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  1. In this post I'm going to list (in some detail) what I think should be top priority for an update that focuses on a few pillars: intuitiveness and documentation. In these two pillars, this game can make a lot more sense to newer players (thus keeping more on board), while also helping the pre-existing community from becoming discouraged. Other things you must assume, as is for most games. This game should not require 3rd party tools to play, as MOST players do not use any outside tools to play games. Even if this changes in the future, it is still a good idea to take things from the ground up, assuming they do not understand how to play this game. Starting with actual Quality of Life features: Complete overhaul of Maneuver tool to indicate with proper HUD a. Create durability for the Maneuver tool. This durability amount directly correlates with the amount of meters a player can move ANY (dynamic) construct. This is not tied to the construct, but the item itself. b. Increase range capacity from 50, to 150 meters. This is because of making it a unified meter for all ships, while also adding a bit of QoL by allowing players to move their constructs a bit further. c. This durability would recharge at 2m/s* while the durability is not gone, while if it is gone, it recharges at 5m/s*. While the bar is recharging from empty, the tool is not usable until durability is FULL. *Since we're measuring the durability in meters allowed to move distance, using m/s indicates the rate of which durability is recharging per second d. Add a status bar tied to the durability, of which would function similarly to most durability bars (see Minecraft). This would be a visual indicator on the tool itself, like the image given below, which allows the player to understand how these mechanics work in an intuitive way. Allow cores to be swapped out for larger ones Similar to how Mindustry does cores (see gif), allow players to replace the current core on a ship with a larger one (not vice versa). If there is ANY other element in the way of the core, then it would collide, and not be allowed. In addition, the core must entirely envelop the previous core in order to replace it (like Mindustry). Lastly, the previous core is destroyed upon replacement, and all data tied to the previous core is transferred into the new one. Better Item/element descriptions a. This one is purely documentation, but a static table with groups you can choose from a dropdown menu next to it would be much more intuitive and better working than a scroll bar. Examples of groups of these would be "resistances", "basic info" (HP, tier, mass, unit volume), "unit specific info" (fuel consumption, thrust output, just related info for that specific part). I'm sure a dev team could make better groups than I can, but that is the idea. b. Review EACH and EVERY item description, and make sure that it is neither generic, nor is completely forgotten about. For example, there are a LOT of items that just don't have descriptions, or have copy pasted descriptions that don't really tell the player much. This is not a chair? At least it doesn't have a lot of generic text... So a bunch of generic text, with a generic description afterward. What does this element do again? For a lot of functional elements, the game nails the proper description. However, I don't see a reason to have a copy pasted description on EACH tier of EACH engine, because if a player is buying a higher tier engine (than basic), it's quite clear they understand how engines work, because they've played the game enough. In addition, reminding a player each time they look at a decorative element "they do nothing but make your construct look cool, but they do add mass", instead say "this is a decorative element", or something similar, of which shortens descriptions, and makes them more rich in content. In addition, less need for that annoying scroll bar... Increase documentation in, and OUTSIDE the game a. The codex's information, while sorta useful early game, is extremely outdated. There hasn't been a single time in my entire DU playthrough where I've looked in the codex, and genuinely found something that is new, and USEFUL. The sort of things needed to be documented inside the codex are things such as tutorials, how an element works, such as how to use Anti-grav, or warp drives! Uhh... so how does one use this? How do I control the AG unit? ...hello? b. Increase external documentation on the DU wiki. Even if it's community run and made, encouraging, and/or working on the wiki is a MUST. Perhaps encourage users in some way to update the forum. Anything to get proper documentation. In addition, tying in the wiki with the codex (as in, it's edited on the wiki, then the codex syncs to it) would be very beneficial by having both be updated *dynamically*, cutting the work in half. To be the face of knowledge for this game, it seems quite old. As the background suggests, this seems sunsetted. Developers dedicated to fixing smaller issues This isn't really a list, but as a lot of games have, having DEDICATED developers that play the game and from there fix these minor issues and gameplay elements is a good idea. This would be beneficial because you'd only need 1-3 devs total to work on something like this, and they'd be able to do things such as these QoL changes in game, and fixing these minor bugs or inconveniences. In addition, having devs that do this will also increase involvement with the community. This is because these minor changes makes a big difference when playing the game for a long time. In addition, being able to fix minor issues on-the-go means that they won't build up, and instead will be maintained much more efficiency, due to being at a ground level. I hope you guys enjoyed my post, I plan to update it with more ideas in the future as time goes by.
  2. From the talents and crafting trees it seems pretty obvious there will be xl cores Any Idea when we will get access to them Ot seems a waste to design stuff using l cores if i have to rip it all up and redo it all we'd hen xl comes out
  3. Cores are the most important (and also expensive) part of a ship. If core dies You lose entire ship and someone else can claim it. That's why it's completely stupid imo that they have only 1 life, especially with current state of the game where people crash their ships mostly because of random lags.
  4. While i am all in for all kind of agressive gameplay, features, slow progress, i dont think we are in a position that New Players will afford to pay for mistakes where ship is trying to land in Alioth and explodes and teleports 20km above you and for dynamic cores bp when are deployed fly in space few SU above you, so on and so forth. There is something wrong about this feature considering your core can easily be destroyed by non player maneuvers. You can postpone it for few days until patch is confirmed to work.
  5. Heyho Novark Builders, I’ve got a little problem and I cannot find a good answer, so I would like to suggest a little something: This topic is not about core alignment, but about rotating cores. To be more precise, the rotation function where you hold R and Scroll with your mouse-wheel is far to unprecise. As far as I can judge this, equipping a Static Core will show you were you are able to place the core on your plot. This position is not “loose”, which means you can not rotate it by changing the direction your character is looking, but it is simply fixed. And sadly, it is not aligned with any of the plots six sides. Unequipping the Core and reequipping it does also not change the fixed position. Of course, you can rotate the core by holding R and using your mouse-wheel. However, this will rotate the core by a fixed amount of… dunno, 5 degree or so? This means you cannot properly align your building space to your territory’s walls no matter what, as holding R and scrolling rotates the core just by too much of a degree. I get that this might be not a point of concern for most of you out there, but I do think this is an issue that should be talked about. A possible solution and my personal suggestion is the following: The player should be able to rotate the core freely when holding down R and moving the mouse left and right (horizontally, of course!). Edit: Another possible solution would be a feature to snap on the borders of a core to the territorys borders. I have not found a thread with this topic, so if there is one or if you have a solution, please show me the way ^^
  6. Hi NQ, a really good idea for the quality of life, would be an indicatior that marks the cores direction when you set it down. As they are basicly mirrored and look the same on both halfs, but have different length in each x, y, and z axis ( btw whats up with that? one direction 254,5 voxels the other 255,5???). So to align them all in the same orientation it would be wonderfull if when placing them, we would get a sweet nice marker, like on the dynamic cores. That one can be gone after we place them down and outside of buildmode. But to build very large buildings its really nasty to align them all in the same orientation Thanks for reading Lordbelakor
  7. Hi guys, myself and a friend have started playing the game recently, loving it so far... anyway here's the idea: Problem Everyone that tries the game out, even if they play for just 1 day will have at least 2 cores to their name (their hover bike and their sanctuary XS static core), each of them cores take up compute on your end, as the game gets further and further down the line your systems are gonna get more and more inundated with these persistent entities in the world. To make it worse most people won't just have 2 cores, we've not been playing long and the cores are already piling up. I'm sure I don't need to go into the details of everything you need to do for every core, including tracking the state every component is in, the position in the game it occupies, ownership rights etc, etc... And yes we understand PvP areas will eventually declutter this sort of thing naturally but Sanctuary and around the Arkship will be persistent forever. Solution Stay with me on this, by the time we're out the otherside I think you can agree it'll be quite cool. Require every core to have an upkeep, this means if the upkeep isn't met the core's elements all become non-functional and the player gets 7 days to add more upkeep, if they don't add more upkeep within 7 days the core is compactified into their inventory or whatever (mail system?). So that brings us on to 2 additional parts of the idea: 1) The upkeep of cores would be paid by "fueling" them with a special "core fuel" (or a much better creative name ofc), each core increasing with size would have an amount of "core fuel" they can store and they all burn through the same amount each day (we were using the idea of 1,000 but you could make it whatever felt good), for example a "Dynamic Core XS" might have a 3,000 max limit (so 3 days of fuel at a time) where as a "Static Core M" might have 14,000 limit (or 14 days) - we thought static cores should have more as you might want to leave a factory running on a moon or something while you are off doing other things. 2) But how do we make the "core fuel", well we thought it would be good if you could make it in your nanopack (so no industry necessary) but also you could add it to the chemical industry as well for mass production, ingredients would be Oxygen + Hydrogen making it very cheap and available to everyone who is remotely active. Benefits Players who leave don't have some crazy cores just lying about taking up compute for no real reason. A new resource to be bartered with, traded and potentially a whole new industry, people could setup "core fuel" farms to sell at Market (creating player interaction). Players that take a break will have all their designs neatly compactified for them to easily start back up on re-subscribing. As Organisations grow and grow they will need to balance a resource or buy it from the Market (the other side of the player interaction mentioned above). An easy new part of the talent tree to add "Core Fuel Creation Time -5%" etc Of course all numbers are easily adjusted.
  8. At the moment all the big ships come out as big squares, i personally want to build a long ship. So i suggest to enable us to choose a long format when deploying a core, so we can build longer ships that are not so square. It would also be nice if we could move the core to the side of the square instead of sitting the middle, this will enable other types of ship builds such as a cockpit in the back with the front part splitting in two.
  9. I have an idea. How about industries, containers and cores getting upgrade/overclock slots. //Introduction It could be handled in such a way that there is a button to the left of the X that takes you to the upgrade window. There you can put in your upgrades, but here's the thing, you can only put in one untalented upgrade, and if you put in talent points you can have up to 6 slots. (All numbers are exambles) //Upgrades Industries For the industry upgrades, I have considered: Overclocker Upgrade (makes the industry 5-10% faster); Input/Output Upgrade (you get an additional input or output (output is evenly distributed)); Parallel Upgrade (all same industries do what the industry does with the upgrade) //Upgrades Cores For the Cores have thought about it: Size Upgrade: (the build area will be 1%-2% or more); Fuel efficiency upgrade (only in dynmaic cores) like the Talent but as Upgrade); Thrust Overdrive (allows you to get more out of your engines (higher fuel consumption) (only dyncor)); Speed Upgrade (you can move faster in the area of the Core); Engine Warm up accelerator (shorter Warm up time(only dyncor)); Better Breaks (Breaks are more effective (only dyncor)); Larger Atmosphere (atmospheric engines can operate 100m (or more) above the atmosphere(only dyncore)); Durability Upgrade (everything has 2% more durability) //Upgrades Containers I have thought about the containers:Link Upgrade (you have more links to distribute); Mass Upgrade (things weight less (like the talent)); Space Upgrade (the container has more space (like the talent)); Large Rang (you have a larger link range); Overlapping Sender/Receiver Upgrade (container can send things into a container on another core in the area); Item Warp Upgrade Transmitter/Receiver (you can connect a container to another container from anywhere and send items (warp cells must be in the container (maybe pop a slot)); Quantum Entangled Upgrade (connect 2 or more containers sharing the same inventory from anywhere (maybe add black matter to the game (1 black matter per hour)) //How to craft Those were the ideas, but how do you make an upgrade? I have thought about the following: There are 5 levels of upgrades (like in the game already), the upgrades are made in the Assembly Line (Tier 1 in XS and 5 in XL, and the Quantum Entangled in only as tier 5 eg). One upgrade requires 125 Electronics, 250 Components, 500L Alloy, 400L "Heavy Metals" (the Category). Tier 1 should need about 2 hours and Tier 5 2 days. I also can imagine that to put a higher Upgrade in sth you need to have a Talent. //Balancing I know this is not balanced and it should be mainly about the idea that everyone can keep up without a lot of play time, even without a lot of talent or for smaller quality of live improvements like the item warp upgrade and faster industries. If you have balancing proposals then just bring them here //Who is this aimed at? However, the upgrades should not be easy to get in the beginning, it should be for big productions or for newcomers, who should join their friends but didn't get anything to craft because their friends "save 5L". // I hope you like my idea and that we can discuss it well in the comments.
  10. So I was watching videos from the Dual Universe channel: Dual Universe - YouTube And I saw how big the cores for building were. After seeing the sizes of them, I wondered if they could ever be resized to smaller versions but with the same functionality, preferably for smaller ships, such as: pods. --------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My YouTube Channel: MaxedMASKED
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