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Posts posted by Astrophil

  1. I find NQ to be strangely considerate and thoughtful of players and how you all seem to develop this game from the player's point of view. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I'm so glad that at least one dev team has finally prioritized in the players' best interest unlike those ubiquitous profit hungry KMMORPGS. Honestly I'm so very tired of medieval worlds and cash shops and P2W games.


    Thank you for all your lovely work and time and effort. We'll help out as best we can. :)


    Viva la Novaquark!

  2. Ah. Convenience issue:


    Can be solved by decoding the blueprint. Say some part of your equipment, possibly the portable AI, has some kind of universal translation capability. That wouldn't make any real difference though, so maybe the translation ability is primitive and you have to in fact train the translator by decoding by hand parts of the blueprint in the form of a puzzle or cryptogram etc. so that it can decode the rest of the blueprint, therefore allowing you to read and use it. It should probably be necessary for each individual blueprint, with difficulty based on rarity or value of blueprint.


    Actually, thinking about it more, you could scrap the entire AI idea and just simply do the whole thing by hand (same puzzle difficulty and length, just no AI) and have that be a skill type that you could actually level in order to decode more advanced blueprints.


    The idea isn't very developed. Definitely needs more explanation and revision.

  3. If we were to implement an in-game VOIP system, I'd like to advise taking the route that Arma takes. Arma's VOIP system is very excellent and highly efficient for immersion.


    - Vehicles have their own VOIP channel so people within vehicle can only speak to each other. Voices can be heard from outside of the vehicle as long as the person speaking is standing right next to the vehicle.

    - Voices are restricted to the rooms. So people within a room can communicate without being interrupted with voices from outside the room or building.

    - Voice distancing. People talking to you in front of you have a much more dominant volume while people speaking far have a much lower volume. Those speaking very far have either their voices at the very minimum (think murmuring) or non-existent.


    Voice distancing is a very important feature to implement. I think VOIP could be a very great feature as long as the right mechanics are implemented. With excellent VOIP system and Oculus Rift, you can truly achieve the level of immersion unparalleled in current gaming industry.


    But I do agree, using out of game VOIP systems will still be considered the best in terms of warfare. But no one is saying they can't co-exist to create the perfect balance.


    Definitely so. Great idea - simple concept, but it would add so much more to the immersion. Maybe it can surpass TeamSpeak and Overwold. It is a next generation game after all. DU-specific design and exclusive integration for convenience are DU's in-game VOIP's advantages.

  4.  The epic adventure continues!


    Very nice. I really like the personal AI-always helpful.


    A couple of questions:


    1. Will Lia be customizable? Maybe you could add script options to change appearance, voice, behavior? And will Lia have a physical form or a virtual manisfestation? I would say to have your own personalized AI would give a player's experience some uniqueness.


    2. The morpher cannon: How will the player interface with that? Is it simply selecting a construct from a menu and having it built, or will a player need to go through gestures with the morpher to build constructs?


    Can't wait for part 5!



  5. Perhaps not everything is revealed or even planned out at first. NQ may set up a basic exposition, but not develop the entire storyline yet, and slowly write out the rest as the game expands as well. Kind of a procedurally generated emergent storyline. Appropriate, considering the nature of DU.


    Take Warframe again as an example. In the very beginning during the starting tutorial players are introduced to an unknown guiding figure known as the Lotus. Later on as more updates were released, gradually the entire playerbase learned about the Sentients, the Technocyte Virus, conflict between the factions, and most recently Update 17, which I won't spoil just in case. So maybe, all you creative writers could potentially be writing a long, drawn-out, continually changing story that changes with the lore of DU.


    Or you could always write your own story and speculate, whether it be about Mr. Decker or another colonist onboard the arkships, or something different entirely.


    I'm actually just rambling and writing down whatever comes into my head cuzz I'm super tire right now.


  6. I understood that portion, I guess what I meant to say, is what sort of setting will be at the initial start for DU when the game goes live. Notable powers, characters etc.


    I understand the goal is to make it player driven, but I am certain that they will have an initial story/plot setup to kind of set the rest of the theme after they arrive to their new home.



    Ah now I understand. Sorry for the misunderstanding :P I guess we'll just have to wait and see what NQ cooks up.

  7. The big backstory of DU can be found on the DU website under "Backstory". Basically, the Pegasus constellation explodes,, resulting in a massive neutron star that comes hurtling towards Earth, causing its imminent demise. The UN build giant arkships (project Rebirth) to transport huge populations indefinitely until a habitable planet comes along. The trip lasts around 10,000 years, with all passengers in cryosleep, and Mr. Decker is one of those new colonists chosen to rebuild human civilization.


    So there it is. :)

  8. Mechanics of moving!


    What mysterious methods of propulsion has NovaQuark in mind for this beautiful beast? Would one be correct to assume that only basic motor functions (walking, jumping, running) would be possible for players upon coming out of extended cryosleep? Or would the recovery process be sped up by marvelous technological means of the distant future, thus allowing for advanced movement (next-gen movement, if you will) in gameplay? Take the space ninjas of Warframe, for example:


    What a beauty.


    (Great game btw. Try it out, add me ingame if you wish [ProfessorPufferfloob])



    Any other thoughts, you are at complete liberty to share.


  9. Win10 shouldn't be a problem. Yep I've upgraded to it, and all of my other Steam games work fine on it.


    But Win10 itself could use some work. I know that some (including mine) Nvidia drivers won't install properly on it, so just wait until they iron out the bugs. Cortana is pretty nice to have though.

  10. Ooooh nice job, both with story and artwork. There appears to be a romantic backstory embedded into all this. Hmm...


    One thing though: Do you really think curse words, at least curse words to the degree of "fucking", should be placed into the opening script?

  11. So do i get this right that new players wont get a new arkship on a new planet?

    How do you expect people to start out?

    Will they all start at the same planet and then go out into the open space and then find a new planet and make an empire there?

    In that case i have no problem at all with a single arkship at the starting area. I just thought that each new empire gets a new planet with a new arkship as per what i have read in your posted information. I am trying to understand how you plan to go about this game.


    In the very first versions of the game, yes, new players will all start on a single planet with one ASA. There won't be many planets to start out with anyway in the alpha. Later on as DU develops, more planets with more Arkships will be added, but certainly it will never get to the extent where every new player gets their own Arkship. If we consider the thousands of potential new players that will eventually join, it simply wouldn't be viable to generate all of those secure areas, especially not in a single-shard universe. The other problem lies in that Arkship areas are designed to be a newbie safe zone, a place to take in and adapt to the game without fear of attack from veteran users, as mentioned previously by Nyzaltar. Coming across a generated safe zone every few hundred kilometers would make for some pretty boring gameplay.


    Why? In shores of hazeron that system works. Each new player has the option to either join an existing empire or make an own empire. In the later case you would spawn at a empty world. And each world is 10000-20000 meters large.


    One thing should be made clear. Dual Universe is not Shores of Hazeron. The entire idea is that it's a next-gen MMO, due mainly, but still among other things, to its single-shard universe. The entire purpose of DU is not to create or develop empires, as is in SoH. It's designed for emergent gameplay, meaning the players decide the course of the game and are free to do whatever they want, whether it be forming a nation (or empire), starting a corporation, working as a simple miner, or scamming other players for profit. 


    You have no idea how the game is going to be like. Stop arguing.

    Maybe novaquark should extrapolate on how they imagine this to be


    In reality there are billions of empty planets in the galaxy my friend. I thought the storyline of the game was that many arkships were send to many different planets.


    And by this statement, are we to assume that you in fact do know what the game is going to be like? Although vylqun may not know exactly, the fact remains that he (or she idk) has been a forum member a good deal longer, and logically we may assume that vylqun does know a bit more about DU. So please, do think for yourself before resorting to such unsophisticated behavior. The point of the forum community is to help develop and generate ideas for the game, and arguing hardly constitutes teamwork.


    You are correct about the storyline in that many arkships were sent to multiple planets, and that may very well be the case later on, but practicality dictates that for the time being arkships should remain few in number without a properly developed playerbase.



    I apologize for having continued this thread, vylqun, but I did feel the need to put my two cents in and enlighten TheSlaxx on a few of his initial misconceptions.

  12. @vylqun The very first releases of the game probably won't see too large of a population so it wouldn't need multiple planetary systems. Most likely several to a dozen planets of different terrains to showcase the general idea.

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