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Posts posted by Helrym

  1. Server is being tempoary shut down in order to look in the issue we player are experiencing.



    NQ-Nomadheute um 21:36 Uhr

    :construction: :construction_site: We're aware of the issues many of you currently experiment. In order to investigate in a more appropriate manner, we're about to temporarily shut the Server down and to proceed to some deeper tests. We are sorry for the inconvenience and we thank you for your support @here! :man_construction_worker::woman_construction_worker:

    Source: Discord 21:36 CET

    Server is open again

  2. Server wird unangekündigte Zeit heruntergefahren um die Probleme die gerade verstärkt erlebt werden zu ergründen.



    NQ-Nomadheute um 21:36 Uhr

    :construction: :construction_site: We're aware of the issues many of you currently experiment. In order to investigate in a more appropriate manner, we're about to temporarily shut the Server down and to proceed to some deeper tests. We are sorry for the inconvenience and we thank you for your support @here! :man_construction_worker::woman_construction_worker:

    Source Discord 21:36 CET

    Server ist wieder online

  3. Sehr Geehrte Spielergemeinde:


    Heute um 10 CET wurde eine Server wartung angefangen.

    leider wurde diese jetzt zum zweiten mal verlängert.

    Geplante Zeit zum online gehen ist nun 18 CET:
    :construction_site: Maintenance is extended for two extra hours. We're making good progress! :man_construction_worker::woman_construction_worker: The lastest client version is available for download and the changelog is available on the forum and in #release-notes. Thanks for your understanding and support @here!

    Quelle: Discord 16:18 CET

    Ich weiß es ist schwer HQ ein forum post zu machen wo man sagt das gerade eine Server wartung statt findet oder sie verlängert werden muss.




  4. Just for so anyone wondering why they cannot login in the Game.

    Currently the are doing Server Maintance(started 10 CET:
    :construction_site: Maintenance is extended for two extra hours. We're making good progress! :man_construction_worker::woman_construction_worker: The lastest client version is available for download and the changelog is available on the forum and in #release-notes. Thanks for your understanding and support @here!
    Source: https://discord.com/channels/184691218184273920/748512451967975424 
    Postet 16:17 CET



  5. Dear HQ-Team,


    today i found out there was a interview that happend on twitch:  Source (start 1h 33min)

    Good thing i have a few ingame friends who have ears open to find out about such things.

    Because i can forget to look up the twitter or even the forum which should be one of the major connection points between player-base and the Game-Team.

    But there is no information in the forum what was talked about in the interview (Summary or minutes of meeting)  or that is even happend!

    A summary would be very importent as we would have actuall facts about what is going on where is the journey taking us it would also help a lot of people who dont have the time to watch it or are unable to do so( slow internet, being in puplic, language difficulty or having hearing problems).


    kind regards,






  6. Hello, I just was on my way to the market again to sell my stuff (honeycombs).

    Usally its quite easy fly there and sell the stuff instantly as there are  orders for items with QTY of over 200.000 with a standard price ( i guess they were created by DEV in order to start the economy or protect the prices of ores)


    I knew those would not be there forever as one day they will be gone and around 1 hour ago it seems to have happend.

    I fully understand it and would accept it normaly but! there are still few planets where thos orders exist and i also didnt see any news about why are a few planets affected from this?


    Why are they excluded?


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