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Everything posted by Goemoe

  1. I am looking forward to it. I played EvE for years but I never joined any big force. Perhaps I will try a different path this time For a mere trip, you don't need to learn much german. And in NL even more people are able to respond in english. Don't worry!
  2. Hopefully there is more to the game. What good is a full galaxy to explore, if there is nothing to be curios or afraid of while doing it? Everybody likes some good mysteries to be found, fought or fled from... After all most people pay a fee to be entertained, not to entertain others. I am leader of a MMO guild and most people in there won't jump into this position because they suddenly would have to do something. They just want to consume, enjoy and be taken care of. Some stories should be told by the game itself because there are much more gamers eager to react but to act on their own.
  3. A community can't have too many people able to code things, especially Dual Universe. Good to see you here!
  4. Hi! A RPG fan (like me) who wants to be the founder of the Borg? So we have to even create our own enemies in Dual Universe?
  5. Hello to you! 5 kids... I wonder how you even get to write on the forum
  6. Interesting. Why that and how would you become one? Buying, conquering, or by intrigue?
  7. Let's see what the game really offer first. I am eager to harverst and build stuff. Everythings else we will see
  8. Hi there, I am here to up the average age of new Alioth colonists nearing my 51st birthday. I played some years while travelling 'gallente space(and more)' and I enjoyed (and still do) other MMOs even longer. Dual Universe got my attention by reading some MMORPG.com news and here I am. I read every blog and now I will get used to this forum. I like forums and don't use other social media much. Might be a generation thingy I do like to craft in every game. I don't need PvP to be happy but I might enjoy good fights. I hate gankers, scammers and the like you encounter so much in EvE. If everything works well, we will see how Dual will evolve concerning this points. Oh, and I like good quests and stories. Dual might not be the game offering much of that. We'll see. So let us get some money and tools and arkify the universe!
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