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Posts posted by FD3242

  1. Well, your own answer prove you don't understand what you are talking about.


    Simply because "really", "fun", "unnecessary", "bore", "artificially" and "harder" are subjective materials. And this subjectivity naturally aim to build a balance of power and a social order. Through aggressive and defensive patterns, a collective belief is shaped without a real insight or link with the physical reality.

    This collective strategy creates a narcissistic vulnerability, which make the whole social system working as a periodic time bomb. When the bomb is about to explode and destroy the community, a scapegoat is automatically found to discharge all the violence and frustration accumulated.


    Basically, we could call that: to confuse have an arguing and have an argument. This confusion triggers a psychological defense pattern, giving the delusion to be right.


    So, to answer your irony, I would say that you haven't the insight or knowledge to even think what you are posting regarding this topic. As a lot of people on gaming forums, having unending or useless debates which, as a result, only restore some fading egos upon others.


    Fortunately, NQ doesn't seem to fall into this trap. They have an appropriate answer to the "grind" or "boring" activities, by increasing the gameplay complexity.

    In this way, NQ turns boring activites into valuable "job experience" which makes the whole game more interesting.

    I did not understand most of that so I will respond to what I did understand.


    "Simply because "really", "fun", "unnecessary", "bore", "artificially" and "harder" are subjective materials."


    Yea, they are subjective. That dose not change that the majority would find repeating the same thing over and over and over boring.


    "Fortunately, NQ doesn't seem to fall into this trap. They have an appropriate answer to the "grind" or "boring" activities, by increasing the gameplay complexity.

    In this way, NQ turns boring activites into valuable "job experience" which makes the whole game more interesting."


    Even complex things get boring when you do them over and over again.



    Sorry this post is rushed I had to get back to something.

  2. "Harder is better" is only one opinion among others (a huge mountain of opinions)...And the whole thing is expected to feed the game along an emergent process.

    I get the vibe that a lot of the members of the community are expecting a super hardcore experience. But because of this they do not like any ideas that remove grind from the game. I am sure we all know grind is usually bad/boring/not fun. It's the exact gameplay people where saying wasn't fun when we where discussing F2P.


    So please think this before you post:

      Is this really fun, or is it a unnecessary bore to added artificially make the game "harder"?

  3. I don't really understand what people are worried about, as long as resources can't be transferred into the "real" game world.  The creative process is challenging enough as it is.  I don't think we need to worry about bottlenecking people's creativity.

    I was surprised.


    When the devs mentioned it everybody was happy about it.

  4. Bashed with facts toprove you wrong? Yes. Armor is there for a reason you see. And nobody is gonna let you know where their ship's core or Cores are, especially on navy issue ones for factions. 

    About the last part.


    After disabling one ship you would figure it out. So that's kinda a stupid point

  5. Bashed with facts toprove you wrong? Yes. Armor is there for a reason you see. And nobody is gonna let you know where their ship's core or Cores are, especially on navy issue ones for factions. 

    I never said there was anything wrong with what they said.


    Edit: I agree it's not a good idea.

  6. Multiple cores could be interesting, then it comes down to how we a able to move around and if we can see/target the cores when locking on.

    If there is a for of tab targeting then might auto target cores, it often do is my experience.

    I had suggested that idea at one point. If I remember correctly everybody bashed it.

  7. You mean momentum? The First Law of Motion? That needs no scripts.


    I guess Shynras will run out of fuel very often.

    I had kinda assumed you would slowly lose speed despite. To stop ships from drifting into infinity when you logoff.

  8. 3) What about a way to lock your speed, so that your ship keep going straight and you can walk around, check the market or do something else while you wait travel time? Even 5 minutes locked in your cockpit, with your "W" key pressed, without being able to do anything else that is not piloting your construct, would be boring otherwise. I know it's kinda an automatic action, but you'd still need to stay close, and can just go straight.

    LUA Script.

  9. Looking great, love the first implementations of crafting... fantastic news.


    Can't imagine what it'll look like in 3 months ^^



    I'M GOING TO LOSE SLEEP OVER THIS !@!!@!!!!!!!!&!&@^!(^#!#!*&!*(!!!!!(&*@!^#!)^!)!

  10. I will ask if it will be possible to have a time lapse version of the video. However, we are not sure it will be meaningful: 

    The thing is, as we don't have (yet) FX effects giving a feeling of speed in space during most of the space travel, at the moment it feels like you are not moving at all, until you get really near of a celestial body. 


    Best Regards,


    I am more curious on how long the trip was. I also have been wondering if those blue dots in the sky are in fact planets or just very close stars.

  11. I would like to point out in the part where it shows the ship being built it says max speed is 500 m/s


    I had made a post where I suggested sonic booms. But people said that there would not be supersonic speeds in the game. Well I believe 500 m/s is faster then the speed of sound.


    Edit: Never mind that says 500 km/h XD I am a idiot sorry.

  12. I bet they didn't got time due to the recent move into the new building and the time-table. 



    But if NQ can publish a time-lapse of the video, it would be amazing. :D I mean, they published the 30 minutes long building of a spaceship video :P

    Yes upload the entire video. Not time lapsed would be nice.

  13. I am a little confused about what the alpha is actually going to be.


    Are they going to make changes to the game to make it easier to progress for testing things, or is it going to just be the game as it's meant to be?


    I have heard it both ways multiple times, none of the times from the devs. So which one is it? Or do we not know?


    I am fine both ways I would just like to know.


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