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Posts posted by RJ_RodassonJenkins

  1. 4 minutes ago, Warden said:

    It's not just EvE, plenty of games offer(ed) that in the past or present.


    I like to use DayZ as (another!) example. There, you do really start with nothing and have to find it all yourself (or bet on the work of others). And if you get shot and assuming no ally or friend salvages you? It's all gone, you start with nothing again.


    Of course there is the option to store excess gear in barrels or tents, and perhaps soon (with beta) bases. But you have to place those somewhere on the map and even though there are some good hiding spots, anyone can in theory find and access those.


    It's not as large as EvE Online in terms of scope and not fully comparable but I think can serve as good example of how fast you can maybe find a fortune and then lose it.


    Of course one could find other examples with base building, PVP, emergent gameplay and of course potential or very real asset loss, partial or full. DU will offer it's fair share of this but also offer compromises.


    I suspect it will therefore attract a somewhat diverse crowd of people, even though the average player would have to accept risk assessment and asset loss.




    Same, to be honest, despite EvE's grand scope, I could never get into it and immerse myself into it - simply or most notably due to you having to control a space ship in third person and clicking around. It all became rather "technical" or detached for me. I like the first person experience by default, and want to construct my own bases or vehicles, and be able to land (and run around) on planets, etc.


    DU seems more like my cup of tea.

    DayZ you say, hmm - gonna have a closer look at it probably. After years in Elite Dangerous i must admit that i´d miss having a ship to go around thou ;)... 

    Concerning EVE: Yep - just how i feel about it.

    And since i sadly have to admit that i get the smell of neglect combined with a hinch of frustration and broken promisses from Elite, i looked for new pastures. I have the feeling that i found the right place worth to give some afford and hope to convince some of my people....

  2. 1 hour ago, blazemonger said:

    You must have missed this game called EVE Online then I guess ;)

    During it´s peak my job and lifestile didn´t allow me to indulge myself with a game of that scope. Also the little time i watched a friend playing it, most times i only saw hundreds of menues and windows open without seeing space anymore. The rest he did was set up things that worked by them self when he went offline. Now i rather participate in something new than try to get into EVE tbh... ;) 

  3. A game like this thrives on the possibilities it offers and people working towards their own and common goals. 

    The less restrictions there are - the more open it is to the nature of human behavior and realism. Here we get the

    opportunity (these days far to rare in a game) to be all we want to be and have this reflected to us by consequence. 

    Humans are it´s worst enemy - Space is the most hostile environment - combine that and inevitably we will face desaster in different forms.

    This game might give us the chance to see how we can deal with this and how to grow a society beyond the restrictions we put on ourselves.

    I find it "refreshing" to have a game where fear to loose your assets is a thing - where people and groups have to get together 

    on a common ground to achieve their goal - where not one singular person has a chance to be the "Master of Universe" because life doesn´t work that way.


    Yes, it´s still a game and i want to have fun with it ofcause - but this way of "simulation" appeals to me a great deal to be honest.


  4. I truly hope there´ll be a booth again ! After playing games similar to this for years, i found out about DU just a week ago... 

    Also i´m connected with quite a big and dedicated player/streamer  base that is into such games that sadly never heard of it. 

    I do understand the need for a NDA in this stage of development, but it is far less known than it should be and i´ll try to 

    get the name spread within my crowd.  

  5. I use a "X52 pro" for another game. It´s software allowes you to progam it pretty much for anything - even to use it in Windows or your browser.

    Try to find a HOTAS that appeals to you and then look it up on YouTube to find out how applicable it is to your needs. 

    After all it´s just another programmable input device like a mouse or keyboard... Yes- it can be some work to set it up at first but it´s well worth it ! 

  6. Since the need for such protection varies with the actual size of the base and people having access to it for it´s defense,

    i would suggest that base "protection perimeters" come in various sizes. 


    For little homes and bases that accommodate just a handful of players, such a perimeter might aswell have applicable "emergency batteries".

    These would give the one - or little group - a bit more time to respond (since there are also those that don´t spend their vacations on the computer :D - get hospitalised or have other RL reasons that prevent them access to the game). 


    Bigger bases and/or player groups shouldn´t have this option though since the ability to respond is given due to group/base size. 

    "Emergency batteries" would then have to be applied before leaving and last for maybe a week or so and should be seen by the attacking faction prior to attack. Once applied they can´t be taken out of the module again and just a maximum of let´s say 4 modules (aka one month of protection) can be hooked up. 


    By the time active actions of the group/or the one player is taken to defend this base, the extra protection has to be dropped. 

    Hmmm - A rentable player-security-service would be a thing aswell, but also opens up the option to leak the information of a unprotected base to a third party to raid the base. 

    Unfortunately griefers go a long way these days to ruin a game for players by looking into loopholes in a game system.    

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