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My Oxygen Suggestions - Something Passive But Important.


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First off I know when dealing with coding of games, etc oxygen can be a tough one on performance. Not sure how the engine will work if it will work but I'm going use a bubble for oxygen at this point a passive if your inside the bubble you get oxygen. Maybe later on or maybe right away if Oxygen does get added it can be within the border of the ship/stations walls without much calculations.


What you have:

Oxygen Tanks - Fill with Oxygen from say a planet, etc. 

Oxygen Station - Refill

Oxygen Recycle - To Recycle Oxygen. 

Oxygen Computer - All the fun settings and controls.

Oxygen Vent - Allows you to give or remove oxygen from a room. pressurize or depressurize 


So the idea is when your in your ship and things are setup correctly you should have enough Oxygen to supply you forever unless you take massive damage and start bleeding out Oxygen meaning you need to shut it down put your space helmets, etc on and fix the leaks before turning the system back on. The Air inside the ship you had a breach at would of been lost of course maybe total down to like 90% now depending how secure your ship is with bulkheads and how fast you turned off the oxygen or even via scripts.


The more people on a ship the more recyclers you might need. Not sure if we should co2 in a separate tank to be recycles or just need enough recyclers or you lose a bit of air overtime.


If you have a big hanger bay inside the ship or station you can pressurize or depressurize a room with the Oxygen Vents. Allowing you to breath in the hang and such.


Your space suits will consume a small amount of oxygen. Maybe with support for recycle upgrades later on but never 100% only to allow you to last longer time and I mean quite a longer time if you have the right upgrades.


So in the end even if you are an explorer going 10000000's of ly's out there you should be fine as long as you have a decent tank maybe a backup tank and enough to support the amount of life aboard your ship. Of course when you are outside your ship on a planet you can't breath or spacewalk, etc you will use a bit of oxygen since your suit can't hold such large scrubbers to recycle the oxygen 100%. But even 100's of space walks should not use up an entire tank this more a very slow usage.



Either way it's sort of an Active but very Passive System. It's not meant to be painful or hard. You could process Ice or Oxygen from a planet to fill up the reserves. 


Feel free to make your own suggestions as well or use this thread but I just thought I share some my ideas. I know there is other ideas / dev plans and such as well but it's a idea forum :)


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9 hours ago, Kane Hart said:

First off I know when dealing with coding of games, etc oxygen can be a tough one on performance. Not sure how the engine will work if it will work but I'm going use a bubble for oxygen at this point a passive if your inside the bubble you get oxygen. Maybe later on or maybe right away if Oxygen does get added it can be within the border of the ship/stations walls without much calculations.


So the idea is when your in your ship and things are setup correctly you should have enough Oxygen to supply you forever unless you take massive damage and start bleeding out Oxygen meaning you need to shut it down put your space helmets, etc on and fix the leaks before turning the system back on. The Air inside the ship you had a breach at would of been lost of course maybe total down to like 90% now depending how secure your ship is with bulkheads and how fast you turned off the oxygen or even via scripts.



This has been proposed before and it boils down to the same answer:

They can't check hundreds and thousands of constructs for leaks, every second (was in some interview)


Oxygen would be a nice thing to have in a later expansion but imho it shouldn't be tied to the hull of the construct in any way - this just makes up for bad gameplay in a mmo. I would be the first one to just fly around, poking holes in random structures just to annoy people there who would have to find all leaks.

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As Lethys said, such a system would simply put too much strain on the server to be worth it. JC has also said (I believe it was in the Q&A session) that they won't be doing something like this because of how difficult it is to do right, with there being little gameplay benefit. 


I understand the desire for such a system, because realism and complexity are cool and fun. However, DU isn't a survival game, or a hyper-realistic space sim, it's a game about empire building, exploration, and the emergent experiences that come with a single-handed universe, and so that level of realism and complexity wouldn't really benefit DU.


Great ideas though.

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