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Found 4 results

  1. Calling All Bot Builders! Do you like robots? How about a challenge to build a bot with specific material requirements? Then read on as this is the contest for you! Welcome to the DU BOT BUILD OFF CONTEST! We want you to feel the spark of inspiration, knock the rust off your imagination, and polish up your building skills. Show us your most amazing robot creations! Are you ready for this challenge? We hope so, because this is also a nanocrafter only challenge. This means that the materials you use can all be crafted in your nanocrafter (no industry objects/materials permitted). Also, because you like challenges right? We’re only allowing a certain amount of elements and honeycomb you can use on your robot creations. Are you ready? Bot on! Deadline: Friday June 2nd @ 20:00 UTC (4:00 PM New York/Toronto time) Please click this link for the Entry form Construct Rules & Specifications Please make sure to check your bot constructs so that they meet the requirements below to be eligible: One (1) XS Dynamic Core Unit Up to 100 Nano-craftable Elements - Including XS Dynamic Core Unit and the 6 light sources. Six (6) Light Sources - XS lighting elements only Up to 60m3 Nano-craftable Honeycomb material in total What can you win? First Prize - Your very own unique in-game title “Brilliant Bot Builder” and three months of game time. Two (2) runner ups will each receive one month of game time. Once your entry has been submitted and reviewed to make sure it meets all of the bot requirements, they will be put on display near the display at The Exchange located here: ::pos{0,2,24.7050,99.0905,147.7182} and you can also VR by searching for: DU Bot Build Off Display Area Happy building Noveans. we look forward to seeing what kind of bots you can create!
  2. So will DU be allowing a player the ability to make a robotic workforce that can do certain task? And if so will they be able to rebel? What are there limits? Can they be used for warfare? How smart can we make them?
  3. Hi I am human. Much like, you, fellow humans. I enjoy drinking water to lubricate my internal organs. I enjoy human things like walking.
  4. From mining and transport to battle and information, robots are huge parts of sci-fi and futuristic television shows and movies, so why not bring them into Dual Universe? Being a solo player can seem nearly impossible if faced against larger pirate groups, or even managing larger ships, but if you had a hard working team of steel companions with you, it would be an even match! Host an industrial company and don't want to fork out thousands of your hard earned credits to pay for defense? Worry not! For you may manufacture hundreds of honest and loyal machines to keep your business in running order! C'mon, who hasn't wanted their own private army of battle droids? Robotics can be a fantastic and unique addition to the universe that Novaquark is creating. Just like other technological skill trees, robotics can have it's own, unlocking you different components to make robots that are elite in fighting, mining, transporting goods, repairing, or other utilities. There are many possibilities for this addition, if you care to, feel free to add on any ideas to this post ????
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