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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Orth_Tanic

  1. Is Biden running the show? 1 M a week for tax's that is way to high do away with tax's and keep it how it is I would rather pay a high price upfront to not be taxed. That and people have real lives sometimes people might not be able to get logged into the game and then when they come back they will owe millions in tax's 

    Not good tax's suck in RL no need to have them in a game. I have played other games that required tax's to be paid to keep land and it killed not only me but entire clans from playing it.  Looking at that I have I am not sure I would even be able to afford keeping what I have had for over a year now. I don't really see myself playing a game where all my time is used up to make sure my "tax's" are paid. I been all in 100% with DU but this change may make me rethink playing. 

    Tax's can be a HUGE game braker. The only way you will be able to survive is if your in a large Org with a large cash flow the solo player and smaller orgs will die and people will stop playing. 

  2. Thanks for this thread. I have been trying to get an answer looking at one of my territory scans for example it shows 429.25KL of coal but its pool is 0 L/H does that mean we can not get that coal?

    Also is it still possible to deplete a hex of its resources? Or once you have your mining setup and as long as you maintain it will it run indefinitely? I sure hope indefinity! 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Koruzarius said:

    True... But this is the test server, everything here is just being tested. That doesn't imply to me that it won't still get rolled out with Demeter.



    @NQ-Deckard, any insight on that? Is this test intended for Demeter, and is the change in the obstruction face intentional and seriously being considered? This is going to make a lot of ship designs that were intended to be future-proofed completely unflyable.

    I agree but I also think they are looking at feedback so I hope they are reading this forum and realize its a HUGE problem. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Koruzarius said:

    Well I hope they consider the test a failure, because this ship has 38 brakes all stacked such that the flare on the front is open to the air as the icon has always shown. 2 of them are functioning at 35% because the top ones of each of the two stacks are only *partially* blocked.


    Yea I agree I hope they see it as just that a failure. The good news its only being tested right now.

  5. 1 minute ago, Koruzarius said:

    No, they changed it... Now the *top* needs to be clear, like retro-rocket brakes. So anyone who futureproofed their designs are completely out of luck.

    NQ-DeckardToday at 11:44 AM

    Hello Noveans @here, We are aware of issues with industry not working in space on the PTS. This is infact a bug and not intended. Some of you have also asked about brake behaviour, we are currently testing a change to obstruction areas on the PTS and this can affect the large airbrakes. Fly carefully ? Thank you all for your support, and have fun testing on the PTS! ?
  6. 37 minutes ago, Dracostan said:

    Dropping in airbrake obstruction, without even mentioning it, as well as changing the active surface that needs to be kept clear, so breaking countless ship designs - BAD FORM, NQ.

    I have not had a chance to fly yet or test much but are you meaning that space in front of the airbrakes now need to be clear?

  7. 2 hours ago, LouHodo said:

    Glad to see some response with pretty honest answers a bit vague but I get it at this point... Dealing with CIG has jaded me on getting concise answers.  


    I would like to know how you plan on increasing the interaction between players.   With the resources being the biggest reason to fight and the horrible distribution of resources at launch, having pretty much everything you need inside the safe zone and no planetary risk for anyone.   There is no real reason to fight.  Lastly with warp drives being so common now it is nearly impossible to do any real piracy or interdiction of a planet or moon.   Because you can jump from safe zone to safe zone.  


    Lastly the weapons and PVP is pretty stagnated.  It is down to the shaped voxel brick with rails or missiles and the occasional beam.   There is very little variation now.


    Next what about the useless cockpit module?  I mean it has the worst number of widgets and is pretty fragile.  It has zero benefit over the hoverchair.  At least give it a built in radar.  


    On the radar topic... Why have two different radar types, atmo and space when you can't connect them to the same chair?   If I am willing to sacrifice the capacitor for the second radar let me use it.



    I think there should be a place for PVP but they must also try to cater to the full player base. Not everyone likes PVP there should be options and ways for players to avoid PVP if they want.  I know players who love to explore build and mine for resources for example. Why should that player be forced into PVP because that how others like to play their game?

    This is where NQ has to do a balancing act.

  8. Are you a legate of a small organization? 


    Why not team up with other small organizations but still keep your independence? If you're like us you enjoy having your own thing going but could find a benefit of working with other organizations.

    We are looking for small organizations to become Allies. The main goal of this alliance is to work together to enjoy Dual Universe at a new level. When it comes to working together the sky is the limit on what we can do.

    Benefits of working together?
    The “feel” of being part of a large organization without losing your independence.


    The Legate from each Organization will be part of a counsel where we can discuss future cooperative ideas as we move forward or plan joint missions or events.
    There are a lot of benefits of working with others in this amazing community. We look forward to hearing from you.

    If your interested Message Orth_Tanic#2940 on discord.

  9. As much as I like how this sounds and miss actually getting support. Can you figure out a way to actually answer support tickets in a timely manner before adding more things on the plate of your 2 support reps?

    I have a ticket that's been open for more then a month someone asked for more info I provided that 21 days and still no reply. When I started support was awesome through discord etc. Not sure if everyone quite or you just gave up on supporting the game. Its not just me I know of others who have had tickets in for even longer with no reply back, Your ticketing system is a black hole!

  10. First off thanks for this script. I have an odd issue with it. I have an odd issue after a period of time the display is almost like its zoomed in? Example I have 6 factorys and can see them all after some time I can only see about 4 of them and all the fonts seam larger?

    Any suggestions I should try?

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