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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Cybrex

  1. Cybrex

    The Economy

    Not disagreeing or agreeing with you, but if you have anything you can reference I'd appreciate it. We'll have to craft everything yes, but it won't be as complicated as some might imagine to achieve space flight. I hope so at least. I'm simple a man, and like simple things.
  2. I doubt I'll try to make any group in DU. I've always been a lone wolf, partnering up here and there if I or the both of us could benefit from it temporarily. I have every intention of being a pirate, and I don't plan to share my glory willingly.
  3. In other words, and as has been discussed in other threads, we are all waiting on NQs response to how "physics" in DU will work (IE: Propulsion etc.) While I was diving through the economy bits of DU from what we know so far, it was mentioned a few times that space stations will be an ideal place to conduct trade and what not. As far as shipyards, I have nothing to reference for that.
  4. Good luck! And good that you're taking initiative.
  5. It's not too early, but I think the best time to start one up will be when NQ launch their crowd funding campaign. We'll see a large influx of new people when that occurs.
  6. Yeah just caught that on Twitter, looks sweet! It would certainly help those who aren't on twitter/facebook if NQ did a monthly newsletter/update in either an email or devblog post showcasing what all they presented in their social networks. I know some of the people here in the community rely on their information from the forums alone and whatever devblog gets posted up. I prodded NQ on twitter with the suggestion.
  7. Too late. And no luck for me either. :/
  8. Games are still a business. If your business doesn't make money, you have to change something or scrap it. Changing something typically comes before pulling the plug, and F2P is often times the answer. Your opinion on whether it is the bane of MMOs or not matters little to people trying to make a profit. Which frankly, F2P model does in fact make money, and often times more than a subscription would. It also proves there is a vast majority of gamer's that do not mind it obviously if they are throwing money at it. I don't disagree with you on your taste, but it shouldn't be just written off as some cancer that doesn't belong. There is a purpose to it, and no matter how ugly it is, if it works it works. If Dual Universe can make more money from running a F2P model, then by all means, go for it. That is their prerogative, and whether or not making a profit matters to them or not. Just do it right the first time is all that I ask. Note, I am still pro subscription model.
  9. Cybrex


  10. Cybrex


    That image is both amusing, and yet oddly disturbing.
  11. The main reason games go F2P is simply due to there not being enough income from subscription numbers. Many people would be shocked to find how much more revenue one can generate from opening a cash shop. A good majority of players out there will throw their entire paychecks at their screen buying RNG boxes in the hopes of getting that one piece of cosmetic gear to make them feel like a celebrity in whatever it is they are playing. But, it isn't a steady source of income. Subscription model is more reliable, as well as helps provide more statistical data for other purposes (IE: Player numbers, activity etc.) where as a F2P is merely an indicator of what the next big pair of shoes the player base wants. If it appears like I am casting a bad light on F2P, I am not. It has it's uses, and even keeps some games from hitting rock bottom. SWTOR comes to mind. I would much prefer a subscription model, because honestly, it puts the pressure off of my wallet. I'm free to admit I'll throw a few wads of cash at my computer screen to from point A to B quicker. But that's just me.
  12. Cybrex


    Two movies come to mind about this. Interstellar, and Titan A.E. Both contained a ship that had a fairly large lab contained with just about every living organism on Earth. Granted, that's a lot to try and put in to a game where it's not about "Earth", but it could certainly be put in to the official lore, and from there we would have valid reason to believe why in our new world we have these Earth-like plants and other livestock. Seems like a good move to me anyways.
  13. This. Eve can sometimes be referred to as a "Submarine Simulator". If that helps put things in to context.
  14. Cybrex


    You probably aren't too off the mark with that statement. It would make sense to put DNA samples inside the arkships to help with colonization efforts if you were evacuating your home world.
  15. Cybrex

    The Economy

    I assume these Information Units will be restricted to information only accessible via the same region it is installed in. Region though could be restricted to a handful of systems, or large swathes of space. We simply don't know yet. However, while market units are restricted to a region they are placed in, I would actually like to be able to go to an information unit and look up any neighboring regions' markets. I see no reason why that wouldn't be an option. I am also expecting these market/information units to be upgrade-able pieces of hardware. For example, a level one Market Unit is a basic trading post, limited to whatever is in stock inside of it (Town, Space station) and has a limit on how many buy/sell orders it can manage. Each subsequent upgrade would expand its capacity as well as maybe even reaching out to handle multiple cities, stations etc. That's not to say you can just buy anything from this one particular market unit and it is instantly delivered, but more or less a means to remotely access different market hubs within a given solar system/region. From there, you would obviously need to go to the point of origin for said cargo, and pick it up there. Honestly, and I may be biased here, but Eve Online's economy is the most sophisticated one I have seen in any game. Period. It is the closest I have seen to any artificially made economy system that has as much freedom and autonomy that it does. Judging from what I have gathered from the NQ team and there current vision of the economy for Dual, and their quite obvious influence from Eve Online, I hope to see them do the same thing if not even better. They don't need to reinvent the wheel here, and there is nothing wrong in taking ideas from different projects.
  16. Cybrex

    The Economy

    Thanks for the heads up on the currency question! I updated the thread to reflect that, as well as some more information. Thatw as a question begging to be answered in my head. I can really see players being creative in their business'. Ship manufacturers I feel will have a very good market, not to mention all of that jobs that will create. Those resources have to be gathered somehow! I'm hoping to see some creativity here like I did in Star Wars Galaxies before it went to crap. Players became very creative in their professions and how they made a living in the universe. Bounty Hunters, Doctors, even Dancers!
  17. Cybrex

    The Economy

    Ah thanks for the link. I had thought I'd read over every devblog, but I guess I missed this one. Whoops! The blog hypothetically mentions a standard currency, though I am unsure if it will apply to what we will actually have. The more and more I think about the start of this game, the more and more I see a lot of work ahead for the first players. We certainly have a lot of foundation to build, and the economy will be one hell of a beast to tackle. Though, naturally much of it will come to be just by influence from every other action. While the devblog did answer a few questions, it more or less covered the basics of any economy which anyone should grasp with a little common sense. The information on the market/information units and what not was a good bit of insight, but I need more before I or anyone else can really get some core concepts understood for this game.
  18. Cybrex

    The Economy

    In a previous topic, there was a brief moment where some of us discussed how the economy in Dual Universe will operate. I feel like this is a good topic to continue discussing, even now despite what little information we have. However, I hope that Nyz can shed some light on this. Before we begin, if you see anything missing from this topic, please let me know. I plan to update this thread with current economic facts, as well as discussion points. Thanks! _____________________________________________________________________ Topics of interest! If you have something you want to be discussed, let me know and I can update it here. Business Ventures - With a game like DU, whose scope is truly massive in its goal to create a living, breathing sandbox universe, the possibilities for all sorts of professions are near endless. What sort of ideas do you have? Central Trade Hub - While this topic may be a little pre-mature, I am hoping as we get more information in the future anything we discuss on this can begin to be fleshed out. Eve Online has a many trade hubs, but THE trade hub is known as Jita. Anything and everything can be found there. While DU will be a different game in its own right, should we as the first players look in to trying to create a centralized trade hub int he early stages of the game? By a collective effort from the community, we could easily create said market. Or, we could let things happen naturally. The latter will happen either way, and throughout different regions. What are your thoughts? _____________________________________________________________________ I am no economic nut, but it does excite me for whatever reason. The economy will be a huge part of this game, and I'd really like to get everyone's input on it, and start putting some ideas together so that come game day, we've got a plan and vision of what to expect. Right now that's all I have on my mind. I plan to keep this topic going, and I will update the thread as needed. Also, another jab at Nyz! Any insight you have on this topic would be appreciated. It will help guide the discussions somewhere relevant to what we can expect to see. DU ECONOMY FAQ: ? Auctions - Can be visibly seen locally (in whatever region the Market Unit is established.) ? Standard Currency - There will be a standard currency established for the economy. (Players will not be able to create their own currencies.) ? Newbie Zone Market - The starting zone will have an initial market hub established to "jump start" the economy, and provide some basic means for the players via NPC vendors. ? Market Units - A buildable structure to establish a trading post. ? Information Units - A build-able structure to view local buy/sell orders on the market. DU ECONOMY REFERENCE LINKS: ? DEVBLOG - From Barter To Market Economy - Lego
  19. Well, remember that there will be countless worlds for players to colonize. Could simply have one elected representative from each world be on a council, and from there said representatives would elect their own Speaker (IE: Emperor, President whatever floats your boat). Keeps in line with having a figure head, but still limits power to the representatives from each world. Said "Speaker" would do nothing more than be a voice of wisdom, whose word could potentially carry more weight than the rest. Keep the elections rotated every 3 - 6 months to keep things fresh, and you have a functioning democratic space civilization. For the most part, each representative would control and maintain their own worlds (IE: Governors). If a planet would want to opt in to support an Imperial fleet, that is their decision. Keeps each world autonomous, with a council of individuals elected by their own groups to represent them. Personally, it isn't the life for me. I made it quite abundantly clear on my stance of democracies within games, but this system utilizes both democratic authority as well as leaving the planets to govern themselves how they like. I suppose in an effort to keep everyone somewhat on the same page, that for a planet to have a seat on said Imperial Council, they must follow certain guidelines. Just my 2 cents, and could be expanded on more but I'll leave it like this.
  20. Cybrex


    You make a valid point, guess I skimmed over that statement. Oh, and happy 1000th post?
  21. Dual will operate on a single shard. Think of Eve Online. One big universe.
  22. Cybrex


    Good question. I would imagine it would be the case, considering we will be able to make our own scripts to execute functions. Though, from Nyz's post it seems like AI scripts will be available via pre-made templates? I could be just reading that wrong however. @Nyz - would like to get an answer on this!
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