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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Dhara

  1. We have our Empryion server all set up and ready to go! We're playing on Wednesday night. You can see all the details on our event calendar. Login to the game and go to Multiplayer and then search for The Outfit on the server list. Or you can connection with the IP/port instead at the bottom of the list: Here's the link to get the game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/383120/ Right now we can have up to 20 players on the server at one time. The server is set to easy so we can all get started at our leisure, but we have activated PVP on the two starter planets so we don't have to wait until we get to another planet to kill each other :-) Members, Friends, Allies, Trade Partners, and Enemies are all invited to play! The Outfit members should start on the planet Akua. That's where Fry and I already are. Neither of us have really accomplished anything in there but learning how to use the interface, so we'll all be starting fresh. Everyone else can start where they like, but I thought it would be great if we had a group of enemies start on Omicron so we can see which one of our teams can build up and get over to the others' planet to attack the fastest! Just an idea, anyway :-) We'll be using our Discord server too, so feel free to pop on in. You can find the server info on our website on the sidebar. Just click the server button. Hope to see a bunch of you guys there!
  2. Naw, no one will take offense. It's the same for all of us. And I can't seem to get notifications from this board or the community area, so I am always behind on following up with people. I'm actually in LM now. Gallo said he wanted to play so I'm spiffing up my western claim to enter the screenshot contest. Pop in if you take a notion. If anyone else wants to pop in the details on how to get a free key on on our events page, http://www.dualcreatives.com/events/
  3. Hi everyone! We have another new member, Hollow! Happy to have her join us!
  4. Great! I'll send one to you later tonight. I'll also post one on our events and pick a night next week to play. Any preferences as to what night? I'm wide open right now. Anyone else interested?
  5. There were a few of us online and we got to know each other a bit better, so overall, it was a success. STO was a bad idea - at least for me. Fry liked it better and would probably be willing to play it with you guys. It was a little too old-school for me though. Empyrion was very interesting, but very hard to figure out. We set up our own server and all we did was DIE over and over again!! But game servers are not my forte so Fry is going to take a look at that and see if he can adjust the settings when he gets the time. Our server can hold 20 people right now and we have around a month or so to try it out before we have to pay again, so that one might work out for us. Might just need more people online at one time to stay alive. If not, there's another server on there that looked good that we played around on that one a bit that had some easier settings. Looks like they are offering folks their own planet, so that might be worth looking into too. In the meantime, I think I'm going to be trying to play a little Landmark soon. Haven't played in a while since most of my friends left the game. A couple of folks have shown interest in it and the Devs gave us some free trial keys. So, maybe we can round up a few folks who want to work on building sci-fi stuff and start working on some ideas of what we might build in DU.
  6. Sorry you won't be there. We'll catch you next week. I'll probably play some landmark this weekend sometime too. I'll post it on the events board when I decide when so anyone interested in that can check it out.
  7. Well, Fry Captain and I have spent a couple hours playing STO....man, that game sucks. I guess that's what we get for trying to go F2P. So, at the last minute, we're changing to Empyrion. A lot of folks seem to be interested in it, has good reviews and looks a lot more fun. So...if you still want to play tonight, that's the game we'll be trying out. Hope to see some of you there! Here are the details: http://www.dualcreatives.com/events/
  8. Hey everyone, A few members of the Outfit are getting together to play STO Friday night. Everyone is invited! Check out the details on our new Events board: http://www.dualcreatives.com/events
  9. I've never understood why the game industry is the only one out there that folks expect to get their products cheap/free or only pay on a voluntary basis whenever they feel like it. NO other business I know runs that way. This game can be likened to a SERVICE. They keep the service running, you pay for that service. If you don't want to pay for their services, no one is forcing you to. Playing cheap video games is not some kind of a "right" and that attitude is screwing up all my video games! I not only support the subscription model but I also hope these devs have the guts to charge what they actually NEED to keep making the game better and better over time. Let the folks who don't want to support them go play one of these other so-called awesome free games out there instead, since there are apparently so many of them available.
  10. Welcome Wesley! I think you would be a great match for the Outfit too. So far we have several programmers and a couple builders on board and personally, I'm an advanced voxel builder and run a small web dev/game dev company IRL (a very small one, mind you.). We're all about collaboration and having fun so there's not a whole lot of rules or anything. I think we have a lot in common already
  11. Hey everyone, we have a new member! Welcome to the Outfit Jeronimo :-)
  12. Replaced both images with a new one. Let me know if that helped.
  13. It seems to be showing fine for me. Probably a cache thing or something. I'll replace it with a new one and we'll see if that makes it reappear.
  14. Oh yeah! I think this project just made my to-do list :-)
  15. Are you talking about on the community page? Those get buried pretty fast by other posters. I can re-post it in a couple of days, but don't want to do it any earlier than that. I don't want to be a "featured post hog" or anything. They should actually let it go a few pages instead of just one.
  16. Well, maybe they will let US place monsters in the world? It would be awesome to have a bunch of beasties protecting my booty
  17. Thanks! I have a LOT of fun doing them. Already thinking of ideas for the next one
  18. Hi guys, I have the next recruiting poster ready!
  19. Welcome to the forums Jordan. Happy to have you aboard :-)
  20. Hehe, yeah, I noticed that too. C'est la vie. I've decided to take it as a compliment. Must mean that someone thinks we're a threat and wants to knock us down. Not going to be near that easy though, lol. Thanks for the kind words and 5 stars. Appreciate it!
  21. This is pretty good stuff. Reminds me of some old-school Heavy Metal from way back. Amazing how music can cross all of our artificial boundaries and connect us all. I would feel just as at home in a club in Japan playing this music as any club I would hang out in over here. But then I've always thought that Japan would be one of my favorite places to visit. Looks like you guys know how to let go and have fun.
  22. Well, if its strings you're looking for...check this one. (trust me, give it a minute).
  23. LMAO, you guys are cracking me up! This should sum up my style.
  24. We have a nice sized scar in one of our mountains here in Colorado Springs too. It's in view of the entire city. Horrible :-( The only solution I know to keep this stuff from happening is to pay as much attention to your local elections as we do the national ones. I suspect this will be the same solution in the game too. If the people who live nearby allow this to happen, it will. So it will be up to those same people to stop it and/or keep it from happening too.
  25. I was talking about this with a friend last night. I realize that having gravity on every voxel would be a resource nightmare, but what about on whole bodies? For instance, if I fly too close to a star, will I get captured by gravity? Might come in handy if you figure out the exact point of no return for a particular star and use that as part of a combat move; Like if I zoom by just outside that point but my enemy chasing me doesn't know the exact point and crosses it and plummets into the star. Assuming the overall mass of the body doesn't change, or at least it shouldn't, it might be doable.
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