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Posts posted by lethak

  1. I'd like to talk about how a player or group of player can share "locations" in game with other players.


    I feel like a "bookmark system" is required from a player perspective in order to store and access some "Point Of Interest" that we may have saved before. Let say I find a nice place to create a house and want to come back later, "/savepos future house" could create a POI in my "datapad" that I could rename and send to another player via mail/chat or even using voice by spelling the coordinates.

    Ideally, this POI could be "enabled/disabled" as a waypoint in my HUD.


    Obviously, after quite some time in the game, a player can have visited a fair number of planet and location. Having a planetary map can help dealing with sorting issues, like it was the case in SWG.





    In DU, such a map can be used to visualize your POIs, but also display Territorial boundaries and related informations.

    Maybe this map could be obstructed by a "fog of war" like in a RTS game minimap. You could share/sell map data and waypoints with other players in order to gain time in your explorations.

    As a city mayor it may become possible to "broadcast" your city position via IFF/beacon for all player able to receive the broadcast.

    The POI get automatically sorted under the City folder as the IFF/beacon is setup with a variable "type=city". The same can be applied to space station and all.

    Maybe we can envision a sort of element to broadcast this type specifically. This element could be obtained in the "Politician" skill tree.


    User reviews could be attached to those POI for all to read and comment if their experience there, or the services rendered are good or a scam.


    I think it is important for the player to feel the vastness of the planet, and to be able to navigate efficiently trough it at some points.


    That was for planets, but in space with the scale of a solar system, it may require a dedicated 3D map.

  2. This does bring up one question in my mind... if everyone starts off in the same arcship and has to mine.... at what point is the arcship the only thing left on the planet? Does the server reset all the mined areas of the planet, like EvE regenerates asteroid belts? Because you know there is a carebear organization out there somewhere who's only goal in life will be to mine an entire planet. And if so, how does the game differentiate between a massive hole dug solely for mining purposes, and a hole I dug to hide my base in, but I ran out of time to place a structure in there before the server reset all the mined areas.... I'm glad I just play and comment on the games. lol.


    I keep getting asked those questions by ppl I am trying to involve in the game.

    I suppose the devs will have to implement a self regenerating process around the arkship (at least for dirt/grass and non valuable materials)

    having a "new" arkship discovered and repaired on another planet could be another solution, as it becomes the new default spawn location and the original  one fade into oblivion.

  3. there is no hatred just because people point out that you should speak english in an international forum.


    Sadly, what is, and what is felt by those coming here for the first time may differ.


    Also, you can decide English is universal all you want, this wont make a vanilla 17yo french guy understand it more. Thanks to our "outstanding" Education Nationale ... *cough cough*. In fact I believe the same applies in many country. This is the reality I understand and witnessed.


    Some ppl will come, speaking what the h*** they want, will you be mad at them each time ? what image of the community will be passed to the newcomer ?

    While I understand your need to read and check every bit of text posted here, if you want the community(aka early player base) to grow, another strategy should be implemented than "english please".


    If you are calling me a drama queen for voicing this opinion, then, we have not the same definition of such term clearly :)

  4. and you want to tell me that your radar couldnt spot that mofo earlier? :P


    I can guess this is the case, very few radar can detect the moon ;)

    Optical detection however, is another type of sensor I believe. Modern fighter jets and missiles are both IR and optical anyway, up to +30km i believe.


    So the question is, will the game feature tactical long range optical detection of target ?

    (And will we be able to communicate between construct using DPU scripting ?)


    not sure what to think about accuracy and precision of detection at this point.



    EDIT: very good read thx !

  5.  In todays world if you want to participate in things that are international you should at least understand english


    Well, that is the point of this guy, he is only addressing to french speaking ppl for his project. He don't want international cooperation.

    I can guess this is so because its simpler when you cannot understand english, to stick with folks speaking your native language.


    I understand your point ofc, but, as much as you want to believe English to be "universal" this is not an absolute truth.


    This guy must not be the first, and won't be the last. If the existing small community is filled with hatred each time this happens, the game won't grow as fast as it could be.

    Non english speaking communities should be allowed to thrive in Dual Universe. (and the forums)


    This is NQ decision in the end of course ;)

  6. and ships 8+km in size you only want to be able to detect them when they are just about to collide with you?

    like /single digit multiples of their size/ as sensor range?



    Speed and size are not the same.


    If my radar is maxed at 5km detection range, and the 8km long ship is entering this range by only 1m, my radar will detect it.

    If the ship is going slow, I will have plenty reaction time. If it is going at 1km/s however, I won't be able to think before it being on me.


    With a ship 8 km long, if you want a good radar coverage, just setup the biggest radar available on it.

    If the ship is still longer than the biggest radar capabilities, then your ship is not really viable for combat. just like in real life, there is no such thing as unlimited-dynamic-expansion of radar range.



    some funny pic of ship radar









    If they go with your idea of dynamic range, why not do it with engine thrust power too ? The bigger the construct, the more powerful the thrust. Making your ability to plug an engine and move a planet a reality :D

  7.  People will be spread around different organizations, cartels, syndicates, corporations, etc., maintaining their own infrastructure, energy grid, factories, landing/docking/building sites, defense systems, etc.


    Indeed, but you will be able to encounter them when you arrive at said locations, and in many case, it will just look like a city, an outpost, an industrial complex, etc ...

    They will be scattered for sure. This doesn't prevent the inevitable mess around the Arkship to form and who knows, a coruscent-style area may be there after some time.


    And like others said before, alliances will form and regroup ;)

    This what we did in SWG (Kauri) by grouping most Empire PvP guilds into one player-built city called "Core Bastion", including  housing, cantinas, medical facilities, defenses etc. After a time, the opposite faction (rebels) did the same just across the river, bringing EPIC pvp and fun times each day for a 2 year period

  8. Salut et bienvenue ici !

    To the "english please" folks : sorry not every one can read write or understand this language, this must not be a barrier blocking DU to become internationally viral imo.

    Je vais reprendre chacun de tes points pour essayer de te montrer pourquoi je ne crois pas trop en ton projet de république.

    un joueur pourra vivre une expérience solitaire du jeu mais qu'il sera pour lui très difficile de réunir les ressources nécessaires pour atteindre des objectifs importants

    Oui et non. Un joueur solo pourra toujours se spécialiser dans une activité qu'il aime et en tirer profit. Il pourra ensuite commercer les resources/items qui lui manquent.
    Mais en effet, ce sera toujours plus long que de jouer dans un groupe coopératif.


    je propose la création d'une république démocratique à l'image de celles existant dans le monde réel

    Une oligarchie donc ? :)


    La république devrait être à mon sens une nation souveraine indépendante et neutre

    Il te faudra donc une armée pour te permettre de rester souverain, indépendant et neutre, sous peine de te faire piller et "manquer de respet" en boucle.
    Une armée en général, c'est tout sauf démocratique dans son fonctionnement interne.

    Une démocratie ou tout les citoyens seront libres et égaux. Chaque citoyen en fonction de ses capacités pourra accéder aux postes les plus importants de la république.

    Donc ils ne sont pas tous égaux ? ;)

    Le chef de l'état devrait être élu au suffrage universel.

    Donc tous les joueurs de l'organisation sont des "legats" avec droit de vote ?

    Le chef de l'état sera le chef des armées, il ne pourra diriger par décret qu'en cas d'extrême urgence

    Je vois déjà arriver les actes de sabotages necessitant d'instaurer un état d'urgence :)

    Il pourrait être déchu de ses fonctions [...] sur conseils des ministres

    Donc en réalité, c'est un conseil non élu qui détient le pouvoir ?

    Les citoyens de la république devront payer un impôt en fonction de leurs ressources propres

    Qui ira vérifier combien chaque citoyen gagne ?
    Si je fais partie de cette république et que je déclare ne rien gagner ?

    la république pourrait subvenir à leurs besoins en cas de faillite personnelle

    Ca tombe bien, comme je ne gagne rien, j'ai besoin que la république me finance mon abonnement (PLEX) ! chouette

    en contrepartie la république serait garante de leur sécurité

    Donc l'armée, mais l'armée est composée de qui ? de citoyens de cette république ? si c'est eux le bras armé, comment les empécher de prendre le pouvoir ?

    Les citoyens les plus méritants et ayant fait preuve de leurs capacités pourrait se voir confier des postes importants sur décision ministérielle

    Copinage magouille et compagnie ?

    Point important : Chaque citoyen serait libre de quitter la république sous conditions

    Comment enforcer cette condition ? rien n'empeche ton joueur de se barrer en douce, ou de ne jamais se reconnecter.


    je ne sais pas si cela est réalisable, je ne suis pas un spécialiste dans le domaine politique

    Sans être un spécialiste, mais basé sur mon expérience communautaire perso, je pense que ce n'est pas réalisable.
    Dans un MMO, le modèle de "fausse démocratie" occidentale que tu prend en exemple n'est pas adapté a un groupe de personnes indépendants.

    De surcroit, ce modèle de démocratie n'en est pas une.
    C'est une hypocrisie que de le croire, et les mécaniques hypocrites a gérer pour maintenir la poudre aux yeux font perdre du temps et de l'efficacitée à tout le monde.
    Sans parler de la prise de tête hallucinante pour essayer de rendre le tout cohérent.

    De mon point de vue les nations qui vont se former "in game", vont avoir comme fondateurs des groupes de joueurs déjà constitués, qui vont se regrouper pour des opérations militaires. et éventuellement se regrouper géographiquement dans un soucis d'efficacité sécuritaire.

    Appel ça une nation ou une alliance, c'est un détail role-play finalement.

    Si jamais ça ne fonctionne pas, jette un oeil à ma signature pour trouver un groupe de joueurs teamplay qui cherche a construire un groupe soudé et coopératif sur DU et StarCitizen, sans démocratie ni doute et prise de tête sur le mode de fonctionnement en dictature militaire "éclairée" et accepté par tous.

    En attendant bonne chance ;)

  9. do people like the idea of having to place sensor grids or would you rather have one sensor for the entire planet and have instant godlike knowledge?


    If a planet is 100Km radius, and you could cover it all with only 1 or 2 sensor, it would be too easy and without challenge to cover.


    Having to build an array of carefully placed sensor bring the challenge of organizing the data to be able to build a human readable overview.

    This is the kind of challenge I like.


    This is also an opportunity for emergent gameplay since hostiles cannot disrupt and impair your detection ability too easily, having to seek and destroy a grid of sensor is proving to be a greater challenge than only one. But securing such a grid can be proving very costly too.

  10. With more than 900 hex per planet, gg on the first org/player to "own" a planet ;)

    But I agree, it would be nice to be able to share data(events?) between construct,

    With each sensor reporting to a "master" script located on your base/HQ/planet.


    What could be nicer, is to be able to trigger a web call to a private webserver in addition to that ! ... but I am dreaming as it will basically make a potential DDOS relay of the gameserver. Or maybe the opposite, DU could expose a RESTfull small API for us to "fetch" such events

  11. I just had an idea, wouldn't it be awesome if we could have our own personal hover board. A fun way to traverse planetary environments that looks like we're "surfing" the land. Just a thought, like I'm sure there could be some way the devs could put in some hover technology and a means for propulsion that's not too large for said hover board.


    You mean.. like Lucio in overwatch ? :D

  12. I know this is an older thread, but I am answering your question. I run linux only on my computer. Windows has become a trojan. So I moved to linux and have been using it solid for several weeks now. No problems. So no, most linux users do not dual boot. And if there is a windows only game that will not run on linux ( or Wine ) because the devs are just lazy, then we linux users simply move on to other linux supported games. And since Microsoft announced no more windows.. this means everyone will be switching to linux over the next 5 years. So linux versions is definately needed and is the future, until some other better OS comes along. My Linux looks and feels like Windows. But I don't have the spyware / trojan known as windows to worry about. Microsoft uses windows to use / take all your person info about you and sells it. It's in their windows Terms of Service. Which is why a LOT of people are switching to Linux now.


    On another note.. Microsoft now uses linux as their servers. They announced it in one of their video conferences. So now you can see why Linux is the next biggest OS for the future instead of Windows. Which thanks to MS, its dying.


    That epic rant :D


    You are right about Windows 10, but I am not sure to share your conclusion about casual users switching to linux "en mass" !

    Taking time to make a 3D sowtware running on many platform cost money, and if only 0,01% of your userbase use linux, it is simply a waste of money to allocate 1% of your spending to it. This is not lazy, this is capitalism ;)

  13. Well, idk if this will be possible or not.


    What I can see is something like this:


    Plug your turrets and a radar to a DPU,

    you will receive events from the radar like "new <target> at target.position".


    then create your own target prioritization system, lets say by range, speed, interception ETA, etc.

    and for each turret, order to fire if the prioritization rules are all met for a target.



    BUT since the game weapons are not "ballistic" and more based upon probabilities and maths, I am not sure the level of interaction that will be possible with them.

  14. Oh pretty nice, so a detailed wiki with a libary of all the class, well the content and the informations to start scripting is vital.

    I really think that this have to be part of the game, and then we're just going to admire the pros creations ^^


    I am not sure scripting can be compared to what SE is doing, it will be more component and event based here.

    What I understand is that each "Element" (say a door)  will have a set of public function and events you will be able to listen and even trigger your own.


    For example you will have a "logic block" called DPU, with 5 door and an oxygen level censor plugged in.

    You will be able to code:


    for each change in oxygen level broadcasted by the censor, if it is below 50%, call the function "close" on all the 5 doors, then trigger a custom event called "emergency life support mode enabled".

    This custom event can be listened to by another DPU with another set of action to occur when this is triggered.



    Remember this is only speculation, but the devblog make me think it will be like this.

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