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DU First City Project


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The Foundations of civilization is citi building, we need to think on how to make a city with the political and social structure to work...a city state. Before building we need to make this happen. Maybe take the chat to a Slack to streamline it.....but either way...cities will be build...the first one is the Genesis.

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There are already cities planned by different entities but feel free to think of a city yourself - make an org which will think and create that citystate.


How would it look like? What are your ideas on these social/administration structures?


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Starting small while thinking big might seem favorable. At one hand, unless you are a rather large organization or unless you can, at least, muster a large workforce from the start, you can't really start full-blown city-building, nor would it likely make sense unless you were larger. Yet one should keep urban expansion and growth in mind.


If you do not consider this in the long run, you might have problems adapting in the long run and having to re-do things might be problematic later on opposed to keeping a larger space in mind from the start if you plan to build big.


But that's just theory so far, in my book. Either way it will likely be a relatively organic process and take time. Even if you plan meticulously ahead, things might just suddenly or slowly change and you might throw things over board in favor or other ideas.


In the end, cities (small and large) will be like organizations. They will vary in design, shape and how they are maintained or run. I so far suspect most settlements and cities will be faction run in the end unless you can find a various number of organizations (or an alliance) that come together for a shared project - possibly beyond individual factions or alliances, that is. Some organization or alliance concepts will favor this, others will likely refrain from this.


Time will tell.


I personally would mostly wait with detailed plans or designs until more gameplay features (relating to building) before you try to set things in stone.

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If there is a FIRST CITY Project on the way...well I like to join in. But I have to stress is that a TRUE city has a life of its own, independent of organizations or groups. If the cities that are on the works tether to the needs of the organizations then they have a constraint there.....time will tell most defently.

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Everyone will probably start off building close to the Ark ship in pre-alpha and alpha and maybe beta, but I think on the final release day most organizations will relocate far away from the Ark ship and most other organization's except for alliances! Most people in the alpha's and beta will have probably have learned a few things and re-laid that knowledge to there organizations. The organizations will probably want room to grow and better security by not being close to potential foe's.  

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@juvenius Let's talk :)


I can probably expect that there will be a huge rush for land close to the Arkship within the first few days or weeks, then people and organizations will slowly disperse out in search of more/better land. Eventually Alioth might become obsolete as more spawn zones begin appearing. A well-planned and active city may extend its lifespan, or help it grow, but we need more information to go off of. In other words, we'll just have to wait and see.

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