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Water / Lakes unintended speed boost.


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The game treats water as land where you can hover on it but that game dynamic also has drawbacks.  When you engage a vessel (start the engine) underwater it will throw you 100 to 500 meters above the water line.  I have also had heavy loads go below the waterline when landing, I loose a little bit of control (my bad pilot skils) and then the reverse happens as the ship will go to 300 kph in a second if the hovers are sideways which push you down and below the water usually ending in a crash scenario. 


Its also hard to land underwater due to the intense upward thrust caused by the game mechanic to get you to sea level.  I am assuming that this will be addressed as the game goes forward. 

Great game so far and looking forward to building in this game. 



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Yes this is a pita, especially when you have an over powered ship (my XS core with L booster and hover goes MILES up when i pop), it is controlable though.  You CAN fix it with Lua, our lua guy has made a sub which stays on the bottom when you engage underwater mode.

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