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Bank. Bank cells. What if you make cans in distracts, and in them each player will have his own inventory for a certain volume? This is free inventory, not the one on the market. The player has a basic capacity (free), but it can be expanded with credits. There are several levels of expansion. For corporations, special inventories with a very large volume are available. The contents of a bank container can be sold, or items can be bought into it (using the market container manager, this is either a special skill or an NPC hired for a fee).
I think that it would be very useful if organizations could have collective accounts that people int an organization can put money into or take money our of up to a set amount. This would be very useful for trade centered organizations.
There was a discussion recently in my org about how Quanta would be given value, and the ore buying bot was brought up. This seemed like a great way to kick-start the economy, and maybe even revive it if need be. However this got me thinking: if the DU economy is built to resemble real life as much as possible, what happens when money begins to stop moving as freely, and players begin to hoard? The other user in the conversation suggested that prices would all drop due to no one being able to afford anything with little money being circulated. In my mind, this equated to mass poverty throughout the population of Alioth and beyond. Recently I have been reading that one of the ways poverty is being dealt with worldwide is using a type of loans called "micro-credit loans", which are not loans to governments or organizations to help people indirectly, but instead are given directly to people in hopes of the impoverished starting their own sustainable business. While much of the situation surrounding these loans is not applicable, one key part is: where the loans go to, the people. If loans are given to the people by some bot, with low interest rates in times of economic turn-downs, then players could kick-start their organizations again, and possibly revive the economy. These loans would be repaid in small payments weekly or bi-weekly (as in real life they are usually repaid monthly or bi-monthly). Whether this idea is fulfilled by some banking organization, an in-game mechanic, or both, remains to be seen, but this idea is one I believe should not be ignored, so a safety net can be created for the economy of Dual Universe.
Hello everyone, I would like to present the community with the opportunity to join us as we start our Alpha testing for Scabra Metallum. Scabra is setting out to be a secure financial institution where anyone can bank their money, take out a loan or mortgage, and even participate in a stock exchange type market where resources can be traded for stock in a company or player. The system will be a bot program on discord, but reflect in game transfers of resources and money. Any questions on this system are welcome and will be answered to the best of our knowledge. The link for the discord server is: I hope to see some of you there.
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- scabra metallum
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Greetings fellow Arkmates! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Robert Brightstar and I am planning to run a financial organization. I know most of you are skeptical about financial institutes, however, I only ask to be given an opportunity to prove myself. There is still much work to be developed on DU's side so until such time I will be closed. Once the game officially begins I will indicate when I'm open for business. Regarding my business information please see below. ============================================================================================================ BRIGHTSTAR UNIVERSAL BANK (BUB) ABOUT Financial Security, this is the commitment behind Brightstar Universal Bank (BUB). This institute is here to help you with your financial situation. Whether you need a small loan for basic essentials, a large loan for a major venture, or even want to start a savings program to earn some extra income, I am here to help. For a list of available loan types, saving rates or other transactions, please contact me [or use a BUB Terminal near you - if possible]. This BUB will not open immediately until it has established itself in a safe and secure area and is ready for business. DESCRIPTION I have created this institute in order to provide some assistance with your financial limitations. This one man institute means no one else is involved or informed of your finances, nor will anyone ever have access to your funds. I will always take precautionary measures involving transaction requests. I consider myself a trustworthy individual but that is for you to determine. OFFICE LOCATIONS Depending on what economic mechanics DU installs in the game, you can contact me personnally during my business hours (or use a BUB terminal - to be determined) to request a financial transaction. As people expand out and explore and your dreams grow, I hope to help provide some financial assistance to make those dreams come true. TRANSACTIONS Until DU's economic mechanics is released I'm not sure how this will be handled yet. I'm hoping some type of electronic means is created (such as ingame email like EVE has) in order track and maintain records. DEFUNCT LOANS For those individuals who do not pay this BUB back (after reasonable attempts have been made), a separate organization will be hired to handle "collection dues". Trust me when I say, it will be cheaper to just pay back this BUBs loan. FEES AND RATES To be determined later. Thank you for your time and interest.
Welcome to the Link to the organization community page : here Introduction It is my pleasure to present you our brand new organization : the Stellar Trade, Affairs and Recreational Society (acronym STARS). We are a neutral, non-interfering society thriving to offer the best available services to the community for an affordable price in secured oases of peace throughout the universe. We wish to offer in each of our bases: - A banking system for you to store your items in a secure and convenient location. - A free open market for everyone to visit or sell - A transport service for renting, shipping or driving you - A entertainment center for fun, gambling and broadcasting live streams such as races, fighting contests and maybe in the future war battles. - A research team to sell our carefully designed and manufactured constructs tested by our own members in their day to day activities. - A beautiful building reflecting our investment in the artistic community where all the previous services will be hosted. - A security team to secure our infrastructures and our clients assets. Diplomacy As a neutral non-interfering organization, we pledge to not wage war to anyone, not take side in any conflicts nor create any embargo. We are open to alliances and treaties with all organization sharing our vision of a free safe, peaceful and prosperous community. We are also open to business contracts for you to get VIP access to our various services. However we do retains the right to put you or your organization in our blacklist effectively banning you from our services if you commit any offense against us, our clients, our constructs or our infrastructures. Would the offense cost us a loss of any kind, we do retains the rights to prosecute you by hiring public or private law enforcement and/or juridical systems to make you pay for our loss. Membership The STAR Society is organized by a vertical hierarchy guarded by the founders with the role to oversee all activities and protect the organization from internal and external coup trying to divert us from our true mission (see our Role Play). The Council is a group of 10 members (of whom 2 are the founders) sitting at the top of STARS’ hierarchy. All members of the council, apart from the leaders, are elected by their peers for a mandate of 3 months. The Council takes all the decisions and set the objectives of each Division for the mandate toward our global objectives. Divisions represent the interest of STARS for particular activities. There are 7 Divisions : The Banking Division in charge of setting and maintaining resource banks for our customers. First objective is to build a Bank in the headquarter. The Trading Division in charge of setting and maintaining open markets for our customers. First objective is to build a market place in the headquarter. The Transport Division offering transport (of people or goods) for customers and for the Divisions, racing on STARS behalf and testing the ships of the Research Division. First objective is to develop a customer base and to train as soon as the first ships are ready. The Entertainment Division in charge of setting up the casino and gambling system, running races, showcasing live streams and all entertainment-related activities. First objective is to design and market the casino and the racing bet system. The Research Division, focusing on designing blueprints for all other Divisions and for defense. First objective is to start building the design of the headquarter, designing the first transport ship and the first defense mechanism. The Construction Division in charge of building the headquarter and any building necessary to the other Divisions. First objective is to secure and start building in the safe-zone a low quality version of the headquarter to host the bank, market place, research center, transport halls, casino and conference hall. The Security Division whose job is to protect the other Divisions during their activities. First objective is to make STARS famous by exploring outside the safe-zone, cooperating with the community, talking about us, train in fighting skills and address the griefs of the other Division. All members must choose up to three Divisions, they are free to work in any of these and must choose one to be primary for each month : the one they will spend the most time in. The Council will adapt monthly objectives according to the pool of members in each Division and the one they set as primary for the month. STARS strongly recommend to choose 3 Divisions and rotate between them because the skill system of Dual is set so that you won’t be able to be good at everything so favoring a few and becoming an expert in them seems better to us than favoring none and be average in everything. Favored trios for now The Fighter : Defense, Transport and Research Division The Merchant : Banking, Trading, Research Division The Builder : Construction, Defense, Research Division The Dealer : Entertainment, Transport, Research Division Yes we do value researchers, because all the blueprint we develop will be saved from alpha to beta to official release. However we don't force nor coerce anyone so you are free to do choose any other trios. NB: There may be basic skills needed for particular activities that we may favor in Alpha.