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Shower, Sink: Functionality: Visible Character Hygiene


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Here is a cool suggestion:

When walking on soil, or when deep underground, the character gets dirty and a spotty, dirty layer of dirt will appear on his/her shoes, pants, and maybe even above.
And when a character has not taken any shower or used the sink for some time, there will be little black flies flying around his/her body, mostly head.
Both signs of missing hygiene can be seen by other players.

A character has to use the shover or sink to get clean again.

A feaature like this can lead to a number of new interactions between players, and that would be fun. A lot of fun.

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If nothing is associated with that "dirty state" then it's only a "feature" for roleplayers (and tbh I dont really see any reason to roleplay that, but ymmv) and everyone else just ignores it. If some negative effects come with it then its just adds to the tedious parts of the game as it's just "one more thing you have to do" (go clean yourself) without adding anything.


Thats why food mechanics ala "you have to eat every day to not die" are bad imho, as they dont add anything except chores 

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Thanks for the clarification. Appreciated.

Yes, to be honest, I would not mind a it of role-playing. I want to make dirty jokes about my friends if they look dirty, that will add to the fun of the game. Many other player think the same. But there are also those dead-serious players who cannot participate in this extra fun. Understandable. But a good game should cater to many different tastes, to make it richer.

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Has nothing to do with dead-serious players or with ppl who can't participate in fun. 


Ppl are different and don't have the same taste of humor. 

And after 5 times it gets quite old quite fast.


Besides the fact that if it doesnt do anything then it may be "cool" to see the first time. But after the 10th or 20th time it's just annoying for some....Because its useless 

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But look, in real life we got things, too, like dirt and jokes and all that. In real life, no one would even seriously think about forbidding jokes or forbidding to get dirty. Those are normal, day-by-day things that we all are used to. This is what makes life. So, why not to have those aspects in our game, too. It is not that we would make the same joke 20x to someone. Thhere will always new people. Always new situations. Nobody will force you to make 20x the same joke, trust me. But this game should be more than just PVP and mining, building. Social features wanted.

But tell me, what things would you want to add to this game? Or do you prefer to keep it the way it is?

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Sure. But this is a game. And not RL. And ppl are different, many don't even find it funny as you do. 


AvA for starters and being able to be with 2000 ppl without lag would be the basic feature I would want to see. If DU fails to do that, it's not really a mmo I would consider playing. From there they can do whatever flying F they want, I dont care. But as long as those two basic mechanics are missing, I don't really see a point in spending money. Not that I need to with a lifetime sub, but you get what I mean

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