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setting up a private server can be done easily :D


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lol ok, without technical skills? LOL ok. click on "mydu-server-installer" and all is fine. naah.


anyway it won´t start to download server files. i have no clue what i´m doing wrong


I´m like headless chicken running from one wall to another :D


install Python 3.5+
install windows terminal nah CMD works fine
install PiP
to install pip install PyYAML
install Docker

after installing Python 3.5+ install pip and PyYAML open CMD and......
installed MyDU client.
i get same error.
looks like it can´t get access to download server files.


Error response from daemon: Head "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/novaquark/dual-server-fastinstall/manifests/latest": unauthorized: incorrect username or password


wtf i´m doing wrong?


Edited by Wiltsf
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I have managed to set up EVE online private server, ARK, WOW, and others so i´m not totally dumb :D


Do I need to run the file through Docker?
Do Docker and my Dual Universe account need to have the same name and password?
Why can't it download files?
 Is there a torrent for server files?


OK it seems that it is Docker desktop problem.

I´m writing it here because maybe someone has same problem.


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Leaving this here for posterity, since I ran into the same issue, and this was the topmost search result.

For the record, I encountered this error running Docker on Windows.

While the Docker client was running the in the system tray, and was showing me as logged in, I got the unauthorized: incorrect username or password error.

When I right-clicked on the system tray icon, it showed me as logged in, with a context menu item similar to username@domain.com: Sign out, the issue is that you must login to Docker using your hub username, which is different than your email address, even though in some cases, both are interchangeable.

You can do this by signing out from the system tray icon, or by logging in at a command prompt, using the syntax docker login --username your_username_here.

If you’re not sure of your username, you can login to the Docker Hub 2.3k, and your username will be displayed on the far right hand side of the menu bar, next to “Dashboard”, “Explore” and such.

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So i seriously hate replies ooo print it in and the thing works. without specifying HOW I do it or WHERE!
best linux forum joke!

after you have installed Docker Desktop

I used CMD

open start, write to search box "CMD"
after you see it right click on it and open as administrator

my docker desktop was installed C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin

so i went there on CMD by changing directory with command "CD"
C:\WINDOWS\system32>CD C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin

then I gave an order to login

C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin>docker login --username "write your user name here"
Password: "write or paste your password, it won´t show that"

Login Succeeded

after that run "mydu-server-installer"

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I’ve run into the same issue before! It’s usually a login problem with Docker. Try running docker login in your command prompt and make sure you’re using the correct username and password. I’ve also found that sometimes just logging out and back in can fix it. Double-check the image name too—you might be missing something there.

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