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Posts posted by Novean-71071

  1. 1 hour ago, dumpeet said:

    Have you played the actual game for more than an hour? I don't believe that you'd still ask that question if you have.

    What should i do with this post since its not shareable knowledge and nobody has any benefits from your post. try again


    2 hours ago, carijay766 said:

    Errrr beating around the bush like that?! Not being able to give clear statements at where this game is going if something will actually happening or not, JC jabbering inconsistent nonsense etc. etc.

    Play Beta screen has a pretty cool roadmap. All the interviews are hints for whats coming. He even gave hints about planetary pvp. What kind of questions you have atm ?

  2. 2 hours ago, Buffalo_Bill said:

    This is not about a wipe during Beta, but a wipe from the transition of Beta to Full Release. Could we please get clarification on whether or not there will be a wipe on Full Release. I'm have been planning on there being a wipe, but after reading some forum posts it does not seem clear. I am personally for a wipe, but I've been playing since pre-alpha. However, I believe new players who are getting the game need to clearly understand whether or not there will be a wipe. Also if there will not be a wipe claiming territories becomes much more important. NQ, please clarify.

    This is the only question i had when joining the beta and the answer it was written text and voice that...there wont be any wipes. IF and only IF there will be wipes those can be IF > you build inside the mountain (meshing) and when biomes comes the biome will be on top of your base and landscape it will change. Thats the case where your base will be gone and you will receive Magical Blueprint (with elements and components) ready to be deployed somewhere else. Other than that i dont see the wipe coming especially with how NQ dealed with past problems.



  3. 2 hours ago, Emptiness said:

    The cognitive dissonance from certain people in this thread is astounding. Do ya'all hear what you're saying or do you just crap all over the forums and then dance away?

    The mental stress is real in this thread. We have to have a little empathy for their losses BUT i havent saw any info about bug/exploit report from their side which kind of sucks, right ? It was a free choice to do what they did from stealing voxels to braggin about that on reddit.

    As ive said 5 times, if you see an open ATM machine with a large amount of $ you cant take them because its not your and from a street walker you become a thief.

  4. On 10/16/2020 at 5:06 AM, Massacher said:

    The fact of the matter is they have missed more than one milestone so they are not an efficient team and it shows in the quality of the product. Or lack thereof.



    I am sorry for your loss.

  5. 11 hours ago, Ven said:

    I am moving DU into the this had so much potential category


    I bought 2 silver accounts if you are interested in having them post here and I will choose who to give them to after I read some of your post to make sure you are not some kind of scummy exploiter running around stealing peoples shit and exploiting this cluster fuck.


    I could post endlessly about the things I don't care for in DU but this is not the place for that.


    Maybe someone else can find some fun here, I already got my moneys worth and I thought it was going to be a game I could invest lots of time in and watch it grow.


    So post about why you want my account as said I have 2 to give away and they still have all the stuff (beta keys and other perks) on them and very few talents trained so you can make it how you want.


    The best replies will have the best chance for the gift.





    I dont want to buy your Silver accounts but i could use them to mine on some other planets. You are and you will always be the owner. You can have them when you return. Elite#7018 on discord. I hope you well!

  6. On 10/10/2020 at 9:44 PM, Guest Kray said:

    Hello Guys,


    maybe i dont understand this game...

    I forced myself to look inside, again and again, but i cant find the game inside.


    For me, it is the worst side of eve online, some sort of digging simulator, but extremly worse implemented.. thats not a game, its a pain.

    Same for producing. you could just steal everything from eve instead of redefine a good system.

    But the worst thing is, that for people who dont like the digging, there is nothing to do. I dont understand, why are there from every game

    only the bad things here.

    Look at Empyrion, they make improvements, overhauiing bad stuff, there are server clusters with near than 200 players per Server. There is live.

    There, i only see endless parked ships.

    At the first time i saw this game here, i tought, a few weeks and games like empyrion will die quickly. Now i know, they are still better, and they have still their Playerbase.

    Such Games like this, are niche Games, the Playerbase is never enoght to play both of them. Its time consuming, so i have to decide what i want to play in the future.

    And i dont want to dig with this mechanik. ;) .. and neither to pay for it.

    I hope you have already an idea, how you will got players back, after some time, without let them pay for it. I think, the players who gone, will never pay twice for a look inside,

    only to see if there are improvements or not.

    I have one month left and will connect one or two times(never dig anymoire)  but after that, i think i will forget this game quickly. For me, because there is none.



    Eve Online ( ffa pvp + real life time pilot training skills, kill pilot, kill ship > claim ship and loot it) + MInecraft + No man sky/Space Engineer (digging) + Factorio/Satisfactory + Kerbal Space Program (Rocket engineer physics) + other games + free for all full loot pvp + 1 world no loading screens also..

    ...Beta, no wipes. 1year from now players will have 30.000.000 SP and starting pilots 0.

  7. 21 hours ago, blazemonger said:

    I'd say the party that got stolen from should publish a map showing claimed tiles surrounding them.


    The RDMS system is also very weak with a number of known exploits which are actively being used as well as some very funky loopholes NQ is completely silent about which can cause one to expect a certain behavior but see another.


    NQ knows of this but has yet to actually fix any of this and/or provide clear and open guidance ..


    There is nothing we can do. Name change, tile pickup are on, also start a new account and lose what? 1-5 mil worth of exp. :(

  8. 1 hour ago, BaconofWar said:

    Aside from seeing some nice ships what is the point of the ship museum if we can't either buy or make blueprints of the ships there?

    From flying around on an empty planet to create anything you can imagine ? The point of museum is to show new players the beauty/size of creations player have made.

  9. On 9/17/2020 at 1:17 AM, JohnnyTazer said:

    I could care less if DU dies if the change FFA as I wont play it so its literally the same thing to me. I dont give 2 fucks about NQ in that sense or any other game and developer.  With that being said I dont wish anything bad on NQ or other games.  I personally think WoW is trash but I'm totally ok with them succeeding as a game and company.  But if I dont get what they  pitched, I vote with my wallet and leave. And we already have some safe zones that's the point. Safe zones were announced from the beginning,  we were just told the majority of game world would be open world FFA, that's the point we are making. 

    I understand perfectly but this wont be Eve 2 copycat with 25.000 players  with multiple accounts camping areas. This game is here to stay and the World needs pvpers, voxelmancers, miners, etc. Not every1 is into griefing and ffa full loot pvp and those ppl need protection. Once you lose your 2 months work, its over, you will never recover. What options do you have? Be absorbed in a zerg org/alliance and play there. 


    I also play Eve in Goons so i know a thing or three about any direction the game might go. Pick a planet, pvp planet and harrass those dudes but you wont be able to harrass 99% of the world. i just hope the Space will be 1 year from now so big that going there with warp takes you 1h :)

  10. I am doing pvp for 25 years since UO/AC/DAOC. Ive only played FFA (Free for all servers) during those days. Ive played almost all mmos possible, almost all survivals and i know a thing or two or more about games/healthy population/survability/offline raiding, etc.

    I hope the core aspect of the game wont be FFA pvp otherwise people will destroy more than what the others can construct back that means (you guessed) ppl will leave, ppl will unsub and guess what, population will drop.

    Last example: Last Oasis. Launched with a healthy pop peak at 35k and after 4 months of FFA pvp that game has 500-600 players daily. The rest are details.

    Humans have emotional attachement to things and pixels. Make them lose their assets 2-3 times and they are gone and wont ever return. The psychological "trauma" will bring them back memories whenever they will see the game. Its science.

  11. 4 hours ago, Busterguy said:

    Hello, now people are getting more advanced in the game and I’m seeing more people trying to get into PVP. When will the safe zone be removed around Alioth, madis and thades. I presume this is only temporary as the only true safe zone, in the end, should be the sanc moon of course.


    I hope it happens soon so there is more resource drain in the economy. otherwise people are just going to sit on stacks of materials and the economy will be pointless 


    An alpha tester who wants to kill new players, raid their base and make them leave the server. LOL :)))))))

  12. Hello,

    Do you want to talk about Base Raiding ? :) Any idea how it will be when planetary pvp will hit the live server? The only mechanic i know is > you lose everything if they kill they Core, repair and claim (like the ship mechanic), right ?

    Will you lose your base over night when you sleep ?
    Will we have some auto turrets that you can place ONLY on STATIC cores with longer range than any weapon you can place on Dynamic Core?

    Considering how hard/easy is for some to start all over when you lose everything my only concern is if it is too aggressive and if you can lose everything easily, not many will survive. I have over 5000h in different survivals, so i know a thing of two about surviving in harsh worlds :)

    What do we know so far ?

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