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Here's a novel idea.. implement consistent alphanumerical value entry ..


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How about entry of alphanumerical values is unified and consistent across all parts of the game. I know this sounds like "duh.." but right now there is several ways in which this works (and is often actually broken) and sometimes different methods are actually used for the same function on the same UI page, to the point where one search box work s as expected and the other for the exact same function is broken.


1. Each UI page has a default entry field and the cursor activates in that field when the page is opened.

2. If a player clicks in an entry field the first time after the page opened (or double clicks), selected the content of the field.

3. Basic actions SELECT ALL, CUT, COPY, PASTE, UNDO and REDO functions work (CTRL plus A, X, C, Z or Y).

4. TAB does what one would expect, it cycles through the entry/selection options in sequence (and SHIFT TAB does the same but in reverse).

4. in numerical fields, ARROW keys UP/DOWN function restored (who ever thought it would be a good idea to remove this functionality in 0.24?).


You know.. the basics..

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