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Hydrogen and Oxygen W/ Recycler only on Alioth


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Hydrogen and Oxygen should only be produced on Alioth with the Recycler.



Physics, mostly get this from water and atmosphere generated from plants. This only exists on Alioth.

Gameplay, centralized Alioth and encourages a different form of resource requirements. I suspect we will be doing fusion as one of the main power reactors, which will likely require hydrogen as fuel. I will assume you see where I'm going with this.


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-I can see requiring snow/ice (available on several planets) to feed a recycler making these things, but don't see why you'd need a planet with natural organic matter for this process. Also, Alioth isn't the only green planet in the current system.


-If the stuff can still be produced in your pack anywhere for free, people will just stock-pile it that way.


-Resources for fuel used to only be available on certain planets, and as much as I liked having the option of hauling something as simple as fuel between planets to make cash, NQ killed it (and now bots sell fuel on every planet and moon last I checked). It isn't hard to guess why. While I wouldn't mind a return to "fuel isn't everywhere", their actions were not without reason and so one must consider as to weather or not reverting to the old way will help/increase the player base, or just help those of us smart enough to bring an extra fuel can while driving off the less careful that would otherwise pay for the game (and by extension, help pay for larger/more important improvements else-ware).

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