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Ser_Aison -currently gone-

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Posts posted by Ser_Aison -currently gone-

  1. Wheels and Rails could also be important for in station movement or in high Gravity areas where thrusters/hovercrafts get so expensive thats its too unefficient to use them

  2. I think it could work like the United Nations System in CIV 5 with all "important" or just flat out all organizations getting seats and voting on edicts (banning desings, embargos on factions, setting a price maximum/minimum on a recources)


    The only problem i see with that is that in CIV 5 you were completly restriced once something was banned, for DU a system where you can break the rule should be implemented,

    First example:

    Someone finds a way to make weapons of mass destruction ->

    the design gets banned but some mad empire continues to use and build them ->

    the mad empire starts getting embargos and declines to requests resulting in political heat ->

    the empire has to take growing measures to assure its power resulting in a whole lot of new gamplay possibilities


    Second Example:

    A recource/weapon/design gets banned ->

    But its SO good that the creator starts producing it secretly ->

    a black market is created ->

    a whole lot of more gameplay options stretching over law enforment/player-driven economy

  3. It's about time we had a faction with questionable ethics. Most factions on here are only concerned with being peaceful.

    Funny considering that im thinking about making you our first rival :rolleyes:


    But i also noticed a lack of "evil" factions which is kind of worrying because all of you will probably gang up on me, which is why i will wait for the alliances to build up and pick my victims then

  4. For Trains and Cars to be actually used they would need to have advantages and disadvantages compared to engines i think i could list some pros and contras for wheels/rails compared to engines



    - cheaper

    - efficient (less power comsuming)

    - easier to hide/defend (underground rails/roads/turrets)


    - slower

    - weaker (less lift capability)

    - harder to build and maintain

    - Ships can be adjusted to dangers (pirate ambushes) rails/roads have to be rebuilt

  5. First of all im a horrible person,


    So i would love a way to knock out people, allowing you to handcuff them and throw them, stripped of their euipment, in a cell and let them rot or force them to do manual labour,

    of course to make this vaiable persons would either have to RP a fear of death (unlikely) or some gameplay mechanic should punish you for dying because with your euipment gone, that would be the only fear of dying and players would just provoke you shooting them.


    Avoiding the Slavery you could just capture an important person (the master engineer who is unimaginly skilled in coming up with designs) or someone who has some skill (there where skills, right?) incredibly high, making them valuable.

    (please let me be the evil slaver foundation making trips to undefended core worlds taking slaves and be the most hated/wanted player in the universe)

  6. Some Ideas:

    /tablet (or anything you see fitting): character interacts with a tablet he holds in his hand, clicking/swiping on it (this could also be used to show if a charackter is in a menu)

    /fist: shakes your fist over your head to show your disaproval

    /cheer: you cheer...

    /salute 1+: there are many options like the typical flat hand at the head, or present your weapon, or standing still with your hands folded behind your back

    /surrender 1/2: raise your hands opened with the inside facing forward or put hands folded at the back of your head

    /cry: you cry...

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