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Posts posted by iNFiDeL

  1. 8 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

    I dont know BOO's internal structure, except the leader. 


    Is demlock high in the ranks? 

    Because it is quite clear that his motivation was to grief players.

    If he is low in command, this can be a 1 men opinion but if he is a high ranking member, this completely contradicts the claims from the leader explaining how responsible they were and how they only wanted to focus the security. 

    Yeah Demlock is a leader in BOO. POS org only goal was to grief random people. Glad everyone can see them for who they are. 

  2. 42 minutes ago, Lethys said:

    Mimimimimimi I demand respect from random guys on the interner because reasons. They didn't do anything against the rules but they don't respect anyone. Mimimimi


    Cry moar pls, the salt is hilarious here

    No ones crying about anything guy read wtf I was responding to before you open your cock sucker.

  3. 5 hours ago, Atmosph3rik said:

    I've been here long enough to see quite a few assholes like you come and go.


    NQ might be horribly slow to moderate these forums but they do take out the trash eventually.


    I hope threads like this make them consider the damage done to their community by not paying mods to work on weekends.  Or Mondays apparently.


    Excuse me but when did telling someone something they don't like deserve bans and silence? You sound like a social media network. Get over yourself kid. I see tons of people talking all kinds of crap in these forums, you even have participated plenty, you know when you called me a sad little shit for example or asshole just now... Just cause it doesn't bother me like it bothers you doesn't make it any damn different. If for whatever reason I do get banned for doing the same thing all the rest of you trolls are doing, then so be it, thus is the way of the new cancel culture world we live in but they better do it fairly. I've seen half of BOO in the other thread drop words like fuck, shit, dumbass, carebear, LITTLE SHIT (Thats you incase you didn't catch that) etc. but I'm the bad guy cause I said it to BOO. If I go down and no one else does, then you trolls just prove many peoples theory that BOO is getting preferential treatment. This isn't the first time this matter has been brought to light so I'm sure it will definitely come up if I get banned. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Atmosph3rik said:


    I think you might be misunderstanding me.  You can talk all the shit you want, i don't care. This is about you casually throwing around the word autistic.  Every time a sad little shit like you throws that word around, and no one says anything, another sad little shit gets a little more comfortable saying it.  and i've been hearing it a lot lately.


    I get it that it's fun to talk shit, but are you not good enough at it to come up with an insult that doesn't drag an entire group of innocent people down in the process?











    Are you autistic? if not stfu about it already if so then I apologize if I offended you, the only guy who had anything to say about it before has already gotten a personal apology from myself.


    I didn't use the term originally as anything more than a point to illustrate a concept, that being the story of the pickup basketball game. If your too soft to hear words you don't like them maybe being on the internet is not for you.


    You telling me I'm not good enough at talking shit doesn't make it true guy but please tell me more. I've not dragged anyone innocent down for anything if a word triggers you so much then leave the comments guy.


    I've seen stupid ass gamers much like yourself spam memes about how they get PTSD for something that happened in a game. I have real PTSD does that mean I should be offended by some kid saying that on discord? Absolutely not, its just words and they are used descriptively for a reason cause it makes sense in a comedic way. That doesn't mean they are making fun of my condition. Its just a word guy quit crying and take your cancel culture nonsense to someone on facebook with blue hair a nose ring and make a group to talk about it cause your audience isn't here. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Dhara said:

    No not good for me.  I will never get to kill any of them.


    And who's being the troll now? I was actually trying to be helpful.  She aint gonna take any shit from griefers in her org.  But whatever, please proceed to cry in the forums instead of actually trying to fix the problem by going directly to the person who could fix it.  It's your time to waste.

    And why the sexist remark about Sylva being a mommy?  She's their leader, not their mommy. Show some respect.

    Wow way to make it about sex, I could have said daddy, leader, king whatever that has no bearing on the matter, Sylva is a female so what I doubt she is apologetic about being what she is? Take your overly offended feminist's agenda pushing butt elsewhere.


    I'm not trying to change anything people don't change, and show some respect wtf are you talking about?


    The whole issue here is BOO's complete lack of respect. I'm not crying about anything I'm wasting BOO's and BOO's supporters time just like they did mine, but instead with continuous shit talk. I'm trolling yes, but I didn't start it. I don't bother random people for no reason, thats BOO.     

  6. 5 hours ago, joaocordeiro said:


    Everything that needed to be said, was said. 

    All points of view are exposed. Everyone has the chance to give their opinion and most did. 

    Including the leader of BOO(something i did not expect) 

    NQ has allot to read here. But the information is here for them to think about. 


    The only thing left to do is the insults and the dodging of debates with exceptions and "you also did it"


    How about de dont force a mod to close this? 

    Fair enough I'm bored anyways. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Lethys said:

    Sure. Because It's allowed by the rules. Even if you can't grasp that or understand it, it's still a thing.....on the internet

    Pretty sure you get off on saying the exact same shit over and over again, like zero people have said anything about what happened being against any rules "Even if you can't grasp that or understand it, it's still a thing.....on the internet" and in reality.

  8. 5 hours ago, Dhara said:

    Umm, I have quite few friends in BOO.  They are not all trolls.  And I take offense that you would say so.  The were going to be my favorite frienemies in game (gotta have someone to fight). 

    And even the ones that might be considered as such are just bored off their asses with nothing to do in the game.  If NQ had not sold this as a finished PvP game with wonderful (fake) videos with giant battles going on when there really is zero PvP to speak of, maybe they would not be getting on your nerves.  So yeah, maybe NQ can take a little of the blame. 

    My suggestion would be to report the guilty parties to the leader of BOO, Sylva.  if they were out of line, she'll tend to it.  Unless of course you just ruined that option for yourself, idk.

    Good for you, and sure lets blame NQ for the actions of players how can you expect someone to have control over themselves can't believe I never thought of that...


    Of course not every single member of BOO is a troll, but enough are that I feel safe in calling them out as a group for it. Read Demlock's post in the other thread and tell me again how not trolly they are. I know who Sylva is, I don't have to cry to mommy to call these clowns out. Yeah it happened, yeah its over but they wasted my time, why not waste some of theirs? Eye for an eye. 6641EC48-E0E9-4AEB-BD79-4199EBC5002E.jpeg.13a00fc0f44b9f01a33c6bd43e6e7226.jpeg  

  9. 2 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    What makes you think that.. Seeing so many people entirely missing the point about what "fair Use" actually is just made me want to find out how this really works.. Not that it takes more than 20 seconds to find out  using Google .. ;)


    Good point, all hail the mighty google 

  10. 3 hours ago, blazemonger said:

    Fair use is not a right though, it is a defense in case you get a request to appear in court for IP/copyright violations.


    You can't say "I can build this under fair use", you can only tell a judge once you appear in court that your defense would be that because of SoAndSo, fair use should apply and it would then be up to the judge to weight that argument, generally on a case by case basis but mostly along these 4 factors:



    The purpose and character of the use, including whether it is of a commercial nature or for nonprofit educational purposes

    Generally if you do not profit this would apply (so, no RMT ;) )


    The nature of the copyrighted work

    Do you intent to purpose the work for the same goals as the original 


    The amount of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole

    How much of the original did you copy/use


    The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

    Is the copyright holder potentially losing revenue because of your work




    So in case you get asked to appear in court you'd better be able to to defend the above at least. And no, crediting source material or putting up a disclaimer that you are only applying "Fair Use" in advance will not suffice ;)



    I take it you’re an attorney? 

  11. 22 minutes ago, ShippyLongstalking said:

    spoken like a mature adult for sure, no hypocrisy there.


    "but i saw it on T.V." is my favorite example of your being very adult and not acting like a child at all. 

    *sigh* i know for a fact how JohnnyTazer pushes buttons....that's like a real skill for him....but for the guy that keeps insisting that it's everyone else acting like jerks or kids...you're actually the worst.


    For someone that's 29 with a kid on the way, you have a lot of maturity to discover. 


    TLDR: don't reproduce if you're an asshat. 

    ahh who's getting personal now guy, yeah I'm bullying the bullies so what? All I am doing is responding to BOO goons and supporters the same way they respond to anyone who disagrees with them. Maybe don’t be a bunch of trolls and you won’t get treated like one. Lastly this is a game quit lecturing me on what is and isn’t childish in a video game.

  12. 5 hours ago, MukkBarovian said:

    In a PVP video game you shoot each other and things are ok. That's how it works. Nobodies mother dies. Nobody's life is ruined. Nobody loses their job and gets fired. When you get so mad that you're shouting slurs that embarrass you, trying to lie about what happened, and trying to paint your opponent as the devil incarnate; That's a you problem. You can't handle the game.

    I didn't lie about anything, I said what I said, didn't mean what that guy thought and painted BOO as what they are troll trash. I handle this game just fine. 

  13. 5 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said:

    I mean shit talking is one thing.  But raging over a video game (where the party you yelled at truly did nothing wrong) and using certain slurs doesnt paint a good image for you.  But no one is perfect and we all make mistakes.  But if you make a meaningful apology here (for the slur, the shit talking was ok) then I will consider it all water near a bridge, and we can move on.

    Fine, sorry JohnnyTazer for calling you something offensive, I didn't mean it to be anything more than sh*t talk. done... also I didn't rage, I got riled up and talk some smack plain and simple. Nothing to rage over, I didn't even get to participate. I wanted to talk sh*t so I fueled the fire. I meant what I said about BOO though, it wasn't cool guys, ruining someone else plans because you want the spotlight is sociopathic af. The rest is just fun.  

  14. 9 hours ago, Atmosph3rik said:


    NQ already has one foul mouthed teenager to ban from the forums this week.  Don't add yourself to the list.


    You guys can come up with a better insult to use.  Seriously, just try.

    XD bruh one of your guys spams memes with the word dumbass and half the others spam salt memes all while calling everyone snow flakes, pretty sure this guys comment had more character than any of your guys' lame af insults. And if your referring to me as a teenager, cool story bro 29 married kid on the way, just cause I talk sh*t when you guys actually act like children doesn't make me a child. Its fun to talk sh*t there is literally a series of comedy skits where the express purpose of the show is to roast other adults, and half of the jokes in any comedy show is talking sh*t. Get over yourself with your high horse bs go back to your fairytale world where everyone is nice and has some pleasant words of encouragement for you after you screw them over. 

  15. 5 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said:

    Cant quite hack it in open world pvp games can you?  

    XD open world pvp entails their is a lack of boundaries, there is a massive safe zone around all the planets, so its not an open world pvp game thank you. I've done hard core pvp in many games, just because I didn't come to DU for hardcore pvp doesn't mean I don't do pvp (4800 hours Ark small tribes PVP, Scar Gang, sit down boi). I just find it lame in DU, maybe it will improve but I'm quite certain I'm not the only one that agrees considering almost all youtube/streamer content for this game is not in any way related to pvp. I mean Sylva's comment about BOO diversifying says its all. I enjoy the game for what it is now, a building/community game of which I've participated plenty in, about to release publicly the Atlas Museum where I have personally spent over 700 Million with several hundred million more in donations to display tons of creators works from the community showing support to a good portion of the population with plans to continue as long as this game doesn't die on me. Take your weak taunts about pvp to someone who cares. Avoiding the meat of my previous comment because you know I am right, so stop making me out to be some homophobic lowlife bigot.

  16. 9 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said:

    Maybe you arent in the meme discord server. Someone who was in the SW event, came in and started cursing at BOO. They even started repeatedly hurling homophobic slurs at BOO and even me, just because I said it was "cool BOO showed up to get content".   And more of the same in this form.  BTW if you wanna know it was that InFiDel guy.  Repeatedly was calling people homophobic slurs.  So you got a bigot amongst you guys in that SW event.  Maybe should think about excluding him for future stuff.

    Quit acting like I said anything with homophobic intent, you sound like Fox New and CNN rolled together in a fat blunt. No one gives a shit what your sexual preferences are now a days its 2021 grow tf up guy everyone can be whatever they want to be, why the hell would that bother me? 


    Now your just being a rat though guy and its way not cool, about as cool as shitting on a RP event cause your bored, "cough cough" BOO.


    No one here is crying, its over this shit already happened, they are calling BOO out for being trashy about it and ruining at least some peoples experience in the event, yes not everyone got shot some just didn't even get to participate. You don't spend your day planning to ruins someone else day unless you are a POS pretty simple concept, quite certain a psychologist or psychiatrist would agree their something going on if that's your goals. In game out of game doesn't matter. At least I admit my mental instabilities which is more than I can say for all these goons jerking off to salt in chat. The reason I went on my little rampage of shit talk was simple. I missed my chance at some pew pew, so now why now pew pew the jerk off's who ruined it, but in chat, not like I'm going to waste my time learning to pvp in a game I have no interest pvping in, I was only at the event because it was star wars. I'd rather stick to my building here and pew pew on a game that has some actual depth to pvp.  


    My real issue here is you got involved JohnnyTazer and are all butt hurt when you had absolutely nothing to do with any of it you wern't even there. I called you some names in a server that was literally made for shit talking, get tf over it. You were the one in chat joining in with the salt meme spams, the "cry about its" and the "snowflake/carebears" comments but now you want everyone to feel sorry for you because I called you a name that has zero merit, purpose or basis it was just shit talk. I don't know who tf you are so quit getting offended like I pissed in your cornflakes kid.

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