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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Mordgier

  1. Uhh...becuase timings? Stream was 2 weeks ago. The rules got issued based on the anticheat limitation which prevents you from running the game twice on the same machine back in August. JC was very clear in the stream that anticheat does not allow it on the same machine - but running DU on a different machine is fine. I use 3 accounts. 2 at the same time. Go ahead and report me right now. Best of luck.
  2. .....that's not automation. CEO of NQ said it's ok. Get over it.
  3. JC explicitly said it's OK as long as you use more than one PC - at the same time. As long as you don't use it for automation. You can watch the video. I'm going to go with what the CEO says. I even spooled the video up for you to exactly when they talk about it.
  4. Why would I ask noobs for help when JC explicitly stated that multiboxing is OK in the stream with Markee Dragon?
  5. False. He said the current limitation is the anticheat that prevents you from running two instances on one PC - and that you can use two PCs. I have watched every livestream and none support your claims.
  6. This. Frankly I'm actually upset that NQ seems to have issues with space dongs.
  7. Game mechanics and 'rules' are different things and should be handled differently. I have yet to see any 'rules' about how MY civilization should be built.
  8. Source. JC has explicitly stated that mutliboxing is OK.
  9. Yeah so like - you don't get it. In RL I live in a country. The land is claimed and owned and under the jurisdiction of a government. That is not the same as DU where the land is UNCLAIMED and UNOWNED. If I were to build on 'uncliamed' land in the real word - you'd get the Republic of Minerva https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Minerva So I'd get to make my own laws and rules.
  10. IS? Yes ok. WAS? Ehhhhh........ In general in a legal sense actions that you took in the past that were not defined as illegal are not considered something you an be held responsible for - as they were not defined as illegal at the time you committed the acts.
  11. No. The rule was about not building dicks. Very different.
  12. What state? What city? Whose rules? I'm confused here, you seem to be under the misguided notion that you and I are subordinate to someone else who makes the rules. DU has the same laws as international waters. Also known as pretty much complete lack of them.
  13. That has largely been the takeaway for many who continued to use the link exploit and mass exploit after the first 'fix' failed to fix them.
  14. EVE has it down pretty good. I have never lost any sleep over someone continuing to bring their ships to our space to be podded.
  15. I would have no qualms if every player who lost a ship in safe zone was reimbursed - good luck with NQ handling that. I would have no qualms if players who stole ships were 'punished' but I am willing to bet that NQ doesn't even know who stole these ships. Just like I bet that NQ can't find out who abused the mass or linking bugs or even duped items. They keep making threats and asking people to self report - but so far it seems to just be a case of empty threats....
  16. How do you intend to keep coming back my dearest friend when you have no territories and no constructs left in pvp space? You're welcome to build up again on a pve world and fly over to a pvp area to get poded over and over if you so like. You're acting like this is a problem that other games have not easily solved.
  17. Are you intentionally being obtuse? Dual Universe :: Civilization Building Sci-Fi MMORPG You BUILD the civilization. You are in frontier space. It is uncivilized by nature. Just like the wild west. It is your job to create and spread this civilization - how you do that is up to you - but I expect it to be spread with an iron fist.
  18. That's called pvp and territory control and it's coming. If you want to stay in the pve are, you do so with the asshats who you can't remove. That's the price you pay. for safety.
  19. Title. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1949863330/dual-universe-civilization-building-sci-fi-mmorpg
  20. Really? A carrier full of pvp ships getting warped around the galaxy dropping off ships at distant planets to snipe people as they decelerate on approach didn't make people quit? I think you are severly overestimating the impact of people who lost their crappy noob ships on Alioth to those who lost them to the pvp cheese. I bet that more people quit from losing their newbie speeders by lagging them into the 'no fly zone' at the markets when their FPS dropped to 0 and they couldn't stop. I'm not trying to turn this into some "whataboutism" - but if we are going to apply punishments to exploits - it's all or nothing. So yes - either nothing is punished or everything is. Warpsleds, links, dupes, safe zone theft, etc....
  21. Unfortunately for you, no pvp game operates in the way you would like. Some private servers - sure. The whole point of DU is that it's about the creation of an artificial society - there is no law beyond the one you make. This is still the early game and there will come a time when this game is played much like EVE where the truly civilized areas aren't 1.0 or low sec - but 0.0 where the rules and behavior is enforced by the corporation that controls that space.
  22. Yawn. Has NQ even done anything about the duppers, link exploiters and mass exploiters? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that orgs warping their pvp ships and haulers around the galaxy for 1 cell at a time are a much bigger deal but hey what do I know...
  23. As I said before, I don't think JC has been griefed enough. He talked about games he's played - and I've never heard him say "Yeah I played ARK" or any other open world full loot pvp game. Had he played ANY of these sort of games, he would know that grief and salt mining are business as usual. Everything that can be used to grief will be. Every cheese tactic will be used. In every open world full loot pvp game the player who refuses to use every possible tactic to their advantage will lose to one that has no such scruples.
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