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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Cronael

  1. I think that a system to categorize ships is not obligatory, because the more we want to add: Weapons, mechanics, propulsion and other items. The ship will have to be bigger to install all the device. if the ship is atmospheric, space or both capable, this can be a great information, beneficial or not depending on who gets the information (at pvp level for example)
  2. I agree with you, but if we start integrating this, people will ask more and more, and that will destroy the RP.
  3. The TCU has its limit of action from the atsmophere but in space, what radius does it have? Because, as said above, it will take large static cores in space, but if this is not possible, it means that everyone can change the structure, outside the group itself?
  4. The idea is on the same logic as rails, but high-speed use. -Exp: A ship in a linear tube with two directions for connecting two points. This can be connected to a lua panel, stop control or other type of organization in the structure. A levitation system, or elements allowing to reproduce a similarity with the rails in more futuristic. What do you think about that?
  5. and we can play beta if i can buy this?
  6. Ok really thanks for answer ! Now im just sad i can't buy gold founder no mail receive and no answer for this
  7. Yes i agree with you, but i think they need more publicity, a lot of my friend never heard this game. But when i talk about this game they are excited
  8. I know Dual only pc, and my question isn't on this but just on tchat and clan, a place whete you can vocal and share easy and play during the game. Look Blizzard if you only play at one game, but you see on the same platform an other game you want try. same for steam etc etc... Difficult for me to explain in english
  9. Hello all, i share my idea as well as my point of view. I propose this idea to know if this would be possible. And that it will be very interesting for advertising & attracted many people and others, on this game has big potential. For example Destiny on Battle.net, it also removes an immense amount of work for this community system, which is already well developed.
  10. Au niveau des ressources, on peut tout modeler au niveau de la planète, ainsi si par exemple, on récolte tout une planète mère, comment les nouveaux joueurs pourront récolter si celle-ci est dépourvu des ressources, ou il y aura des zone non destructible pour la récolte de ressource?
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