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Posts posted by LynkxDev

  1. Hello fluffy one !

    how does the cryogenic process has affected your fur ? I thought you could wake up kindda full shaved !

    I like furrys, most of you are nice funny and cute ppl     =^.^=
    I've been at one your furry Cons!  It was a nice day, i met a lot of funny furrys and made some friends !
    Sadly we will not have any furry like alien race to play,(or any alien race)
    i always play the Khajiit, (or similar races) that's how i first met the furry sub culture.





  2. too much Science and numbers O.O lol xD

    Yap I've seen a lot of science around here


    sonic boom's maybe are not yet necessary, and yes better keep the atmospheric max speed at a speed planets make sense and computers can render.

    In other hand that not means we cant reach a battlefield really fast when it needed (in few minutes, not half hour)


    This is a science fiction game, based on a time that humans can already bend space and time, (only this fact can turns into endless threads)

    Humans fully dominate gravity, magnetism, radiation, energy, light etc....

    (otherwise they even could travel long distances in space w/o get killed by space radiation for a start)

    Hey, remember that you have "invisible" force fields around your ship that repels energy, radiation, lasers, plasma, solid projects etc ... :o


    If you base on Sci-fi books and movies you notice that small fighters can be very fast, accurate and versatile since this

    Futuristic technology level, brings a very different scenario when talking about engines and fuel autonomy. An small ship can travel fast, far and long.

    The ship makers in game, on a certain skill level will probably have access to many types os engines,

    like magnetic engines(fusion),  energy engines(ionic, photonic), gravity engines(graviton), warp engines.

    An aerodynamic small fighter ship can be equipped with 2 or 3  types of engines and  be able to fly atmospheric, on space and do warp jump.

    just depending on how much money and resources you wold be able to spend on it, considering its high chance to be blasted in pieces..... :P

    With that an ORG can keep a group of well equipped and ready to go fighters on a space station, that can warp and really fast reach the battle sites

    on space coordinates or planet ground, and keeps enemy in check while the big mother ships get ready to join,

    bringing the full army of cheaper fighters and heavy space weaponry. 



    On this category we have the X-Wing

    also have the famous Klingon fighters called "Birds of Prey"...



    Also a single gravity or fusion engine can handle your (not even necessary aerodynamic) fighters to fly fast, accelerate and break, in atmosphere or at space,

    not becoming to much expensive ship, they only can't warp jump, for this they need a "mother ship". And it uses energy radioactive crystal to power as fuel, that powers entire ship and shields. (or plasma in case of fusions) (most relying on elements yet unknown by human present day technology)

    here we have:  the imperial Tie Fighters.. star droids.. Independence day fighters  (1st movie) and famous Star Fox  Arwing  :D




    Only game launch will let us know how much powerful our craft and script system will be and how far can we go creating and improving our ships




  3. I will be interested on financial lines for my company costumers.
    for those  who needs to purchase a space ship and cant afford to pay on sight.

    Other stuff we can talk about are leasing lines where the my company can sell ships with lower price for the bank 
    and your bank can rent those ships for those who already have enough money in to guarantee its payment is he stops to pay the rental flee.

    there will be a lot of possibilities to be explored later


    see yah

  4. Hey great work !


    Just giving you an Idea that i hope can help you.
    instead of exporting on .csv, or program lots of functions..web services etc.. you could...

    work on set up a public, read only MySql server,
    would be very easy for you to "program", would only take few hours of coding
    ( or few minutes, depends how you store your data now, if already have it on one MySQL DB you don't need to program at all, just setup MySQL)

    a) Create a new DB, or duplicate your tables inside your DB
    (if your server secure are good, duplicate the tables, if you can't fully trust, then now DB)

    B) Create an SQL USER with permission to access only this tables, as read only, and multiple external login, 
    than negate everything else (specially his permission to change his password)


    c) Use a single line SQL update code to query your main DB and update the cloned public tables
    set a server cron job to do it periodically (2 days .. 15 min ..1 min .... not matter its a simple SQL that uses very few server resources)


    d) public this MySQL socket to the community (give the IP of DB,  User / pass)

    see very simple and secure
    since the data will be inside a MySQL server will be much easy to every one else that create their own modules, (of any language )
    the clients will access and send single SQL queries, retrieving only data they need and receiving it clean and easy to handle.

    This method is very low server resource demanding, and for sure wayyyy less demanding then a script runing to: 
    1- Query for the data inside the DB ,
    2- put everything in arrays(that are at server memory)
    3- call a module to right as .csv
    4- access hard drives to store the .csv
    5- and many clients conecting via http, (triggering a hole web server process pipeline) to download of .csv file

    if you think of this, with 100 times more data than now and every 15 min ..... wow you will need a new server !

    Now using the method i suggest:
    1- clients log in MySQL server and send a single line SQL query, only for the portion os data they need, and close connection. Only this
    Its a single line command that MySQL process very quickly and the data packages transfer is also very small, the port os faster and secure.
    no other server or software are involved.

    so thx for read this all and hope it can help.

  5. I like solo to, ... but play with friends is aways better  ... 

    considering DU will be 100% pvp zone out of ark city 
    solo exploration will be very dangerous if the game community become to aggressive.

    I like to fell that emotion... when you are alone exploring some dark places,  where you can randomly find a PK that try and use to kill you,
    (or some times you fight back and succeed killing him) I love this kind of random pvp, or spot protect pvp.

    But also like to meet some stranger on a site that don't arrive shooting 1st, and sometimes team up to defend that place during our hunt

    what I hate when I play solo is games where thousands of PKs roaming around in raids wiping anyone that find on their way,
    idk what is the fun for them, since its no even a real pvp once they attack unprepared solo guys... 

    And since will make a special ship for solo players, focused on fast evades and versatility
    if i can join many Orgs i will probably join yours to,
    you solo guys can sell me materials with out to much interference 




    A person will think twice before doing away with an item, given what it took to bring the item into existence.

    Not really.. 

    There will be blueprints, once you have done the 1st, the others will be automated one only need to provide the necessary mats. 

    so many (me included) will buy mats, craft items and sell for living.




    This is a sandbox game, but it is an MMO rather than a survival game.

    I agree 

    About survivability, immersion and market 
    Since its not a survival game and is based on a very well plained colonization process, they already have the basic food and life support.

    I think players don't have to need food for survive, in terms of been feed it could be considered that all players eat when they want, 
    not needing this to be add as a game mechanic, since you have access to food of any type we consider you are feed
    (Like go to WC, have you ever see a game character take out his armor and run to bathroom from time to time? )

    For me food and crops can be an extra, not an obligation.  
    wile you are exploring and mining you may find rare (or not) plants with seeds you can plant and grow. 
    some recipes made by the food can be used as buffs (like in ESO (but better developed))

    eat certain food may improve your health, regeneration, speed, concentration (improving your ship flight), memory (giving bonus on lv skills)
    some vegetable oil can be refined as fuel, or used as catalyst on rare materials refining process ( by improving or changing its stats , not prohibiting the refine process for those who don't have it)

    also can be used to make weapons like poison gas, paralysis gel and so on... 

    Food and crops can have a nice place on the sand box and crafting game mechanics, (even when its not needed to survive.)

  8. One os the most important things when think of a new planet colony, is how to grow food and

    maintain sustainability.

    I'd like to suggest (or know if there's already) a system for planting and glow crops.
    Machines to automate the farms and different stats for different conditions.

    This food can be essential for maintain the players life and  also modify ones stats making the character more health and powerful, or versatile. 

    A food system could bring a lots of market possibilities, food recipes, etc etc ....

    so ... what you ppl think ?

  9. I raise this same conversation at last time I was here, 

    I think the devs should implement a giant monster to act as a big boss,  that spawns randomly very few times ...  

    a monster that lots of players os different, until enemy groups must cooperate to destroy. and after his death, (at the end of war break time) probably a mass PVP would start 

    with factions fighting to defend their miners while they scavenge the rare resources and mats that could be only fond inside his body.....

  10. WELCOME !!!

    To our official opening !

    LNX - Industries


    Funded by a veteran star ship engineer, has the objective of provide the best star ships for the most important company ever !!!

    YOURS !


    Our differential is to provide versatile and ideal ships to suit any of our customers needs, join safety and functionality at side of great design and powerful systems. We will also have in the future an engineer academy to train and prepare great professionals to allocate as crew member multidisciplinary crews.


    Ah? what do i have behind the curtains ? Its just a surprise but i will let it for after our opening cocktail, speaking of that, drinks and foot as courtesy is already back table. !

    See yah soon

    - Lynkx



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