DU, yes. It is not and never was the focus of the game. Games (especially MMO) which focus their gameplay on PVP generally do not last for very long.

    civilization requires strife in order to be honed. not one civilization is made from the beginning that didn't form from it. 


    if you want to play a game with zero strife, go play space engineers on creative mode. Eve has been the longest lasting space game...guess what...pvp is the core element from the very bottom of the game to the very top.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Megabosslord said:


    New World - the dates you have posted were the alpha releases into beta and open beta then last wipe into full release. Never wiped since.. game died, Exec Director replaced due to lackluster performance aka game dying… (sounds rather familiar) 


    DayZ - wipes every 2-3 weeks… it’s a survival FPS game like Rust with seasons (wipes)


    Grand Theft Auto — Not even a MMO.., hodgepodged into one ok, but not a MMO..


    No comment about Atlas or BD or Lost Oasis as I have no knowledge on them



    Honestly the game needs to be fully wiped, no skills, no constructs, if I can’t keep my factory, you don’t get to keep your eye sore constructs either. 




  3. On 6/24/2021 at 4:10 AM, Zarcata said:

    It would just be another negative impact in the freedom of play. What more do you have to make complicated?

    Slow destruction will not change the problem, it will just make prices go up.

    It won't solve the real problem of having complete facilities from T1 to T5 and not needing small traders to specialise at all.

    In general, the skill system should be drastically rebuilt, you should have to decide what to skill because skill points are finite and not infinite. This means that in the end you can NEVER have everything 100% skilled. Then you would have to think carefully about what you skill and how, or outsource some of the production lines.

    BUT: That's when the next problem comes crawling up-> MultiAccountPlayer, with which you manage to lead this principle back into absurdity and then only punish those who only have one account.

    Fact: The economic system is not working as it should at the moment, because you don't have to rely on small specialised producers.


    It would be fun to be able to flag accounts so that changing accounts on a computer would create a re-login rate.

    Example 1 (Singleplayer)
    Acc1 logs in.
    DC- Acc1 logs in: instant.
    acc1 logs out. 

    Example 2 Multiaccount)
    Acc1 logs in.
    Acc1 logs out.
    Acc2 logs in, is recognised by the system and logs in only after a 20-minute lockout period.
    Acc2 logs in after 20 minutes of locking time.
    Acc2 logs out.
    Acc1 logs in. Triggered by 3rd round again 20min lockout time +10min.
    Acc1 logs in after 30min.
    Acc1 logs out.
    Acc3 logs in, triggers 20minute lockout time, + 4th attempt to log in 2x10minutes.
    Acc3 logs in after 40 minutes. 


    This wont work.. my wife plays... and so does my kiddo.. so how would NQ differentiate this? should they be impacted? no. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, Cheith said:

    This is true in pretty much every MMO - the more accounts you have the more you can do IF you have no life. The one thing is, though, that most people with money don't have time so it is not a big issue if it is a time sink - which it would be unless you have 20 computers. At that point if they are that well off they could hire 20 people for the same result. Frankly there is only so much you can actually do.


    Or... Just saying... OR...


    You could be a double retiree middle age guy who is physically disabled and now get's to enjoy some time for himself where his "day job" is to have fun here on DU... 

    Yeah I've made some money doing exactly what SillyBilly is crying about... But oh well, he profited off the backs of new players scamming them... So yeah "he's a moral compass of society"... in the waste bucket. 

    He has the same opportunity to make money.. but he doesn't put the effort in... except constantly banter in general chat like 9 year old schoolchildren... 

    Now to address you Cheith, Could I go to other games? Yes... I come from EFT / Star Citizen... Star Citizen I have pretty much every ship in the game and then some.. Am I in massive debt cause of this? No, I manage my finances and don't really have any hobbies outside of PC gaming due to my disabilities...  The game is soo underpriced for it's current value that honestly... NQ if you are reading this... up your price... 15$ a month! (I'll still be subbed with all my accounts). 

  5. No, we don't need anymore contests as this is a waste of time. Dev resources would be needed and anything that takes them away from actual gameplay mechanics such as mining overhauls or most importantly PVP overhauls.... I cannot support this. After release i say.

  6. On 3/31/2021 at 3:14 PM, NQ-Naerais said:

    I'm wondering what people think of this? Would having to repair factory bits be a fun thing? or just feel grindy?

    Hi Naerais,


    To make industry "a fun thing", lets work on getting the skills that have been broken since beta launch fixed first. The schematics were a necessary evil that the game had to evolve to, but to actively avoid the skills that are broken and yet still allow players to dump months of training into only to find out that they are broken.. well is not fun. It's depressing, here we are with a couple million xp in skills that well.. do absolutely nothing..  

    As for the repair of broken factory bits.. no, god no... if the above paragraph remains true.. then I would want absolutely nothing to do with repairs as issues would not be addressed in a timely manner. 

    TL:DR : First fix the foundation of Industry, to then be able to build upon it. 

  7. On 3/30/2021 at 9:48 AM, Vasten said:

    The mega factory meta is what prevents the dream of a specialized economy and cooperative civilization building 


    To break it the scalability of factory industry needs to be nerfed.. scripting is fun but it just further amplifies industry scalability to riddiculous meta levels


    Limit based on char (like max active units per char) would be circumvented by alts.


    Human time is the only thing that will work


    Make industry units break down and require repair, maintenance and care.. require human grinding play time to keep the factory units operating 


    Mining,logistics and trade are all grindy and hard to scale


    Why is industry allowed to scale to such riddiculous levels that it create tychoons and monopolies that have largely passive income.. it actually kills the cooperative specialization that is supposedly the goal of this game.


    As long as the single human mega factory meta exists it is the only thing worth doing.. it needs to not just be nerfed.. but killed.. otherwise there will never civ building and specialization 

    Passive income?


    Have you ever truly worked in a mega factory? cause it's quite obvious you dont own one. The day is literally consumed with.. "When is this buy order for 2300kL of Hematite going to get filled", or "Damn this person who is selling X item at far below production costs..." seriously people stop selling your L Containers at below production cost. Literally I spend 10 hours a day just to keep the lights on.. and I am far from being a mega factory.

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