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Aaron Cain

Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Aaron Cain

  1. Or we all just dont DU it and just play on the planets and screw missions as they are now. NPC missions to keep a game, scrap that, an economy alive?  Nope they were always exploided by a small group and post release that is still going on, does NQ know it? Yes, do they care? Nope

  2. People who love the game come and post negative comments.


    I am one of them.


    Hope is extended disappointment, so better have none

    This game made me from sending ideas and full active fun community member into cynical [filtered]. Well done NQ


    There is so much DU could have done better or can do better and fact that the whole roadmap for the coming decade has dances pets and a recycler on it does not go well


    scrap 0.23, bring planets back and we will see.


    If not, at the last dac most of us are gone and all they get from us is a Tshirt saying:  Thanks for the free playtime although it cost 280 euro's hope the server load i created was more expensive!

  3. Frankly, PvE does need NPC, but not those we have now, there should be in the exploring part, the crashed ship part, even the drop on your tile part. But for that to happen there will be a whole overhaul needed. You can think indeed about npc to npc battles over the planet and the shot ships drop in atmos, but that is totally viable and easy to mod in SE, in DU its not an option probably at this moment.


    And dont forget you first need a healthy PVE environment before you can get a healthy PvP environment, NQ does not believe in that or misses that knowledge but you can see that clearly in all other mmo. There cannot be a healthy pvp without a healthy PvE, Unless there is No PvE but then in general safezones are erected and frankly thats the same as PvE.

  4. So in short, the bots had to go to keep people playing stupid time consuming missions. And thats also why i need to invest around 4 million on schematics just to get some lights in my build.


    This setup is just build for failure. Somehow they got the idea that if we just drag people they will subscribe more months. Well, there still is no reward and thus no rason to subscribe, even better if you just stop all these time consuming things like the npc missions and just actually play you will see what is there to do ingame with others.......nothing.


    Because building stuff is not just a grind but an ubergrind these days almost nobody does it. there are no reasons also for large buildings next to glammour, a bed but you cannot sleep in it or have a function on it and the same for the rest of the glamour stuff.

    I am building my HQ building and within 2 days i had all of it done but it needa about 70 lights and that will take me about a month to get with all restrictions, and yes i am not going to do stupid missions or feed the failing system so its a oneman job and that plainly shows the issue with DU at this moment. A TL armenture i can buy at a local store for 10 euros costs about 300k in DU and its almost impossible to make without a grand network. It is easier for me to build a perfect space vessel in a week (actually i did it in 1 day) but impossible to build 70 lights..........

  5. they should kill schematics and probably with that the npc-missions then all counter actions and actions are gone and free crafting and cheap stuff should be back. Probably this does however need reappearing surface ores. It is alot easier said then done but now only one part of the total was scrapped leading to undesired results and less balance.


    It would however be good to have some form of missions in DU but at the moment they are meaningless and contribute to nothing. A good mission system should have a reward and progress, lets say a spaceport is actually build on the progress of alot of missions or something similar. now its just free cash for time invested.

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