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Found 8 results

  1. So as the title states I am a new player. I just started about 2 weeks ago. However I have a few questions that I need some answers on. 1. Is it possible to use the Thurst Master Flight control System with this game? I was thinking that it would make space flight/Combat really fun as well. It would add better control for mining in space as well. 2. What would be the beginners ship for Space Travel/Mining? I would like to build something that I could go to other planets and such on, have a 2 person cap, and be able to mine as well. Any help here would be great. As I have a friend of mine that is plying this game with me as well. Figured 2 is better than one. Thanks in advance.
  2. Heres a link to get you to our org page quickly! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-solar-empire
  3. Hello, 2 questions about controlling DU: 1. will I be able to control my ship with hotas while in flight-mode? 2. Will the controls be programmable? Cheers! Link.
  4. I think NQ said that there won't be any remote controlled vessels in the game. But what if there was? But we need constraints. Constraint 1: You can only have 1 remote controlled vessle active at a time. This will be done by a control station that you have to be using to control the vessel. Constraint 2: You have to use Lua commands to control the vessel like the space probes of today. Constraint 3: You need to set up transmission relays and other infastructure. You will need antennas on both the vessel and the control source, and lots of power will be needed for high-bandwidth or long distance communications(or however it works in real life) Constraint 4: You need to manually point the antennas to communicate. This also means other people can point their antennas and transmit commands to your vessel. Constraint 5(maybe): Speed of Light Lag
  5. EDIT: To preface this, I'm aware that currently the plan for protecting constructs is with some kind of "bubble". For the purposes of this discussion I referred to a potential function of a TU to be protecting constructs in the space from damage. I consider these to be interchangeable, since we've got no idea what the "bubble" is or how it works, needless to say this suggestion revolves around a method to nullify those defenses that takes hours and notifies the defending player of when they will be vulnerable. The other backbone suggestion here is that both tiles become vulnerable not just the defender, but they become vulnerable only to each-other. This turns the "cyber-warfare module" into a raiding or conquest tool instead of a griefing tool. It has already been hinted by NQ that in order to attack and claim a tile controlled by a TU, that the attacker might need to own an adjacent tile with a TU as well. Since this is a function meant to make taking territories more like a war and less like a raid or grieving run, lets keep that ball rolling. How about also requiring a declaration of war? This would serve as both a warning and a raid timer for the defending player, setting it so that a player must declare their intentions to attack the adjacent tile basically 24 hours in advance, opening a fixed window of time to actually raid and attempt to secure the adjacent tile. That the defender has time to gather a militia or hire mercenaries (since otherwise the attacker could mass a group and attack the defender while they are afk, like rust, which is not really what DU is striving to be). Some factors Each group of controlled adjacent territories would contribute to an overall score that would be a factor in the amount of notice and length of window permitted to attack. If the attacking side is attacking from a single hex, and the defending side is 5 or 6 hexes that are continuously adjacent, then the attacker would have to provide a lot of notice, and would be granted a narrow window to secure their first hex (narrow being a couple of hours or something), and if the attacker is able to successfully secure the hex, their window would be extended for attacking other adjacent hexes until they capture another hex (extending the window further) or the window expires. If the attacker and defender each had roughly the same number of hexes, it could be around 24 hours of notice for something like a 4 hour window. Once you reach a point where the attacker's tiles outnumber the defender's tiles by a wide margin, you might get 12 hours notice for a 6 hour window or something. What would this look like implemented? When a rival org might try to invade a planet, they would be forced to start by claiming an unclaimed hex to use as a "staging area" effectively. Even if for some reason a planet ends up 100% claimed, then the attacker could claim a space-hex (if that end up getting implemented) and launch their attack from orbit. If the attacker starts by claiming a tile that's adjacent to the enemy right away, they risk getting preemptively attacked is high because of the short window for being badly outnumbered. The attacker might instead claim a hex that is 1 or 2 spaces away to construct a base of operations, claim tiles leading to the territory they wish to conquer and go from there. Battles for large territories could take weeks (if the attacker declares war, waits the wait period, then claims only 1 or 2 hexes and repeats), or it could be done in a weekend (if the attacker declares war, waits the wait period, and systematically and successfully claims all of the interconnected hexes 1 by 1 extending their raid window enough to continue, but this would require overwhelming force, organization, and supplies in the part of the attacker. To take hexes from other players in this proposal, you'd have to be really committed to making it happen since it is unlikely that you'd be able to place your TU and also attack all in one play session (due to the wait period). The TU's would then serve their purpose very effectively in protecting structures and ships from random acts of looting. Some of the nitty gritty here, to ensure that you'll actually be online during the attack window as the attacker, when you declare war, you basically schedule a time for that attack window to start and the system would send the warning to the defending player 24 hours in-advance of the window set by the attacker (and of course, it wouldn't let you set a window for sooner than you'd have to wait based on the number of hexes). Some variations to consider -After the declaration of war timer is over and the window starts, it could mean that both the attacking and defending hexes are up for grabs, meaning that if someone attempts to steal a tile from you and you defeat them, you could use the time remaining in the window to launch an attack on their hex, preventing continued harassment and attacks. This is probably the best way to go. -This system could use different timer lengths for TU's owned by individual players vs TU's owned by organizations. Organizations might benefit from shorter or longer attack windows, or it might be that Orgs with at least 10 players get a slight boost (but not beyond 10 to limit dead alts, and not counting trial characters for the same reason). -Players might be able to raise temporary shields to affect the length of that attack window, or prevent the attack from spilling over into more adjacent hexes. That or it would come down to how they physically built the structures on those hexes, its possible for a player to make it very difficult to take more than one hex at a time. -Player count in those hexes might affect the length of the window as well, it would check to see how many players are present on the "smallest" of the two teams and scale the length of the window accordingly, more players means more time. -Raid windows could instead be determined solely by actual static-core elements (such as temporary shields or siege weapons).
  6. I have quickly searched but maybe I am not using the right terms... I have a bit of a brainstorm/question/statement.... So I am curious if we know much about the DU environment in-game. I am assuming because of the way many things work that it seems the world will be persistent, am I right? If this is the case - then when you log off, your body will still be somewhere. Is it possible to capture, imprison, jail, or otherwise "hold in custody" other players bodies? If we have a persistent world (as I think it seems would make the most sense in this game) then it would be supremely important to be able to defend yourself and your belongings, correct? I think this would give rise to the necessity of being a part of an organization (or at least allied to one). I also fear people would abuse this. But possibly if there is a way someone could resurrect themselves at a resurrection node and "transfer" their consciousness out of the imprisoned body that could help balance this.... Or am I speaking about something that is more related to the final stretch goal? Thoughts? Anyone have specific knowledge to help suppress my naiveness?
  7. So what i'm hoping for is the possibility to control things like doors and turrets using scripts. It would be awesome to be able to set certain access rights to specific members for doors, for example. This would help create personal chambers for characters as well as allow only authorized personnel into specific research labs and such. They could be controlled from a placeable terminal inside the room/facility that allows the creator to modify the users that the door will open for. I would suggest the same for turrets, so that if someone unauthorized enters the area, even if it is someone from your own corp, the turret will fire at them. This would also make for more interesting ship boarding scenarios as boarders may have to blast their way through a few doors to get to the control room. Perhaps there are also other actuators that could be controlled through a similar method? Like, floodgates to allow water to flow, or even just lights. Thoughts?
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