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  1. Hello fellow citizens! Welcome to the Osiris Federal Republic! Organized around the ideas of freedom and prosperity, our organization gives our members complete freedom in how they wish to live within Dual Universe and their contribution towards the nation! The SFR is a democratic organization, one that promotes liberty and defends it from those who wish to rule with tyranny! From our vast new member programs, to our reward system, our government is here to support all our citizens! We believe firmly in letting our members' creativity grow and expanding their knowledge in the depth of Dual Universe with the help of our Alpha Veterans. From mining to PvP, we support any and all play styles within the verse! Our robust community provides opportunities in all sectors and is supported by a firm belief in merit. Hard work is at the core of any successful organization, and we provide exceptional means of rewarding our members. With the institution of national programs such as wages, dividend/share distribution and fair recognition, our members have the means of rising through the ranks with dedication and creating success! At Osiris we also offer immense protection services. Whether it be through the routine patrols by our expansive fleet or the safe havens of our cities and stations, Osiris is sure to provide a secure environment for you to succeed! We are looking for creative intuitive members who are willing to work in a team environment for the better of the organization. With us, your choice matters and your opinions are always heard. We facilitate and welcome an environment that will enable you to be yourself. The nation is divided into multiple ministries of governance, who work synonymous with each other. While working within the departments of your choosing, you will be offered the choice of being tightly integrated within our teams that expertise in their roles, while at the same time offering the autonomy and freedom you desire. Our three ministries consist of; the Ministry of Development, Ministry of Defence, and the Ministry of State! Please check out our website for more information! https://osirisfederal.wixsite.com/a-new-beginning/ At the leadership level, we have integrated pathways for promotions within the organization. Hard work is always recognized and rewarded! Members have both the economic prosperity associated with your freedom as well as the access to immense resources to construct the next titans of the fleet! Like any successful organization, communication among our members is paramount. That's why we offer a 24/7 active discord community to converse and make lasting friendships that organically develop beyond the scope of this virtual reality! Hope to see all of you soon! https://discord.gg/sm54skF
  2. Closing Thread due to Technical Issues and Development considerations. Please unfollow. We will rethink our organizations approach and development, on hope to provide a place for collaboration an relationship building. Forgive me for backing out of the original ideas. In the future, an organization thread will supply more concrete structure and purpose.
  3. VENDETTA: RETRIBUTION AT ANY PRICE Vendetta is an organization to provide a central market and hub for mercenary and bounty hunting services specializing in "retributive" services. We would rather be hired to support an organization's military in retaking territory than conquering territory. We also intend to run "training" missions through pirate hotspots aiding in vigilante justice or earning extra cash from controlling organizations. HISTORY In the last days before the great exodus, humanity devolved into utter choas. Wars broke out within wars. Looters and pirates pillaged what little remained. Governments failed, corporations imploded. Justice was abandoned. Having seen the savage in mankind unleashed and knowing the infection it set in those lucky enough to escape, Vedetta vowed that it would do what it could to purge the new world injustice. However, Vendetta was not blameless in the old world order. No one was. With this mindset, in the new world Vendetta set out to create a network of people who would answer the call to help bring justice to the new world. In short, consider us a mercenary and bounty hunter group closer to Dexter than Batman. ACTION & TECHNOLOGY ACTION Mercenary Services Ultimately, our primary market will be in providing premium mercenary services for groups seeking revenge or defense. If someone takes your territory or destroys your station, we hope to be the first choice in hiring additional support in retaking territory and exacting revenge. If your trade route has been set upon by pirates, we hope to be the first call to provide additional support. We believe this will be compatible with membership of most governmental or para-governmental organizations. In fact, we hope these organizations make up a part of our client base. Naturally, the question of who rightfull held a territory becomes a question, but we should be able to agree on certain rules that resolve this question acceptably to the interstellar community. Bounty Hunting Services In addition to larger scale mercenary services, we intend to offer bounty hunting services for individuals or small groups. We will provide a market for solo assassins and small groups of assassins. Patrol For Hire (or Sport) For training, our market will offer patrolling services for any area generally controlled by an organization as a known hotspot for pirates or griefers. Outside a pay market, in training, our members may patrol trade routes and hot spots looking to provide additional support to those being harassed by pirates or griefers. Donations for such services are always welcome. TECHNOLOGY In addition to services. We intend to develop designs and scripts related to stealth, speed, and targeted attacks. This will include designs that will be both sold on the market and designs retained for exclusive use of our members. COMMUNITY Vendetta also provides a central hub for individuals with similar philosophy. Our hope is to attacked membership from a wide variety of organizations that our compatible with our actions. We do not intend to devote much resource in holding territories; we believe we can mostly make due with organization resources being contained within safe zones. Instead, it is our hope to a market of mercenaries spread throughout interstellar space. Membership in Vendetta should also signal that the player is interested in getting into the action while having an overall sense of justice. ADMINISTRATION Having seen the collapse of governments and corporations, Vendetta organizes itself in as directly democratic a structure as is possible. This is more plausible for our organization since we are more of a central hub and market than resource collaboration. As of now we are looking for two levels of membership. Simple membership is for those who want to get involved in the action and be called up for mercenary missions where you know that the action is in some way just. Leadership is reserved for those who are more interested in having the training and desire to act as leaders of defensive and retributive missions. Leardership will also include those interested in developing stealth, speed, and targeted attack technologies. To apply for leadership, just let leadership know you want to be involved. Together we will decide more defined organizational structure in line with these goals once more is known about the Rights system. PRACTICAL ASPECTS Enrollment: People and small, compatible organizations. Timezones: Hopefully Global Primary language: English Focus: Mercenary and Bounty Hunting Services; Development of Stealth, Speed, and Targeted Attack Technologies. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/vendetta
  4. Do you want to leave Dual Universe open to piracy and lawlessness? If not, help me out and draft some laws! Together, we can help make Dual Universe a safe place and give players the in game safety they deserve (or help give space pirates have the true piracy experience they deserve...). If this sounds interesting to you, join the organization "Dual Universe Supreme Court (DUSC)" and start submitting your ideas. If you have a legal inclination, apply to be a judge and help settle disputes between players, create contracts, and provide other legal services for players who need some financial security in their Dual Universe experience. If you have an organization bounty hunters, join up and be ready for some fun hunting as a Primary Select Enforcer (PSE). All applicants are welcome, but conditions apply for judges and PSEs. Join up!! SCOTUS
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