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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. You don't lose anyone. People just have to think before they build something shiney. Buy Merck, buy security, buy lazors. Emergent gameplay and all. There is no emergent gameplay with timers


    hey yo tell that eve


    some timers allow all players to actually play against their opponents, when the guy who frequently attacks me is a few hours behind me, he can always plan his attacks in quiet and peace while i have to sleep to get to work the next day.

    destroying stuff with impunity in that time.

  2. that's the problem, the game engine doesn't discriminate on constructs, everything is a construct, there's no "ship" or "building" class of construct.


    The Force Field idea is excellent. It ensures isolated trolls won't have a change on bringing it down with pew pew from their ships and it makes a coordinated surprise attack on a city have a halt on it until that siege fleet deals with the force field.



    Plus, what you forget, is that Territory Control Units may take up to 24 hours to set up if they are destroyed.



    If a guy is in the city, they can destroy the Territory Unit so it won't get hacked from the ground forces akin to a "King of the Hill" gameplay, in order to force a hard-timer on the territory being lost and the reinforcements for that territory to organise and arrive.



    That = emergent.


    EVE reinforcement timers = arbitrary and lame.



    Tell me how wrong I am on thinking that a city or a space station should have custodians. Please tell how how a sandbox game with its core feature being population per square and emergent gameplay, should ditch the emergent gameplay part and its sandbox features of politics and management.

    I didnt say that everything should be protected by such a timer.


    Im just saying something similar should exist.


    Maybe some semi-expensive shield bubble thingy that works similarily to an eve reinforcement timer.

    Blargh blargh kyrium shield with hard limited active time or something along those lines.


    You get a limited "get out of jail" timer which deters low grade trolls from just bombing everything.


    With additional limitations to keep them from being used offensively (set-up time, only on stations/planets/'roids).

  3. They also run a player==ship kind of thing, and let's face it, if a person wants a multicrew ship, they have to have lieutenants that can drive the ship in cases of emergencies.


    the reinforcement timer on constructs doesnt matter if its player==ship or not, because the things with reinforcement timers in eve arent ships :P

    but the things where you could conceivably put someone on duty all the time.

  4. 24 hours? Make it two-months notification.


    Nay, 6 months notification, with the requirement to fill form 25BX-33/Q for registration to engage in honorable combat along with forms 25BS-33/Q-3 and 25BS-33/Q-11 for the attacker to plea on killing you and robbing you accordingly.




    AFK = A Free Kill



    Deal with it.



    seems like even EVE disagrees with you with its reinforcement timers :P


    and i tend to look at EVE for balancing points because they have been running a sandbox MMO for a decade now :P

  5. I doubt that you'll be able to pour more power than its rating into any kind of equipment (except for maybe some damaging "overcharging" thing ala EVE's overheating.


    i also highly doubt that there wont be any kind of power allocation mechanic in the game considering that we've already seen mockups of generators and power conduits.

    But what i doubt is that it will be a wonky "power core" system but instead straight up wattage the generators supply and equipment takes up.


    Why build some weird system with hardcoded numbers and weird interacting boni when you can do it in a more logical and easy to understand way?


  6. Salut PauMS87, j'ai déjà posté ici en français et je me suis fait tirer les oreilles par un modérateur et même par quelques français qui trouvent scandaleux qu'on puisse s'exprimer en français !!! Il ne faut s'exprimer qu'en anglais apparemment et je trouve cela regrettable.

    Mais bon c'est peut être l'histoire qui veut cela, plusieurs langues ont été tour à tour langue internationale, le latin au temps de l'empire romain, l'espagnol et portugais lors des conquêtes coloniales, le français fut aussi considéré comme la langue internationale fut une époque avant d'être supplantée par l'anglais au XXème siècle avec l'arrivée de la superpuissance américaine. Demain ce sera peut être le chinois avec la montée en puissance de la Chine ( mais aussi parce que le chinois est la langue la plus parlée car ils sont nombreux et qu'il existe une diaspora importante !) dans tout les domaines qui supplantera l'anglais, qui sait ???



    PS : Le plus dingue c'est qu'avant, la puissance dominante imposait sa langue et ses coutumes par la force, les gens devaient se soumettre, alors qu'aujourd'hui ils le font de leurs propre gré !!! Certaines réponses auxquelles j'ai eu droit ici, illustre totalement mon propos ! C'est un jeu créé par une équipe française, en France, mais on doit parler en anglais !!! MDR !!! En plus les anglophones ou certains soumis francophones viennent te gronder si tu oses ne pas utiliser l'anglais !!! Un monde de fou !!!

    You go into an english speaking forum and complain that people ask you to speak english?


    you'd be yelling at people as well if they were speaking german in a french forum.


    If you go somewhere you adapt to the local customs not the locale to your customs.

  7. There are components that people can make that aren't visible that people can apply to turn the item into a ship item such as an engine.


    Functional parts are premade by NQ, so the engine you mount is a non-voxel externally 3D modeled mesh element you cant change.




    "On the other hand, crafting enables players to make gear and Elements. Those are non-customizable 3d models (meshes)."

  8. For instance, in NMS, there seems to be a lock assist. I don't have to be precise about my aim to lock onto a target, but I do have to move the reticle reasonably close by.

    With tab-target, the enemy could be behind me. I don't have to aim at all. I just hit the tab key and cycle through whatever is near me.


    Just because you have to select targets to engage them doesnt mean that all your weapons have a full 4pi firing angle.

    It just means that you dont have to manually point your mouse at the right spot to hit.

    Decoupling controlling weapons and controlling your ship as a whole.

    Making the game about positioning yourself smartly instead of the mechanical action of pointing your weapon at the right pixel.


    Weapons will likely still have limited arcs in which they can engage.

  9. The point is, if there's "magical inertial forces removal" in the game, ships' mass plays no real part in the crew it has and/or how maneuverable it may be.


    that depends on how exactly it works.


    it could as well be a device that spreads any force imparted on the whole system over the whole volume/mass of the ship.


    internally everything appears as if it were acceleration caused by a homogenous gravity field (aka no force gradients which generate stresses) but any impulse that enters or leaves the system has the approbiate effect on the whole ship.

    conserving the effective mass of the whole system with assorted thruster needs.

  10. I would like to answer "yes if it doesn't interfere with or hinder the building mechanic / other physics", as you would now have to factor in a number of other variables like point of rotation against player etc.


    On the flip side, you would have to assume that there is some sort of artificial inertia generation created by your ships' systems, as you will otherwise leave a thin film of moist cells spread against the back of your cockpit whenever you engage your warp drive. Probably with the rest of your ship structure that wasn't able to handle the force.


    Maybe you could go all the way and have it as a creative system where you would have G-Force effects on ships that don't have "inertia generator" module and not on ones with such a module active? This would also expand the ability to 'sabotage' a ship from warping off by disabling this device. 


    But yeah, I'm kinda over-thinking the "yes or no" question. I just can't answer it as a "yes or no" with undisclosed variables, in the context of what would be preferred. 



    i'd like to point out that proper warp drives (aka alcubierre drives) dont impart any force on your ship.

    viewed locally you dont accelerate at all.

    you just take space and move it around, while you are incidentally on that "space plane" (harr harr) you are moving around.

    there is no classical force or acceleration there.


    (also an inertia /generator/ would be rather counter productive to add to a ship you want to accelerate :V an inertia dampener would be smarter)

  11. I really have to disagree. In your analysis you assume the skills increase linearly, wich is bound to result in that behavior. But if you have a logarithmic progression there is less and less reward to grinding, making it useless after some time. Imagine it as a max level without a limit, that is the property of the logarithmic curve. Levels wouldn't unlock new stuff, it would increase stats in the produced things. This said a veteran will always have an advantage over a newb, but the gap gets smaller and smaller with time. Just type f(x) = log(x) - log(x - 10) in google too see the gap curve.


    A vet will always be able to make the best but the gap becomming smaller will decrease the demand for its products thus regulating the market to not make it balanced in the profit area.

    Croxis' post doesnt assume any specific xp-bonus curve.

    People will grind levels if they actively can, a log increase would only make it more frustrating.

  12. I'd do a combination of fortresscraft-esque resource deposits, limited resource regeneration and continous material upkeep for everything.


    Ores would occur in big veins which hold large amounts of resources.

    One can destroy the vein blocks for a quick/instant resource gain which is an one-time gain with low-ish (heck maybe none) total output but high output for the time investment.

    Or one can [technibabble] extract minerals from the vein without destroying the blocks with lots of total available resources but low extraction rate.


    Vein blocks which are not full/(near-)empty slowly regenerate to a certain degree.

    This regeneration could be low to begin with (for simpler behaviour) or with the regeneration rate slowly decreasing to some hard minimum rate.

    So the vein never runs completely out, but looses ever more usefulness.


    In addition with some continous material upkeep for constructs theres some break-even point for every resource site which gets worse for bigger groups (with more overhead).

    So a resource deposit never completely loses its usefulness if managed properly, usefulness decreases stronger for big corps than for small players, and thus gets abandoned by corps and gets used by small groups or newbs, and can supply some base resource supply that regions never get completely abandoned by people because the resources are exhausted.



    The regenerating property could be limited to some deposits, maybe randomly, maybe have some special "core deposits" which are extra deep under the surface or some other special case.

  13. Sir, G-Forces in space are caused due to inertial strain on the body of a pilot / crewman , as the ship goes in quite the speed and as we know from E=MC^2, more speed = more mass = more inertia, which is why the devs can add :

    The formula is for /restmass/ and speed independent.

    It also has no effect on inertia on game relevant scales.

    It also has no effect at all on local acceleration.

    Regardless of how fast you are, you can accelerate with the same rate and thus experience the same "g-forces" as they are inertial pseudoforces that are caused by acceleration.

    Its just that external observers dont agree with the velocity change you must have undergone from your point of view.


    And relativistic mass increases dont matter a single bit with speeds that any game useful physics engine can handle.

    Relativistic effects generally dont matter on a human percievable scale below 0.3c.

    and when you include relativistic mass increase.

    At 0.3c the mass increase is about 5%

    At 0.4c 9%.

    Any physics engine breaks way before that speeds.


    And when you include relativistic mass effects you also have to include time and space dilation.

    Cause you cant have one without the others :P

  14. having your GPU run unchecked code from unknown people without prompting sounds like a cool idea, yes.


    *sarcasm detector explodes*


    Theres a difference between running sandboxed interpreted scripts and running GLSL on your bare silicon.


    I definitely dont want people to be able to run code on my hardware just because their game object came into loading range.

  15. Here's my question, do we know if large ships can viably have smaller ships move internally? That is, opposed to Space Engineers' physics where anything not bolted down makes a mess of all involved? Because a large capital ship with a tram for moving cargo around, or even one that moves small ships between launch bays and storage slots, would be really cool.

    Go try out starmade, it works like a charm there with its rail system.

  16. Let me phrase it this way:

    If it were that trivial to do dont you think EVE would have to do the Time dilation thing in large battles? :P


    Network latency may doesnt matter for the actual calculations, but it matters massively for the player input.

    If that Japanese guy who is fighting in his fighter against me euro guy is always exactly where i expect him with that /at least/ 1/8 of a second time delay hes not using his controls :P


    Try playing any fast fps with a ping of 125+, lets see how fun it is.

    Same problems apply for any online game.

    and unless we find a way around the no communication theorem its not going to be solved by ignoring it and saying the physics are easy to compute locally.

  17. Really because I have never seen this feature and I play a lot of games. Maybe I am just missing it.


    i didnt see it either "commonly".

    i remember one instance of a similar system and that was in CoD4 (i didnt play any CoD after that anymore)

    and one game series isnt "common".


    beyond that its only a warning when the players stuff gets attacked "Your base is under attack"...



    i'd definitely enjoy a way to detect active weapons (easier than inactive ones) maybe tied into a system akin to this with firing temporarily increasing the emissive signature of the weapon.

    this could be extended to all types of devices. with devices that are in active use having a higher emission rate than "cold" devices.

  18. But at what point do you draw the line between reality and playing a game?


    I've got stuff at home that needs repairing that I haven't got the time to do, I'd rather not have that feeling inside a virtual game world too.


    it also doesnt have to be manual maintainance.


    fill a container with some resources, attach a "maintainance module" to it (which sends out little robobugs to do the job or whatever) and the rest goes automatically.


    with regular supply income its not much work.

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