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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by FD3242

  1. I'm still here too...






















































































































    Give me attention.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Captain Jack said:

    I am the walrus.


    No really, what's this about a half day thing? I knew the servers would be up and down throughout the pre-alpha phase.. but with all the time zones and such, is there a schedule somewhere so we have some idea when we should be poking around the game, and when we should be working, sleeping, eating, and waiting for another window?

    This shows the time, at least for the first day.


  3. 18 minutes ago, Sir_Rat said:

    You'll have to forgive me if I'm wrong, but those three posts from Oct 9, 2016 up there look pretty dern suspicious. Smells like alts if you ask me. Also I realize that was a while ago, but given the fact that people are joining you now potentially as a result of that, I feel like its fair to at least share my suspicions:
    All three accounts were made on the same day, all are not backers, all have not made any single post, like, or comment except for on this topic almost immediately after each other (if you hover your mouse over the date you can see the exact time), and all have no profile picture or description on the forums or community website.
    Sarenity  : joined 12:10 PM, posted 12:12 PM
    HanSolo : joined 12:16 PM, posted 12:17 PM
    JLynn82 : joined 12:49 PM, posted 12:50 PM

    The messages themselves are hilariously fake-sounding. I mean, "This Guild looks well organized and put together plus is mulit-gaming aspect is exactly what i'm looking for." Come on. That's a joke, right?
    I found no one named HanSolo, Sarenity, or JLynn82 nor any variations thereof in the official 77th Star Empire discord: https://discord.gg/5FDwqpf or in the Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/77thEmpire#members , so I don't think these were your friends pretending to join as strangers nor anyone looking for a "multi-gaming" community.

    Either they are alts or you have some creepily coordinated and obedient friends.
    You do know what happened last time attention was brought to an alt-infested org, don't you?
    If those are accounts you made to reserve names for your friends, at least don't pretend to be them and makes posts like that.
    In the unlikely case that this is a misunderstanding and those are in fact actual people, I apologize and blame it all on the suspicious circumstances.

    I think your right about them being alts, but I don't think it's necessary to take any action since this org has been inactive for a year now.

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