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Everything posted by Zychov

  1. Hello. I'm looking for an information how does the taking control over an alien core works. How can I take an alien core from other organisation. 1). How can I attack it? 2). When Can I attack it ? 3). How do I take it down ? 4). How do I take control over it ? I couldn't find any articles or videos explaining this topic and in game F1 tutorial has no information about it as well. Please Help
  2. How's the weather in your place Rubicon? Here in Poland it's still sunny so far.
  3. Hello. Can I pay for a game using different provider than xolla?
  4. Answer: After each callibration some amount of resources spawns on the level in form of Big rocks that has about 2K Ore in them (int total) This panel shows location of the spawned rocks on the scanned tile. If you have callibrated more then one scanner, then you will get more rock spawns.
  5. All right I think that more or less I got how it works: Base rate: Probably defined by the rate of the Mining Unit Efficiency: No idea where it comes from - probably skills Adjacency: you got +10% for each neighbour tile you have Callibration: Result of your callibration minigame affected by something - probably skills Production rate = floor(Base rate * (Efficiency + Adjacency) * Callibration)
  6. Hi. I'm looking for an information how the math behind mining unit works. Right now I feel like a child in the fog. I have tile with 375 L/h I put the small mining unit and calibrate it to 62% then I start it and it says that the tile efficiency is 70% and that the callibration efficiency is 35% so all together I got 13.47 L/h But 375 * 70% * 35% * 62% != 13.47 ... and now I have absolutely no idea how it works.
  7. Hello There's still a Bug in Demeter that you can mount only 3 Railguns (instead of 4) even if all your according skills are at 5. If you have skills at 3,3,0 You can also mount 3 railguns.
  8. Hello NQ. just bumping the thread in hope of getting an answer. Is it a Bug or a Feature? Thank you.
  9. Hey. PvP in DU is a complicated topic that has to be split into smaller chunks if we want to discuss it properly. I don't want to discuss it for too long because I have the feeling that no one from NQ reads that anyway. But in case I'm wrong I'll just add my minimized Feedback for them here. Basic principles of combat mechanics in DU It's not an arcade type of the gameplay, instead we have a slow paced tactical approach where a cold blood and wise decisions are much more valuable then players skill and reflexes. You can like it or not but I love it. In my opinion this is something that positively distinguishes DU from other games (just my personal preference here). Much of the combat is focused on handling your ship. Building mode and repairs during combat, venting shields, patching the hull, refilling the rocket taks and so on. This is also fantastic for me. Unfortunately after introducing shields, allowing remote controller and makeing honeycomb weaker this part of the gameplay almost dissapeared. I think that this could be brought back by better balancing stuff. Quality of the delivery It's so bad that I don't know where to start. Very poor balance, memory leaks, ship acceleration related to game session time, No RPS mechanics, the ship stopping still while the player switch view and so for, and so on... Combat Depth It is very shallow right now in terms of interesting combat mechanics. Lacks stuff like aiming at something specific, systems countering systems, electronic warfare etc. ...fortunately it is partially saved by the ship building mechanics that allows players to create a bit different strategies based on their designs. However poor balance and no RPS makes this part quite flat as well. Meaningful PvP For me Meaningful PvP means giving players a good reason to have it in game. In my opinion DU delivers it really well. This whole asteroid thing really do the job here. I would like to see more missions in space that are well paid and not boring as package carring that gives players high reward but take place in the pvp zone. Railguns Why the hell you can putt only 3 railguns when you max your skills ?! (I'm gonna add this to all my posts Carthage style ) To sum up. For me it's one of the best space PvP i ever played even though it's delivered in quality so bad thatyou coul write a book about it. Personally I would never change the basic principles here, just elaborate and polish until it shines.
  10. Hmm... That explains a lot. It looks different on my side ? It looks like a subscrption Turn - off button on my side. Maybe it has something to do with local Polish Law according to auto-renewal. Thank you for help!
  11. Thank you. But what happens when the account just run out of time. This happenes a lot of the time to me. The 3 months run out and when I try to log in I get the information so I go to the website and pay for another 3 months. Does it counts as canceling ?
  12. Actually I don't think it is a big part of the player base. https://trends.google.pl/trends/explore?q=dual universe
  13. Hey. I have a three active accounts right now all of them on 3 month subscription. What do I need to do to keep them on current price?
  14. Railgun capacity problem reminder: I just wanted to remind that still there is a railgun capacity problam on Demeter PTS. With all neccesery skills on level 5,5,5 Player can mount only 3 railguns instead of 4. That's the same amount of railguns that can be mounted by player with skills at level 3, 3, 0.
  15. I thought that this never ending stream of complains may be really tiring for the devs so I wanted to give them some appreciation instead. Why do I like Dual Universe: I love building stuff I love engineering stuff even more I think that the flying model in game is great I'm an active PvP player and I really appreciate all the changes done in the game to make PvP meaningful (that's actualy the reason why I got back to it) Vast space, different planets and space travel are really fun at the game I like the crafting mechanics and blueprints systems I like the elaborated organization systems and gameplay that emerges from them Although I see there are tons of bugs in the game I see that it is slowly getting more stable Lately I managed to bring back to the game three of my friends and I'm actively working on more. Good job NQ keep working on my favourite space game Ps. Yes I do see the problems that this game has but I also know that Dual Universe is a great place to spend time in.
  16. Hey NQ. I just wanted to say that: I'm ok with Demeter. I played on PTS and I like the changes.
  17. Gwiezdna flota werbuje ! Zapraszamy w nasze szeregi kosmicznych entuzjastów. Jeśli cenisz sobie luźną niezobowiązującą grę i lubisz pogadać na discordzie to dołącz do nas. Kim jesteśmy Jesteśmy grupką doświadczonych graczy DU. Gramy w Dual Universe od początku otwartej Bety. Stawiamy na wolność wewnątrz organizacji i dobrą, wspólną zabawę. Nie mamy nic wspólnego z Wałaszkiem i “Spinka studio”. Kapitan Bomba to po prostu fajny, wyluzowany serial z dystansem do siebie a taki klimat bardzo nam pasuje. Czego możemy cię nauczyć Podstaw gry w Dual Universe Budowania dobrych statków kosmicznych Voxelmancji (budowanie ładnych kształtów z honeycomba) Walki w PvP Skryptowania w Lua Zarabiania dobrej quanty bez nudnego grindu Co robimy Asteroid mining To naprawdę niezła zabawa. Lecimy na asteroidę w obstawie myśliwców i kopiemy złoża. Jeśli zaatakują nas wrogowie to walczymy z nimi o asteroidę, jeśli nie, tym lepiej bo więcej zarobimy. Jeśli uda się pokonać wroga, wracamy do kopania, jeśli nie, no cóż wtedy trzeba uciekać. Tak czy inaczej jest to duży zarobek w krótkim czasie, znacznie ciekawszy niż rycie w ziemi godzinami. Produkcja Statków kosmicznych Kiedyś produkowaliśmy statki kosmiczne przeznaczone na sprzedaż, teraz temat przygasł ale w dalszym ciągu mamy skille na poziomie 5 i obszerne know how którym chętnie się podzielimy. Kosmiczne piractwo Stacja nasłuchowa nasłuchuje a statek szpiegowski szpieguje po trasach transportowych. Jeśli przechwycimy górnika albo pilota z misją transportową lecimy, atakujemy i zgarniamy towar (jeśli się uda). Czasem musimy walczyć o łup z innymi piratami. Przemysł Przemysł jak to przemysł. Produkujemy towary i sprzedajemy je na rynku. Misje Latamy też z misjami transportowymi. Mamy “alty” (alternative account) dzięki którym zarobek z pojedynczego kursu rośnie, oraz skrypty i przymierza które pomagają nam latać bezpieczniej. Skryptowanie Lua Mamy niezłe zaplecze programistyczne które chętnie powiększymy o kolejnych inżynierów. Jeśli lubisz programować to chętnie wciągniemy cię do współpracy. Wojny między organizacjami Jesteśmy powiązani z nieoficjalnym przymierzem przeciwko Legionowi. Przymierze zbiera siły na to aby wypowiedzieć im otwartą wojnę, w chwili obecnej walczymy z nimi wszędzie tam, gdzie uda się ich spotkać. Czego wymagamy Wiek 25 + Konto na Discord Działający mikrofon i słuchawki Jak do nas dołączyć? Wejdź na discord (Jest to discord naszej nadrzędnej organizacji EPL - "Polish Star Empire") Przywitaj się na kanale #txt w dziale rekrutacja
  18. I think we should not be able tu run callibration on Mining unit that can't dig. Otherway it may lead to use callibration charge for nothing. For example. You run callibration on unit then pres start and gam tells you that unit is a bit too deep in the ground and ypou have to move it. You move it and you lose callibration (I guess)
  19. Hey! I just played on PTS - Demeter and I would like to note that the 3 Rail problrm is still there.
  20. Hello. I've send you a private message some time ago
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