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Alpha Tester
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  1. Maybe that concept would fly if space wasn't afk travel 4 - 6 real life hours through the empty black. Maybe that wouldn't even be bad if you could do industry on your ship while you travel, which would be hella cool. ( why can't we have that btw?) Maybe that wouldn't be so bad either if there was some pve along the way with some loot, but there isn't. Maybe we could forgive all of these things if what NQ believed the game should be, and what it was producing were ever on the same page.
  2. Yep, and they are making mistakes that paint themselves into a corner where they are going down a bad road either way cause they can't go back either. For instance, If they lower the tax rate on tiles then players will just gobble up more territory and ore prices will 100% hit bot price. If they leave taxes as they are they might do that anyway but eventually 70% of players if not more will surrender or lose their tiles cause no one wants to own land to barely break even or even lose money. I rolled one of my beta keys to see what it is like as a new player, and I don't see how anyone would stay past the first few hours when you factor in just how much more "juicy" other games are in their gameplay compared to DU's tax simulator. As for the new player experience, a new set of tutorials won't save this game, and if it is lucrative enough then a lot of us will probably just be stuck playing that experience as quanta is drained out of the economy.
  3. Haven't checked in a long time, but you should be able to check on the territory unit itself. That said, the other indicator would be how long until taxes are due, which is currently 3 days unless a change was snuck in during a small patch. So that + 4 days.
  4. I can respect what you are saying, and I would almost agree. I am 100% bitter about the changes as I see what it is hurting players, especially new ones that never had a chance to hoard away millions of quanta or liters or ore. That said I feel after the last vlog they aren't the advocates for the players they once were. I don't feel they are being thorough in their work, and in some ways I feel they themselves have given up on doing the proper checks and balances needed for an update like this. Things like needing T3 ore to have the equipment to get T3 ore are a prime example. That was a fundamental thing that was no complex issue. Something here is broken, and what really drives the angst for a lot of us is the silence in the forums, lack of response, and overall absence of the dev's in engaging with us. I don't hate them as people, but I do believe their ability to do the job well is deteriorating with each update. So much so that I spend more times on the forum than I do in game now. I used to be a pretty peaceful builder, was excited and happy to try to create community focused builds cause I believed in this game's potential. That said when you have issues like ship engines not turning on reliably with the default scripts after 2+ years, and you can't switch containers during trade? These are actionable fixes not complex matters being neglected. So they do absolutely deserve to be called out for ignoring the community, shoving updates down our throats that destabilize the economy, gameplay ecosystems, ruin community projects, etc. They were warned about the outcomes and the impact on the players, we pleaded for them not to make the update in the current state and they shoved right through and said "we know better than you"... which is why they are getting our angst. The writing is on the wall, if they continue course the game we love will be dead before the end of next year if not sooner.
  5. NQ Staff Meeting Minutes: NQ-Sesh: What could we do to make the game more miserable for them? NQ-Pann: *laughing about the last update at the players expense* NQ-Deckard: Well we just implemented taxes, so lets do something like player perma-death where if you crash you lose all your skills, items, and progress.
  6. Honestly a lot of the "Planets" were ugly, unfinished, boring, and other then to mine for quanta, simply not worth really going to.
  7. Would kill the game... Just like they did with this update for builders... Who has time to build/create when you have to nanny your MU daily. For the false advertising bin...
  8. Update: So I did the things recommended.... - HQ'ed tiles I wanted to keep - Moved to Space - Tried going back to Sanctuary. - Reduced My Expectations - Even used a Beta Key to try restarting new... I can no longer enjoy this game in the current state. There are jobs I have hated that were more exciting then the daily logins to Nanny your Mining Unit. Until the developers change the Mining Units or implement a new way to progress in the game there is no point in playing. I gave this update a try, I took all of the advice, and the progression rate which was already abysmal is now unbearable. I love this community and the people in it, even those I disagree and fight with but I just can't DU it any longer. Not until they fix things, which is unlikely, cause they don't care if players leave. Original Post: I will be taking an extended and potentially permanent break from DU. If you see me log in, it will be to kick (calibrate) mining units, post a haul mission, and sell things so I don't lose tiles. It is clear the developers don't respect the players or their time, and if the tax situation doesn't get fixed with the falling ore prices, no point in owning tiles to earn a little more than break even. Also Sanctuary sucks... ( will be placing everything of value on HQ tiles to ensure no one scalps my stuff.)
  9. I tried to warn people about this before update... but was told that we would make plenty to cover taxes... but when you look at the falling rate of ore values, looks like this hurting a lot of players just like I thought it would.
  10. I think the fact that I spend so much time now since update on forums vs. building like I was... says a lot about the impact. Forums are now more fun than Chore Universe.
  11. Alioth (Safe) - T1 & T2 (25 SU safe zone for space stations) ----------------------------------- Thades (Pvp) - T3 & below Jado(Pvp) - T4 & Below Feli(Pvp) - T5 & below Remove everything else, including Sanctuary, reduce the solar system from 500 SU to 100 SU - cause space is boring as hell. 1. Further improve vegetation and make the planets feel more alien, right now they are nothing more than boring second earth features, huge missed opportunity. 2. Help yourself increase revenue by opening up an element skins store instead of this recruit an alt bs.
  12. Initially during the whole debate on taxes, I had people flaming me over having 20 tiles and that no single player needed that, when I was trying to save my resort. Now that I am back in the rat race with everyone else instead of spending my time building (currently baby sitting MUs & scanning tiles for min/max resource pools vs doing what I love)... I own 35 tiles, plus another 5HQ tiles for some smaller building projects. Essentially just to have a steady income to survive and not be left behind, I have been forced to hold more land and double my land footprint, and do so in some pretty ugly areas to create mineral fields, just to sustain my previous way of life in the game. I feel that the way Dementor is balanced has really failed resolving land hoarding.
  13. Honestly I think cause the calibration game has some RNG to it so that variable in the calculation would need to be a top/bottom range value... so we just treat it like the sugar on top vs. the core production. After a while the calculations get a little long.
  14. Thus why NQ's approach to rolling out these updates is so messy, so many missed opportunities... would be cool if there was room to make calibration into a mission thing players could do for other players, if NQ hadn't shoved the update on us all botched...
  15. Going to be curious how players support their tiles that are pure t1 if the ore goes down to bot prices... how they will afford to pay as @NQ-Pann claims... cause it ain't looking to good right now.
  16. oops, yeah sorry extra zero on the calculator, guess I am human after all lol.
  17. 1. Reward % could be based on %'s of calibration gain. 2. Could exempt mission calibrations from 24 hour cooldown. I have machines calibrated to provide over 160L per hour, I am not maxed skilled, and then you have 48 hours without % loss. and then another 72 hours before you lose around 40%'ish, which means a calibration ever 5 days is pretty good. So 12,000kl for 5 days... (@100L per hour rate). So 3Mh @ 25 per unit. Would pay for 3 tiles? You may also want to have them calibrate your T2 ore instead of your T1's... which I would assume bot prices are higher than 25 per unit, yeah?
  18. The ability to get paid like a hauling mission, accept you can set a group of MU's that need calibrated, and get paid via mission to calibrate someone else's MUs. Would be helpful income for new players who have charges but no land.
  19. I am working on developing guide and resources to help new players... more to come on this in the future. I hope you stick around while this all gets worked up, it is tough for you guys no doubt!
  20. Thanks for validating publicly that you were looking for a fight and making intentional personal attacks, because you don't have tolerance for other view points. To claim that alts provide no imbalancing advantage is purely misguided belief. It is known as a force multiplier.
  21. I think the hardest part about having a community focused build pre-dementor is, that when I protested instead of people being supportive of my work, I was told I as a solo player didn't deserve what I had built. People honestly don't value most of our community based/focused builds, they are generally dead and empty cause their isn't a community/social culture in DU at the moment. I believe there isn't infrastructure or in-game features that really promote/drive social gameplay in a meaningful way either. There are hundreds of great builds 95% of us have never seen, nor will we every bother to visit as we grind for quanta and adjust to these hard pivoting (Alpha state) changes during the "Beta" before launch.
  22. @Xennial Torn on this.... 1. Performance wise, cramming us together will definitely hurt game performance for a lot of players. (I see Underhook just stated that). 2. I agree with you that the space is too big, too many planets. We could have 5 planets. 3 safe (T1-T3), 2 pvp (T4+T5), without getting too crammed. 3. Sanctuary along with other planets need everything magic Bp'ed back to people and then all planets fully wiped of constructs. I mean at this point massive damage has already been set in motion for all community projects, with very little in the way of preventing loss. Things have been so destabilized I feel the players who will be in the best position in the future are those with an M-Core ship or smaller, with optimized MU's on 7 tiles with industry if they enjoy that. Anything bigger is just exposed to too much risk due to the destabilizing changes.
  23. I think the primary fear with P2W models or anything akin to that is that, a lot of us come to a game to escape economic inequality, poverty, hardship, rough/taxing jobs etc. What we really fear is the same people that have it all RL, coming in and rubbing our faces in the same fecal by having all the best everything in-game, our choice for escape, just as we are reminded every day of our lack of status based in person and on social media on our vehicle, house, clothing, phone, title, income, bank account, etc... So where does one escape if you are at the bottom everywhere cause you can't afford to buy your way to the top?
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