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Posts posted by Namcigam

  1. 2 hours ago, Shredder said:

    People like this just want to play minecraft, there is no version of pvp balance that would make them happy, except for a button which enables and disabled pvp. 


    Not true, I'm not sure why these topics are always black or white absolutes, I'm talking about shades of gray there is plenty room for both play styles in this game. That is the way to get more subscribers. Appeal to both play styles within the game. That is all I'm saying. I want pvp to be fun and rewarding for you I just don't think this is the way to do it & it is just my opinion, I don't know everything never claimed to. Before this update I said very little in the forums and now I am a rank 6 enthusiast. If I didn't care about the game I wouldn't say anything...

  2. 9 hours ago, Shredder said:

    There are asteroids in the safe zone as well.


    Am I playing a different game?


    I view the safe zone asteroids as a new player thing the asteroids don't have much ore in them. It seems like to me that one person could mine an asteroid with as little as four large containers maybe less like two. I am guessing but its not much and I get the sense you could do it one trip maybe two so more than one person mining an asteroid isn't going to be very good it's better to players that cant afford a scanner mine those.   

  3. 17 minutes ago, VandelayIndustries said:


    You don't know, you don't hold all the cards on what would or wouldn't happen. Stop acting like you know everything.  A system to scan a few su around you (10-20) where the results weren't perfect and needed to keep going closer and scanning would be better, for miners too, and explorers, and for pvpers. Ad it would require you to be active and out flying in space.  And if you are a miner 100su off from Jago and found a rich asteroids how can I find you without getting within 20 su? And even you yourself could occasionally scan to see if anyone is near you, then you could create a gameplay where your "signature" was bigger or smaller than that 20su based on how you build your ship, with good pluses and minus for that build to be balanced. 


    Once you have that foundation radar in play you can use that to continue to add content such as the wrecks, anomalies, deep space stations with shields and timers for bases, and other Points of interest.  That is way better than the system we have now. 


    Your search for voluntary victims will be be daunting, I wish you good luck. 

  4. This is indeed they way I feel about the pvp in this game. I know that's what they said they are going to do but if they do they cripple the game even more than it already is. The only way I see to make pvp the way it is now viable is to take a military approach to it. There needs to be military assets in the game created using space cores or perhaps a military space core. With those cores you set a battle station and around your battle station you make strategic military targets that provide a perk for the owner related to pvp. this would create the need for patrol routes etc. because other corporations will have a high value military target to attack which will give them a reward if they take it out. Radar, comms defense constructs missile turrets ect. this would be a good foundation that you could develop further over time. Pvp players need a high value targets that provide rewards something like that could make that possible. The irony is I actually enjoy pvp just not in this game. 

  5. I dunno I'd be flattered or at least admire the effort they made a honey pot for pvp players and they disrupted the ore ecosystem for pvp players. One "mouse click" worth of ore per hour per mu is garbage & the bigger problem is the amounts of ore on the tiles and the extinction of uncommon ore on safe zone tiles. Yet I hear comments trying to pretend everything is awesome. I dunno if that's ignorance, denial, but aside from hauling destinations Madis & Thades are useless now. That's where I made fuel there was uncommon ore on my tile and the tiles around me. Now making space fuel is end game due the prerequisites the changes caused / created. It costs a lot to fly to lycobus claim 2 tiles set up mu's and containers and refiners the element that makes fuel name eluudes atm chemical something plus the schematics for both. All of that just to make your own space fuel. I equate buying resources at the market like going to a quick mart (7-11 or Sheetz) to buy all your groceries. There's a reason people don't do that. All of that just seems bat shit crazy to me & it frustrates me a lot. 

  6. Blatantly catering one play style at the cost of the others...what could go wrong? They keep this up they will chase away builders which if I was betting man out number the pvp players significantly. They are going to niche their way to failure. I'm going to wait and see what happens, If this game continues to go down this path I will find another game to play, those companies like money too. I won't be the first and I definitely won't be the last. They act as if they underestimated the ore change but that was intentional. There no data to review that's deliberate smoke and mirrors. Once thing rings true we do need more to do in this game but serving up part of player base to be sacrificed isn't the answer, It's a road ruin I guarantee it. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Honvik said:

    When we go mining we bring a mining ship and a few S core defenders just in case.  Usually roids we go to we work out how long it takes us to get there so we know thats roughly how long we got till perhaps someone will turn up.


    A better alternative is go to pre-discovered as people less likely to go back to those.


    Good luck see you in game soon!



    Premier of the Empire


    Thank you for the advice, I appreciate that but I seriously doubt I will ever do that again it shouldn't have happened in the first place. I got bored and mind started wondering and I made a bad decision it happens. I take full responsibility. I'm obviously disappointed but the player that shot me down was doing what he's allowed to do. My problem is directly with the developers. I wouldn't done that if they haven't starved us of resources which is the point right? it's incredibly vexing

  8. 6 minutes ago, Rahzig said:

    The problem is the middle column,  as soon as you land it shows up there, and they just track that asteroid, if it hadn't already been pre-scanned and not landed on.  It is somewhat safe if you only stay there as long as the time it takes to get to the asteroid from the closest warpable( I usually stay for the time to the first waypoint - 5 minutes) or go to asteroids that have been discovered for several days.


    Yeah that on purpose the one part of the carrot on a stick I was aware of the other part 2 hours that's enough time to get caught not enough time to mine.

  9. 6 hours ago, Atmosph3rik said:


    I'm maintaining 28 territories.   I worked out a schedule where i spend maybe 10mins a day calibrating MUs, and an hour or two on weekends picking up ore from the outer planets and warping it back to Alioth.


    It's really not that much work.  i never gather the rocks, and i only play the mini game if i absolutely need the bonus calibration.  And i still skip it sometimes if i'm not in the mood.


    A little effort results in a little ore.  More effort results in more ore.  It's really up to you how much time you want to spend doing it.




    Yeah I understand that but do you consider that fun? because I consider that work a lot of work and some of this has to be my fault. I'm slow I guess calibrating 4 mu on one tile takes me 10 mins but for me the most annoying thing of all is they could have made these work like everything else like a refiner... Maybe I'm wrong it wouldn't be the first time and I'm fairly good at being wrong but this seems like an extreme amount of time to spend on something I don't want to do i don't find it enjoyable its a means to an end I need ore so I can do what I want to in the game. the game being mostly spent on ore management sounds really bad to me I'm more frugal then others too because I go through this game like pay check to pay check I don't have large amounts of anything. the classic way of mining I wasn't that fond of it either but it was like 1000 times more efficient what what's goin on now maybe even higher than 1,000 times it's basically one mouse click of ore per hour per mu I call that a huge problem I know they are going to change it they need time and data but my point is it's not fun to me and I think too many hoops to jump through and too many time sinks and a trickle of resources these to me are the ingredients that make this boring for a lot of people and many people will quit and play something else. I'm just trying to warn them of this looming threat It often feels like that movie don't look up lol I'm not trying take anything away from you it sounds like you run circles around me with your time management skills that's just not what I want to do with my game time and it frustrates me greatly.

  10. 4 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    Upkeep has always been on the table and "coming". Outside of your Sanctuary tile, nowhere is truly "safe" as far as your creations and posessions being secure. That hasbeen communicated often and clearly.


    I can see an argument to be made IF dynamic constructs parked on your Sanctuary tile will be subject to removal if you end your subsciption. And then, if NQ were to remove the dynamic construct from your Sanctuary tile but put a magic blueprint in your pocket for when you get back, there is nothing you can argue against that anymore really.


    I think the nowhere is safe thing could work but that requires ship building to be cheap so people can afford to loose ships. I like the idea of peoples assets being turned in to a BP or compactification or something along those lines that way people can retain there assets uncase they decide to play again. That makes sense to me. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    Since you're an expert, how about posting one of your game designs here so we can see your overwhelming talents and see how someone that "understands game design" does things? 


    Or...maybe stick to ideas on their merits instead of grade school insults. 


    "You can say what you want, that doesn't make it true....but I'm going to call your idea terrible with no other explanation and that is true..." ? 

    I almost had to bust out the care bear stare on that one...

  12. 4 minutes ago, TildaW4 said:


    You can do something about most of these items yourself.

    • carry xs core with rez on back of primary vessel 
    • use a clock and slow down before getting close to a planet
    • use archehud with collision detection, have A LOT MORE brakes
    • install an emergency control unit on your ship
    • build small warp ship, go to all planets before hauling, and place a small space station with ressurection equipment and a small shuttle
    • ask other players if you want / need to go to a planet and need help


    I've done all of those things but that's not the point I know how to circumnavigate what I see as short comings in the dynamics of flying that cause us to come up with a work around. It's like degrading the the performance of the ships to make flying more tedious/difficult? I guess that's why the ships are like that. Another example of this is that there is no dead space between raising and lowering the nose of the ship unless your using a Hud that levels things off it should just do that on its own without a Hud automation. If you don't use lua to keep you level you fly around like a sine wave and that seems a bit odd by design. There should be a dead space at zero degrees then level flying is intuitive. I don't think flying has to be a Apollo 13 experience, I don't think we need to constantly "have a problem" so to speak. Considering these are futuristic space ships they are awfully hap hazard.

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