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Posts posted by Forodrim

  1. 13 minutes ago, NanoDot said:

    We know that you can be attacked anywhere outside the arkship safezone

    plus you can create safezones on your own, expensive but possible. 


    13 minutes ago, NanoDot said:

    We know that you drop your entire inventory contents on death,



    "Inspired by EVE" and "will be just like EVE only harsher" are two different things. 

    but this discussion is increasingly pointless. Most of the stuff discussed here is not fleshed out in the game, let alone tested (no plan will survive the first contact with the enemy ;) ).


    I think the concerns about this game are valid, DU as a simple gankbox will fail (and it will be a wasted opportunity). I don't see a large enough audience for a simple gankbox game in the scope of DU. 


    29 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    Harassment for the lulz is relative

    What I'm talking about is the mocking and continued harassment of players who are clearly in distress and pissed about what happened to them in game. 

    As an example for the toxic mentality you can look at Mittanis harassment at a con of an player including the the statement "if you want to make the guy kill himself, his name is ....". That is no longer a playstyle.

    29 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    Lastly, those who complain and cry about how some EVE players conduct their business will get a rough wake up call in DU..

    how do you know? there is no information on how DU will handle PVP and looting  etc. The only thing we know so far is that NQ has stated that PVP and nonPVP playstyles will be viable. The EVE Players are the ones that go around claiming it will be free for all PVP / loot everything. 

    construct to construct was rather low on their strech goal list, so I would be a bit surprised if that would be the main point of the game. DU will attract a different crowd than EVE and NQ will have to take that into account otherwise they will fail. 


    I also kind of wonder why EVE players want to make DU into EVE 2.0? if you love EVE so much go back and play EVE. 

  3. 2 hours ago, NanoDot said:

    DU is set to be a "full-loot FFA-PVP" game, let's not be coy about it !

    DU is set to be a game with PVP and non-PVP activities suitable for multiple playstyles. 

    NQ will have to make sure that the toxic "harassment for teh lulz" mentallity that some EVE players have will not run rampant in their community. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Falstaf said:

    DU needs all sorts of players to be healthy. It needs the pirates and the  builders.


    Can't we all just get along? :wub:

    I hope we will, and I hope NQ will make sure that all play styles, including non-PVP, will work. They have stated they want to and I really hope they will succeed. 

    Otherwise the ones that want to PVP to "mine salt" will rule DU. 


    DU will attract different players than EVE, and NQ must take that into account. 

  5. 18 hours ago, CaptainTwerkmotor said:

    However, the NBSI protocol; is there for a reason, if yo uare red, it means you are affiliated with an enemy. You can't expect them to give yo ua free passs.

    For all they know, you could be scouting for a fleet. They HAVE to take you out. YOu should not exprect any mercy in DU in that regard either. You have an entire server to "explore", if you want to "explore" in an enemy's territory, then yexpect them to kidnly remove you fro mthe premises by force.


    What bothered me I think, is that there was no concept of "neutrality" in EVE, you were either an ally or an enemy. Unknown, was automatically put into the enemy category. 


    Yes, I really hope that the "explorer" playstyle is a bit expanded in DU as compared to EVE. 

  6. On 17/10/2017 at 8:49 PM, CaptainTwerkmotor said:

    EVE's terrible UI is the main thing driving people off, not the sandbox.

    Not sure about that, what drove me off was the "if it is red it is dead" mentality that most players of EVE have. I mostly did exploration and relic and data sites in EVE, but that quickly became a mere game of hiding as PVP players thought an unarmed frigate would look good in their killboard. 


    What surprises me is how many here just want DU to be a EVE clone, clones will never work. If DUs main playstyle will be a copy of EVE it will fail. Not because that playstyle is bad, but because it is a clone. 


    DU must make sure that it will offer more and different playstyles than EVE. 

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