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Modul housing


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Hi all,


i promised in another topic from me that I open a new topic for an idea of me, "modul housing", or "cargo pod housing", like Hisshadow named it. That means you make blueprints for housing units, like prefabricated bed rooms, situation rooms, garages and so on. These units would have an easy-way structure, combined with a spartan furniture to fulfill the expectations of the buyer or builder. 



- You could use these units to easily craft your settlement, because you don't need extra time for designing a house. For high-civilized "civilizations" it can be useful as building infrastructural elements need not so much time; instead they can be easily placed and removed, cargo pods par excellence. The can be also used in mining operations, transported with a super carrier to raise bases as fast as possible.

- With moduls, you could build large space crafts without planning each room in detail, but leave much space e. g. for the crew deck and then fill all with accommodation moduls. That can also happen with all things you need more than twice and have the same structure, like hangars, warehouses, medical stations etc.

- These moduls can be produced in masses, so you can specialize and save time. You can store them and use them later, and they can be stapled and easily plugged with other modules: bathroom modul and bedroom modul for a player ship or a block of flats, the possibilities are infinite.


((Reminder: search for machines which can be programed to build from blueprints; if not start topic.))


That can also be an idea for an upcoming industry, you are free to copy that - but I would be happy if you give your opinion first ;).

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I imagine that you can design rooms sepperatly, and then create your own modules which you can quickly duplicate...

Maybe you could go so far that you can create one building and then basicly "copy paste" the whole building if you want to quickly build up cities (of course requires alot of material)

What I hope is that you basicly could do the same with ships, so you can massproduce fighters for a guild or such.

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I like this idea, because it's not clear if the blueprint system will only support full complete ships/buildings, or if we're going to be able to sell partially complete blueprints.


I suppose what would determine a full complete ship is the presence of a central core and various other components. If there's no dependency for specific components in a blueprint, then the modular housing/building idea could work very well.

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The SIMs have a system where you can build a room or an entire lot. I like it a lot. It works very well. If you like a room or something, you pay the creator for the right to use it. It is a great commerce tool for builders.

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