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The screen changes "clarified"


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The additional post "answering" concerns and questions .. really does not do that at all, it is more the usual "we hear your concerns but you just do not get it so let us explain again".. So this new tech does not replace the old, it just lives side by side with it (for now), while the whole reason for it is to fix the performance issues the "old method" causes? How does that work? This new tech does not do anything to impact transfer of data while that was used in the initial post as a (main) reason for introducing it.


The additional post just makes things more confusing as it now seems that you are not actually replacing anything (yet) but just doing something new in addition to this. Why am I somehow expecting another middleware name to pop up as this goes in?


Basically, the message is "stop complaining and just go test the new technology on the PTS once it is introduced there, it will all make sense to you then". I would make the prediction that this will be a week or two before it goes live in 0.24 "phase2" with no room, option or ability to revert if it turns out to just not work.


Why not release the API _now_ so we can see it and evaluate it before it goes live. 

It would be possible to still make changes, actually _listen_ to feedback and take it on board, engage your community  to make what you are trying to do make sense and be effective. Already so many good ideas and suggestion on this topic here and none of it seems to land with NQ, it's just business as usual and a prelude to another half baked broken "new feature". The existing toolset already has options to improve performance , why are you not using these? Do you even understand the tools you use or are you just adding them because there is a single function you need and do not know how to write yourself, ignoring the rest?


Oh, and while at it, maybe update the offline codex which is stil the pre "beta" version ??


NQ, you have a chance here to actually do things differently and actually involve your community instead of force feeding what you are convinced is great only to find that it actually is not once it gets into the game by which time it's too late. It's amazing how NQ really has not learned a single thing from their mistakes with previous changes of this nature and scope.


Oh and yes, these are _not_ changes you make during a beta stage of a game pretty much 6 months before you feature freeze for release. This is defacto and textbook Alpha stage game development stuff, you do not implement a feature to "collect your feedback on this concept" 9 months before "release". I'm so trying to keep an open mind here but NQ just does not seem to be able to get past their programmer mindset and see that they are not making sense at all.


If you want to put this in PTS to test it and see what impact it may have sure, that would make sense and that is what PTS should be for. Provide value for us to install PTS and deliver feedback there, organize mass tests where you TP everyone to one market on PTS and ask them to load provided scripts to measure performance. But as mentioned before, this just has "we found this cool new middleware and it may help us so let's invest in it and get it in game asap". The given that it seems you do not even understand what this may do yet yourself indicates to me it's an experiment, not something you know will work for whatever purpose.



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