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Posts posted by xxAmonxx

  1. On 10/15/2022 at 3:39 PM, Daphne Jones said:

    It's pretty clear that the design purpose of asteroid mining is to force us to be undefended targets for the griefers - or call them gankers if you like. Useless wastes of air, IAC.


    Of course NQ wants to discourage sz mining.

    Gotta risk for the bisque.

  2. Welcome and good luck. @NQ-Nyota Can I please suggest a better way of providing feedback for game inclusions/changes with a simple voting system? Example, suggestion, brief description and support button to signify how many in the community would appreciate this. It would assist in prioritising long term community goals.


    I know the talk is wipe atm which I just want it to be over with one way or another. 

  3. Anyone thought of the concept of a heat scale based on installed elements? For example few elements, and small = hard to track. Large elements like xl engines, guns etc create extra heat and increase overall heat signature of construct. Use in conjunction with cross section to encourage smart design. 



  4. Hi NQ,


    The 1 million per week and ore amounts seemed like numbers plucked from thin air. Its better you review now than later. Can you please look at 3 things and provide info on if these concepts are doable:


    1. Scalable tax based on what's on the tile. Empty/non productive constructs = minimal, miners = more, industry = even more. 


    2. Ore values derived from mining units. There seems to be too much ore. Any solution I think of to reduce yields creates a problem where you need to claim more tiles and put down more miners, something noone wants. There needs to be an ore sink to compensate alternatively and leave values?


    3. The minigame, and animations noone likes it, its not fun, we all have many units and now hit start and escape. Please review. 

  5. 1. Get some friends and build some ships, 1 for hauling and rest for pvp

    2. Scan roids and discover. 

    3. Peeps will come, you and your friends will make more post pvp and have a hell of a time


    The game is what you make it, you have identified the problem you are having, now execute the solution.


  6. 38 minutes ago, CaptainGnome said:

    The tax and mining rates currently seen in PTS (assuming I've understood them correctly), make it virtually impossible for a single player to earn enough and the game will become unplayable. The mining units are difficult to operate, it took me many attempts to set one up just to get it to work, never mind the "calibration" minigame. Some of the error messages with the mining units weren't helpful. One example, I got an "unauthorised access" error message on a tile which I owned but the static construct was org owned. It turned out that I needed to tokenize the static construct before I could use the mining unit. Is there a tutorial on placing and using mining units? If not, it would be good to see one.

    Please either reduce the tax rate or increase the ore mining rates. I've seen mention of having one "free" tile per planet, as per current rules, which I agree with. 

    1 free tile per planet sounds good. Tax the rest. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, LeeFall said:

    I feel this update would work if the majority of the community returned to the game. But i fear the people that return, see how much the tax is, how much ore per hour they will earn as an org or solo player and become an idle miner.

    A low tax rate at release would be a good way for people to get use to these changes and then increase if needed also doing the same with ore per hour... be generous to start with and reduce as needed. 

    Alternatively, linking total "global" active miners to the L per hour would also ensure a constant flow of ore regardless of the player numbers. kinda like crypto mining difficulty algorithm the more people mining the harder the difficulty, but the same distribution.


    Thinking long term


    Lee ;)



    I like this, the more units on a planet, the higher the rates. But only for income producing tiles. You could probably break this down to zones like proximity to markets etc. 

  8. Honest feedback. Trust me this will work. 


    1. Reduce taxes/maintenance costs. First territory minimal, scales thereafter as current system (individuals and org).  Alternatively have this 100% linked to income producing assets such as mining units. This would prevent community driven constructs and tiles from shutting shop. 

    Yes you can circumvent with an alt army or by all org members pitching together but in all honesty you can with most things. This can create some really emergent game play like territory theft and encourage team work at risk if trying to dodge taxes. 


    2 . Do NOT carry scans over to production. Doing so you will tip the scales against the little guy. Don't DU it. 


    3. Simply make brakes smaller if no stacking available. 


    4. Make tile resources infinite, or atleast renewable via some mechanic. Noone wants to be moving every x months. I see a pool value is still in, this may be a place holder UI. Can NQ please confirm? 


    5. While the mini game and subsequent surface spawning is a token effort, make it a large chunk of specific material related to what's being extracted instead. This can be a significant portion linked to a timer and or event, which could encourage emergent gameplay in future builds.


    Noone enjoys surface mining, there is a portion of population who enjoys mining chunks however. This would also satisfy industry blockages, which will likely occur. 


    I think that's it.




  9. Element destruction = More mining grind. Ive lost most of the players playing this already...


    I myself am so burnt out from mining ive taken a break (15 accounts, 6 subs). Just add a source of mining automation and renewable tiling, this would introduce a good sink and encourage tile and territory warfare. As it stands there is no need to ever fight for a tile as itll be mined in hours. 


    Rest of the changes are gold. 

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