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Everything posted by AttacKat

  1. Let's keep the forum money free. Last thing I need is visiting a forum, trying to read reviews/how-tos, just so see a bunch of "package opening" crap because everyone is trying to get everyone to "sub" their channel so they can gain financially. Let the reviews/input/ideas stay that way, it is posted because the players have a real interest in making the game better, and not tied to some financial gains.
  2. Sorry, do not agree. You are showing a serious conflict of interest here. While however distasteful some buildings/groups/establishments may be, we, as players, have no right to tell those players how to play their game, only the Devs does. In this case, we are talking about buildings. So, where will this stop? What is after the builds? What if I do not like how a ship design looks because it looks like a "male body part", or how an organization operates, because they are all grifers? If players have the power to take away a build from another player (or group), why stop there?
  3. I am hoping for the same, but a lot of forum members wants this game to be EVE 2.0. But however you look at it, this game must have PvE elements since it is suppose to be the PvP of Minecraft, so unless you mine, you cannot craft.
  4. Agreed, but when given the ability to, players will come up with methods, and the necessary time/scam to do it. EG: Scam that was $45,000 worth 600 Billion ISK heist
  5. I can see it how ... Org A in war against Org B, A out techs B by light years, so B sends in some suicide bombers (players), get into A's main ships, and blows themselves and the ships to pieces. Org B loses a few players (play time) at almost zero cost, while A loses multi-million $$ ships. Who needs to fight?
  6. That is because *humans* trained those dogs to do it. W/O the humans, the dogs will be eating those sheeps too.
  7. Actually, I sort of started to sense this a few threads back via other threads. EVE 2.0 was what I hoped this game would not become, but so far it doesn't look that way, which makes me sad, because EVE as a balanced PvP/PvE, would have been such a great game. But the current direction this forum is going shows they do not want that balance. Back to topic: As for council, it is a total waste of time and it only bring on unnecessary issues such as who gets on it, which side, etc etc as discussed in the last few posts. There is no true representation of the players themselves. In the current internet world, we don't need the extra layer of fat that doesn't serve the people they do not even represent. When issues arises, just have an open "ask the devs" thread, and let the devs tally the top 10-20 issues and answer/address them in the forum. I have been trying to keep "the other game" out of this forum, but that is how SC (the other game) does it, and it has been working great on providing direct communication between the playerbase and the devs/CEO of RSI as issues/concerns/ideas are shared/discussed between the players and the devs weekly.
  8. @CaptainTwerkmotor What part of "a sandbox game with Emergent Gameplay" did you not understand? ... Is that what you are asking for? PvP without consequences? Cause if so, no, THIS game is not for you. Read the title, it is asking for "balanced PvP destruction" ... IOW, if it takes a group of 5 players 40 hours to build something, a group of 5 players to shouldn't be able to take it down in 4 hours. If this is going to be the "Mindcraft" of "EVE", then this game needs to have a balance on construction:destruction time frame. 10:1 (or 2, or 5) isn't balanced. "A sandbox with emergent gameplay" indicates nothing on this balance, or the lack of.
  9. Sorry, but you guys are pushing this game to be EVE 2.0, which will likely keep those that left EVE in the first place to become new players of DU. Besides, this game isn't a sub based game, it is a P2W game; hence the players with the most $$ in their purchases will likely have the most say from the PoV of the devs. This game is going to be money talks BS talks, because players vote with their $$. IOW, not every player put themselves to carry the same "rights" compared to other players in the first place.
  10. Because I left EVE and in search of a good balanced space MMO to play, but I guess this isn't going to be it either, at least not based on what is being said on the forum now.
  11. Right, so when you cannot beat them, then join them. Nice approach to social interaction.
  12. For who? You, or the people's that spent hours/days/weeks whose work you destroyed in minutes?
  13. So you bring EVE, Planeside 2, Mech Warrior together into 1 game, but still the same PvP slaughter house game play over players' hours of "Mindcraft"-ing, whats the difference? As someone who left EVE after 2-1/2 yrs, I do not see how this game is going to attract new players.
  14. Question: Why would you guys want to leave EVE and come to play this game, if the end result is the same style of game play?
  15. While true, but the ship balance is a total whack and lacking in EVE. I can gunk your 2B Tech-3 PvE setup ship using a 100K Tech 1 PvP ship with ease. Even if I do not gain anything, just the mere fact that I can and and the result of you to losing 2B isk is often enough for people to do it. To attract, as well as to keep them playing, the devs from DU needs to build and prevent this into their game balance. Players will not stay with this game if what took them 10 hours to build can be consistently trashed within minutes, be it ships or buildings.
  16. This is the natural problem with any sandbox open world free PvP game tho; hence my push for PvP:PvE balance that must be put in by the devs, but yet, goes against the nature of "sandbox". In your statement, the game is the playground, but since this is open world free PvP, there is no one to order/police around that the older kids must play nice to the new younger kids to the play around. One serious question I have for those calling open world free PvP. If this game goes that route, what makes this game different then EVE Online other then the Mindcraft features? For those that left EVE Online, why would they want to come here and play this game? For those that are still playing EVE, why would they want to come play this game? The truth is from what I am seeing in the forums so far, I do not sense this game being any better/different then EVE.
  17. I highly doubt the devs of any game ever design their game with multi-boxing as their primary focus, hence by default, multi-boxing players aren't playing the game as intended by the devs.
  18. Being new here and haven't done much reading about this game, I need to read the Devblogs. My thinking here is because this is going to be a FPS view game with dog-fight combat, anyone asking for multi-box (at least during PvP combat) can pretty much kiss that idea good bye anyway.
  19. Nothing, other then your physical ability to type on those 6 different keyboards vs someone flipping keyboards with a press of a function key. I do not know of a game outlawing anyone playing on 2 different machines, but I do know plenty of EULAs that outlaws multiple instances of a game on the same CPU, or keystroke broadcasting. The example we used in this case, EVE, is a "slow" reaction time PvP, where often you have multi-seconds to react, instead of mill-seconds. When combat is properly done where you barely have time to react, you just physically cannot multi-box.
  20. Defending yes, but PvP slaughter house of PvE players, no. That was the reason why I left EVE, and likely many other players that left around the 2-3 year mark; hence the call for PvP/PvE balance. Open PvP will not being that. ATM it seems Star Citizen is trying to implement that PvP/PvE balance, but we will see how that plays out. I would love to play this game if the davs can prove my opinion wrong. All I can say is so far I haven't found an PvE+PvP game that proves otherwise.
  21. No to multiboxing. Multiboxing indicates a failed game design, not a sign of an advanced player. IMHO, when a game requires/forces you to have multiple accounts just so you can specialize in a given field, then the game design has failed. I should be able to do anything I wish in a sandbox, not locked down to a given specialization due to game limitations. Just the fact that you need an alt in Jita just for trading, and a main to play somewhere else, is a failed market system, even tho EVE has the best market system that I have seen/played in. EVE also have failed on their time based skill training since it forces you to have multiple accounts because their advanced training will lock you for 6+ months and you cannot advanced your char in any way. That is how they lock you into that monthly sub payment.
  22. Sorry, IMHO/E free for all PvP doesn't work, and it is just a facade for devs not to program in the proper game balance. EVE has been this way since day one, and it isn't going to change any time soon. It also will not help filter out the best design in a P2P game, but only helps the deep pocket players or those that can scams their fellow players the best.
  23. The peace isn't going to exist in a sandbox game because there is nothing telling the players how they should play nice with each other. Players can be as toxic as they like and there is no one to stop them. In most games, the main problem is PvP vs PvE game balance just doesn't exist, hence most PvE with PvP games have battle grounds/arena to avoid this issue. If this game is meant to be sandbox and stays that way, the devs must balance the PvP/PvE players, and not one style being more powerful over the other or because they have been playing longer. Such condition will only push new players easily to get turned off from this game because they cannot out-gear a player that has been playing for months/years. That is why games like DOTA attracts so many players because it is PvP, but yet, no one can never be out-geared by another player as every match everyone starts from ground zero. An up and coming PvP MMO Crowfall calls this "reset mechanics".
  24. DU will have to upkeep their game servers (world) in order to allow you to keep playing for years to come. Who is going to pay for that bill?
  25. I seriously doubt it, just go play any true PvP game for an extensive period of time and you will see for yourself that IRL conditions does not exist in PvP games. In games, toxic players will always be toxic because they can, and there is no crime and punishment that will force them to change their bad ways against other players. It is even worst when they can just spend a few IRL dollars and buy everything back in the game cash shop. That is what most PvP (P2P) game devs want you to do in the first place.
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