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Posts posted by TrihXeen

  1. This is from a story I am working on for a sci-fi game. Currently labeled "Slipnaughts", but I think the lore would fit in with the story of DU. Possibly as lost tech, or alien tech. I have a loose idea of the end-game story, and some key things that happen, but for now I will just put out some info on everything.


    The Slipnaughts are made up of 7 members. Each assigned to their own flagship for war against the Slingers. Slipnaughts go into battle first to assess what and how much firepower will be needed. If it is not a huge threat, they take care of it themselves. Or they may have to pull the whole armada to join the fight. Some charge time is needed, so being unseen is key for them.


    The "Slipsuits"


    The suits on the slipnaughts are fused to their spines, which allow their vitals to be managed.


    Thanks again for your time!



  2. I have just started reading the background, and will try to read up on everything in the dev blog. This is some amazing writing, and some great constructive criticism from the community. I usually determine how I like a story based off the picture it paints in my mind. If it feels like I'm watching the story I'm reading, then, to me, it is very well written. Although, at this point I haven't read through the next parts, I have to wonder, why did  Sohan leave Stella? What mindset drove them apart? I guess I will find out if it is in the next few parts!

  3. If I were doing that type of thing, people would only get PMs. Nothing would be very public. It might even be only in-game recruitment. I like the idea of secret societies, and I hope to at least be a part of one, if not leading one.


    Who knows, we will see how things play out. :D

  4. That DJ idea is a good one. Since there is coding in the game, wouldn't it be possible for someone to make a radio, set it to listen to a "device" or an "input"? Then, have it out put a signal to other "radios"?? Seems easy enough, but then again, I don't know hardly any coding.

  5. Some discussions about this are going on in the Library forum, but I agree. 


    I'd like to see an RP religion in the game with a whole hierarchy of priests and bishops (or whatever they choose to be called) and a military they operate like the Roman Empire. This image comes to mind:



    That ship tho... I like that. It wouldn't be frowned upon if I made a similar thread there? I have thought of some more details to add, so it wouldn't be a duplicate. It would be more of a 'I'm doing this RP thing' thread.

  6. I have been into RP in games for a few years now. I haven't actually gotten too into it since most servers for games that offer it require an interview.


    Would anyone be interested in doing some RP type things. Like, come up with a back story for 2 or more empires(so to speak) and see how people play it out? If you would be interested, lets start planning! I can come up with a story if people would like to give options for names, look and feel of empires, and the such. I would also be open to help writing and what not.


    I truly think it would be amazing to have a good, immersive RP story for the RPers out there to jump into right off the bat.


    One thing I just thought of to keep things under control, would to possibly have what I would call sessions(episodes might be a better term, but we will stick to sessions for this example). Sessions would be times of the day when the most frequent people RPing are on. So, during those times is when it is full on RP. Outside of those times would be minimal, non story affecting, RP. One con to this is that it would really be too much improve, and people might take that time to plan things out. There would, of course, be rules of engagement, so that say a war broke out. One side wouldn't just be like f-it-all and nuke everyone.


    This could happen on the same planet, multiple planets, or even star systems. Would just depend on the number of people joining in!


    I look forward to everyone's feed back!




  7. I like this idea of having a list of known alliances or organizations. But, these aren't the ones to watch out for. The ones that stay silent, and have their hand in others pockets are the ones to watch out for. In such a vast universe, it will be hard too keep track of people if they don't want to be found. :P lol, that sounds dark, but I like coming up with RP elements.

  8. From my experience, something like shadow play should do just fine. Adding something to the game code could create lag or errors, especially since it is almost impossible to debug it on every combination of hardware out there. On the flip side, in-game recording would be super awesome. I plan on making a series or two from this game. Maybe even use the game to help bring some ideas I've for games to light.


    It is a good idea and something that I hope is considered. Especially if you can just go into camera mode for recording battles between Organizations/Clans. Or, even using them to stream so you can have your own "security system" or Big Brother types of things out there.

  9. I see where you are coming from TheOdersMaster. I too like to play Devil's Advocate. I find that it helps people find flaws that they may not have thought of.


    The economy is probably my biggest worry. I played Runescape for the longest time, but even when they introduced the Grand Exchange, prices could SEVERELY change from one day to the next. Like, saving millions to buy a weapon, then you decide you don't want it. When you go to sell it, you lose money. I know this is a risk with anything, but I have seen people come together to change prices in a drastic way.


    On the point of it being P2P, I don't think it will be a problem retaining people, especially if they do things the way they are talking in the dev blog. Like, with the possible 2-4 week trial? You could join a friend who gives you enough in-game money to get you the subscription without spending a dime(if they offer this, at least a significant discount would be nice). I personally, along with a lot of people out there, don't mind paying money to play a game as long as it is fun, immersible, and updated and we hear/interact with the devs in some form or fashion. 


    Seeing as how they have been planning and designing since 2014 to some extent, I believe they have been working on how to resolve the issues people might see or think of before they happen. Maybe they could throw scenarios at us on the forum to see how people might challenge them? 

  10. I would imagine that the planets are going to be similar to those in Stellaris. Were there are a random number of planets in each system, and those planets are either habitable or not habitable. With each of the habitable planets they have a single biome that covers the whole planet, like Tundra, Ocean, or Tropical. For the planets that are not habitable, they might be a source for some types of gas. I haven't seen much(YET) in terms of how their generation will work but hopefully there will be at least a couple of planets in each system that have multiple biomes!

  11. My name is Trihxeen. I am from Texas in the United States. I am 27 soon to be 28! MMOs have been a big part of my gaming life since I was 14(playing RuneScape) and I plan on playing them til the day I die. I have played: RuneScape, EVE(not too much though), Star Wars: The Old Republic, Blade & Soul, and Everquest Next Landmark just to name a few.


    I have played around with some game creation tools, but I have no degree. I can find my way around a 3D modeling program and I have down SOME modeling myself. The only one I have left from moving and changing PCs over the years is a model for a game I am currently writing a story for. I am about to start classes in game design, and hopefully one day be making my own games!


    I am the first member of NinjaClanFu to join this forum! So, lets talk about some of the history of NinjaClanFu!


    We started out as a group of three playing Minecraft together, and from there we have played/experienced many different types of games together! We came together as NinjaClanFu with 6 people when Ark: Survival Evolved was released in Early Access on Steam. We slowly grew in number from there because of some mishaps with a couple of people we added. But, we are always looking for more members in the future!


    NinjaClanFu won't be any type of corporation, but we will be looking to build a community to thrive and prosper. This includes everything that the game will have to offer from miners to pvp to any sort of administration we might develop! We are currently planning on being explorers for a while, and hopefully finding a nice place to set up camp and get started on growing!


    We currently aren't recruiting, but that can change soon! When we do start recruiting(if you would like to join us), we will likely have an application with MMO history and would like to know your experience in building, mining, PVP, and so forth. Additionally, we would prefer to meet will people in TS, Discord or something similar. Maybe even play some games together to see how we click! Play styles won't have to be exactly the same, but we would like to add people who have a similar, if not the same vision.


    Anything else you would like to know about NinjaClanFu or myself, don't be afraid to ask! I will try to be as active on the forums as possible, but it might be minimal throughout the week since I work 4(days), 10 hour shifts each day.


    Thank You for taking the time to read this! I look forward to meeting everyone!



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