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Posts posted by TrihXeen

  1. As much fun as RPing can be, I don't feel we have enough to go on to really make something work. Mind you, that's just how I feel and that shouldn't discourage you or anyone else from going forward with this. I just think it'd be better to wait and see what NovaQuark comes out with for us to work with. 


    That said, I do thoroughly enjoy RPing and some good old D&D games. I won't make it my gaming communities' primary focus though, but I certainly plan to encourage it to have fun with. 

    I was more or less thinking of writing a story that is somewhat independent of DU's main story, with one of the things that links the two is that fact that people left the Arkship and went to planet X, and now there are two factions at war over who rightfully owns an alien artifact. Although it is, in fact, just space garbage. just for an example.


    Ideas come to me fairly easily, and I consider myself to be a creative person. So, I try to feed it when I get the inspiration, instead of being stagnant on it, and having to return to it later.


    Also, I would like to start writing something as early as possible, so I can get details ironed out, then if info comes out that is majorly contradictory to my story, or something that I want to be in it, I can change things around. Who knows, maybe RP will be on the back burner for everyone for awhile. I know it might be for me, until I get a secure location and everything gets going.

  2. *cough**cough* Did someone say RP? I will probably try to be a rather irational syndicate/pirate company leader establishing a iron rule over my space and spreading through and infiltratingother empires trying to spread criminal activities (black markets, illegal fighting clubs) and making my money through piracy and then smugling the pirated goods to the black markets.


    I think that the word peaceless describes me best  :P

    I look forward to your interjection in any RP I might create or be a part of, and watching it become part of the story :D I see everything as a challenge, not a threat :P 

  3. This, I like this. It makes me thing of "The Arbiter" level from Halo 2. I am big into things from my favorite games being remade.

    I can't find an image to link right now.... I don't remember all the details on what it was tethered to though.


    The universe will be proceduraly generated, so it is possible for these things to happen. If multiple moons around a planet of certain size is something it might make. 


    EDIT: Here is a pic that the link works forthearbiter1.png

  4. Is there going to be a pre-made interface for creating these types of clans? Like a log in a menu, or something in game to see member lists? I know this is still too early for them to have something like this made. Just curious if there has been talk about it.


    I think to make the game more immersive, we could have a phone or personal tablet of sorts that allow us to access different types of information. I could see the interface for the clan having a background of the planet or space station they are centered on. With an emblem somewhere on the top of the page. With information like, planet/station name, and star system. As well as having the top members of the clan list with pictures and any other public information they want to share. I may try to throw something together to help shape this idea.


    Clan members would have access to more information, such as locations of other members. It could also list locations of hubs/embassies, store/shop locations(if that becomes a thing), housing areas, mines and etc.


    It could also be cool to have things set up where different clans are part of one large conglomerate. For example, United Space Guys could be the "umbrella name" with clans like Space Pirating Kitties, Mineral Masters, Space Faring Clan, Wufu Cookery & Bakers and TUMS Galactic Hospice being part of said conglomerate. This would make them allies, without having to have the same vision shared clan wide. Similar to alliances from EVE.


    Ideas and thoughts? 


    I'm kinda big on feedback if anyone has noticed. :P




  5. TrihXeen(of course) I would be a community(as in my clan at least) leader, scientist(most likely slightly crazed), explorer, and an architect.


    We would create a safe haven farther out in space, and start to invite others to our community.


    OR I will be a space pirate or anti space pirate. There are so many options out there but these are my main to chose from right now.

  6. As far as i read it they plan to do a "learn by doing" system, no real tech tree in the conventional sense.

    It would be nice if skills, that you trained up to a certain level, branch out to new, related skills, thus making up the tech tree, but i think the final form of leveling/skilling strongly depends on the actual content which will be released.

    I could see this working. Seems like the most logical. Like forging metals could lead to blacksmithing, since you would learn to work metal to some degree. It would make the most sense, as well as making to where you don't have to have different characters or people for different things.

  7. HAHa yea. That why I was talking about having set times where during, say, this 4 hour period(when most are on) is when major events can take place. Otherwise, the story line won't be affected to a large degree. It would make sense for things to happen "behind the scenes" with groups. 


    I would probably try to find a few people to be actual "leaders", who would keep the story going and what not, but not actually have a lot of influence, or be able to make decisions without RPers on.


    That way someone doesn't go, welp, everyone made up and I'm the leader. I feel that RP should be mostly like improv comedy, where you always agree with what is said. Obviously that would work in RP, but something close to that type of rule should always be in place. For example, if someone said "I just picked an apple", reactions would hopefully be something like, "Where did you find a- We will discuss this later..." or "ok". 


    I know that true RPers that like doing it for fun know whats up. The basic rule, in me opinion, for it would be: If it can't happen in the game, or actually be done in a reasonable amount of time, it isn't allowed.

  8. If would gladly pay for a second account, turn the HUD off. And, use its game footage as my live feed of things going on. It could be like a static shot of screens in game that show feeds from cameras.


    I guess I should have reworded part of my initial post. Does anyone know if there will be a spectator type of thing, where you could just be a camera that flies around, but only a certain distance from your body, but limited in some way from going through walls? I would only want it for shots for videos or getting a zoomed out shot of a PVP space battle. The only downside I see is people using it as an exploit.


    If it isn't possible for the sake of keeping it from ruining the game, I am on board(heh) with that.

  9. I prefer a back story that I can then improve and add to with no strict on the development of the character. I like things being open to free will as they should be. People will realistically change their mind quite drastically every now and then and this style allows for that.

    Right. I'm thinking about writing a story. Saying, here is the backstory, go! From there see how people play it out. I would partake in the story, but only as a minor character so to speak. What people do with the RP story is up to them.

  10. I don't plan on streaming, for much the same reason that people typically don't stream Eve Online (to prevent secrets from getting out).


    However I will likely be producing RP-style videos for youtube along with the group of players I'll be with. 

    Same here. I have been wanting to start making videos using games, but there haven't been many game that I feel I would be able to do a lot of what I want without a lot of time spent in editing. DU pretty much has unlimited room for creativeness, in my opinion.

  11. I like this idea. One way of explaining it would be that another Arkship could have traveled though a wormhole, for example, and it only took them half the time to find a good planet to land on. Then they would have had time to build up and explore, before the civilization fell in on itself. Be it from war or plague. Would also allow for another story or two to be added to the game.

  12. I had a post in General, and I was told about The Library being the place for RP talk. I haven't done a lot of RP myself, so I'm not quiet sure how things have worked in different games/situations.


    So, here we go:


    1.) What kind of RP are you into?(PVE, PVP elements and what not)


    2.) Do you prefer RP in a larger scale, or a smaller one?


    3.) What would you want to Role Play? 


    4.) Would you be interested in a general backstory, and insert your character into that story?


    Anything else that you would want to see in RP feel free to write it down below!


    Thanks for taking the time to read, as well as any feedback given!




    Cameras displays in a bridge would be useful in that you wouldn't have to have a bridge that is exposed via a translucent material to space and your enemies. You could have a bridge in the middle of your ship, and feel safer being surrounded by all of your armored hull. 


    Sooo a ship like The Covenant(pic below) from the halo series had? I have to recreate this now. So many things come to mind, when thinking about all the possibilities DU offers.


  14. I think we might be friends. I too got my start in the wonderful world of mmo's with runescape, currently the only mmo im still playing atm with my sub par pc im running.

    My name on RS ended up being Darani. Some might find my original name offensive, so if you want to know it PM me. 


    Looks like a nice group. I'm also scouting this game for a couple people I know. We hope to have you on the forums for a long time.


    Welcome NinjaClanFu, as the forums say.

    I plan on being with this game until it dies. It has everything I have ever wanted from a game(not just an MMO). Especially after seeing the anime SAO, and Log Horizon.

  15. Ferran mentioned being able to sell ships to others. I think this is where "quality" could come to effect. For example, say you can only sell something of a certain "quality" or "rarity", as well as its blueprint. Some PVP clans may just buy the ship as a "gotta have it now" thing. While other clans have builders, that have been working on becoming proficient at refining and building. The clans with the builders could buy the blueprint, then use the skills of their builders to make it stronger, or with better materials. This could give them an adge of the "gotta have it now" type of clans out there.


    I know I would rather buy blueprints, and have builders make adjustments and improvements to it that would give me the edge, even though it might look I have the same ship. I would also only sell BPs of my things at an earlier stage of developement, so that others won't know exactly what I will be bringing to fights.

  16. I have yet to read up on everything the devs have released about the game(my weekend will be filled with reading though). I imagine that it might be scaled down from actual distances, but not too much. I would expect that at least one planet in each system would be tolerable for some sort of habitat to be built on or in. I am personally hoping to find a forest type of planet to build on, but it depends on the scenery. I would take just about anything if it looks good.

  17. I came up with this idea while replying to a post. I think it would be cool, and I'm hoping it will possible, with being able to code in DU. I think we could benefit from having in-game cameras that could act as an offline security system. Also, being used to record footage from RP situations, space battles, or even tv like programming like news channels and what-not. Those of you on here who have coding experience, or even the devs, this a possible thing to make if not built into the game?



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