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Posts posted by Orius

  1. How will this game be paid For? I've heard that it will be sub based, but a friend recently told me that it will only be sub based when the game is in Beta but will be pay to keep when the game releases. Is this true, or will it be sub based for the game release?

  2. Hey there. I'm pretty sure I won the game. Here is why I won the game. 



    I have been the final person to post a comment on this forum post, second to ShioriStein. This is the end of the game because I have won the game. This post is filler text. You are reading this just to waste the time that you could be using to post another comment on this post because you are reading this comment. Filler filler filler. Food broke. Understandable, have a great day. The Saturn V rocket launched sometime in the 50s, winning the United States the space race. Actually, the space race was won when NASA landed men on the moon. Milk has lactose, which is bad for some people but good for others. It also has fat in it. Filler. Filler. Filler... Here, let off some steam I'll get you a punching bag. Sorry Russians, you lost the space race. No hard feelings, right? Hope not. We still have Americans living with russians in the space station floating in earth orbit. 














    :D THERE WAS NO SURPRISE. Sorry not sorry. 

  3. I suggest having multiple coding language editing boards in case we can't fins a way to learn Lua before the game release. There are not a lot of online resources for learning Lua, and any of the websites that would potentially have Lua don't. I'm saying that we could keep Lua, and we could also have other languages for people to edit if they aren't knowledgeable of Lua  (myself included).

  4. Hey there. I know I butchered the comments section, but this is my first fan fiction. Saying that, I still want your honest opinions on the story, no matter how harsh. I completed the prologue. I'm gonna seperate this story into 5 parts, these five parts being no longer than your average short story. These five parts will be uplladed as soon as I finish them. Here's the prologe: 



    Before the launch of the Arkship named Arkand, unbeknown to the Novark data files, a designated human captain was assigned out of paranoia that the A.I. onboard would steer the Arkship towards a collision with a black hole, star, or a planet, along with a system to decide the next captain after the first captain died. The way that the Captains were chosen throughout the course of the trip was by a process of elimination, weeding out the smartest and most capable people onboard, in the event that a planetary body was discovered that could have the potential to harbor human life. In the event that a habitable planet was discovered, the Captains were the first ones out of the Arkship to scout out the planets and the rest of the star system that the planets reside in. As a bonus, the Captain is able to name the planets in the surrounding system, since the Captain would be the first person to discover the planet. When the Captain has finished exploring the star system and surrounding planets, the Captain returns to the Arkship with the data gathered from the expedition, which allows the onboard A.I. to create the simulations for the Alpha Team. With the data gathered from the Alpha Team simulations, the A.I. then creates the simulations for the Beta Team. By the time that the Alpha Team simulations have been completed, which will most likely take a few years, the Captain, depending on their time of awakening and age upon departure, will be dead or close to dying. This process is exclusive to the Arkand, and there are many other methods used by other Arkships in the event that a planet is found that could sutain human life.


    With the discovery of new planets, there also comes with it the danger of the native life. Predators roam the planet, searching for their next meal, and have not yet begun to fear humanity and place humans at the top of the food chain. Foreign microbes reside everywhere, and any one of these microbes can be dangerous. Some of these microbes can do horrible things to the human body, such as take control of the mind and induce an uncontrollable rage that can only be satisfied by taking other human life. The possibilities are endless. But, for now, there is no worry of these creatures, just the hope that humanity will have a new home. 



    Part I: The Arkship Arkand - Google Docs.pdf

  5. Okay, maybe we should not scrap laser weapons entirely. What if we have bullet weapons in the beginning, and as players explore the planets and the galaxy, they discover ancient weapon blueprints from a lost alien civilization (surprise - it's lasers!). They would find the blueprints from alien monuments. Then the blueprints could be reverse engineered and explode across the market, while the bullet guns are still there but would be less powerful which would encourage the player to get the more powerful laser guns. How bout that? :D

  6. Here's a thought: no laser weapons. You know how in Halo games it is the 24th century, and the earthlings never mastered laser weapon technology, so they still used mainly bullets and gunpowder? So here's a thought: we could have something similar to that and not have lasers but rather bullet guns. It seems more realistic this way, because the people on earth would never have time to build on laser tech because of the whole "end of the world" thing. 




    Due to personal schedules, do not expect to be addressed immediately. Be patient, and we will mention you when we are ready to assist you. It will be ASAP, don't worry. We also don't really have an organization formed yet, because we all missed the founder pack dates. We just have the discord for now. See you in the discord, 



  8. My fellow Noveans, 


    As we await the start of this beautiful game, many organizations have come about with their own unique properties and likenesses. What our organization plans to do is cater to the needs of every kind of game player, whether it be attacking, shipping, building, or trading. We are a humble organization built on the premise that every gamer has the right to be who they want to be in a game. The Amorium Union is in the "humble beginnings" phase that every organization has gone through, and we are looking to expand. I now call upon each of you people visiting this forum topic to consider joining the Amorium Union, and together we can be something unprecedented in Dual Universe, an organization to be respected and reveered. Will you take up the call? 


    Join our discord to get more information on us, our values, and mission: https://discord.gg/9pHdmdE


  9. Could you guys implement randomly generated rogue planets and stars, just to make it like real space? And also could you make it so black holes are also generated? It would make space seem more realistic and would give people more things to avoid, along with an element if danger. Could you also make the planets more spaced out in systems, like in our own solar system, to make it so that the planets don't look like they are crossing orbital paths with each other? This would also give more room for people to build space stations and other things like that, and would also create the need for better warp drive systems to help people get to other planets, not just star systems, which could explode into a really big game market. Also (last one), can you make it so that we can fly to the star of the system that we are in? All of these changes and additions will make it a lot more realistic, if you want hints of realism in the game, and present players with features that cannot be found in many other games similar to this. (The idea for planet spacing came from a screenshot Saturday picture and the hope that this game would not become a No Man's Sky) Thanks for reading,



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