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Posts posted by CodeGlitch0

  1. I think I'm going a little too theoretical here,


    When it comes down to it, though... All forms of currency are based solely on perceived value.  Paper and electronic money all have no intrinsic value that can be broken down for any actual use.  Technically, money like the US dollar is backed by gold, but even that is largely a façade these days.  What are you going to do if your entire city looses everything they have in some disaster and decides that US money is worthless to them now?  Nothing.  You could try going to Ft. Knox as giving them your money demanding that your get your equivalent gold in return.  But will you actually get it? Probably not.  You're just left with a bunch of worthless paper.


    Currency is backed solely by "perceived value."  The actual placeholder for it (ie. coins) may have some intrinsic value if your melt it down and make wires, for example, but that is largely minimal.​



    Back to point:


    I concede that it would take a monumental effort--backed by a very large group--to make a viable player-created currency.  I don't really have any intention of doing that but it was an interesting muse.  My initial post was centered more around whether people would accept "resource tokens" for promised goods in the early days.  An alternate currency was just a side-effect of that.

  2. Very true. The notion of a resource token is intended for when real money is scarce. Obviously, this would gravitate towards early game and I would always prefer to deal in the universal game currency.

    However, at the very start I may not have money to pay you for your resources right away as I have to first build products that I can sell to earn the money to pay suppliers. So having an "in kind" token to promise goods back would solve that early issue.

    After I trading for a little while, I would always pay cash for resources.


    EDIT: It's probably just dreaming, but maybe the very last resource token out in the wild will become a rare collectable item traded for rediculuous amounts on the Markets as a relic of the First Days...

  3. This is an important question regarding construct scripting... Will player Joe, who bought my flight stabilizer, be able to view the Lua scripts that are involved with it? Or will the scripts be visible only with the blueprint master for that construct, making the construct purchased a magical black box?


    Obviously, as a savvy buyer I would want to review any scripts to make sure there aren't any hidden backdoors or overt flaws in the script. But on the flip side, as a builder I wouldn't want everyone and their dog to see my scripts and copy them for free to their own flight stabilizer... That would be very uncool.

  4. I have alluded to this in other posts, but I would like to see a built in support for authenticating users on you command consoles. For example, I hop out of my super sophisticated space fighter and walk around a bit. Meanwhile, player Joe decides he likes the chrome tailpipes of said sophisticated space ship and hops into the cockpit to take it for a spin around the galaxy. As he grabs the control stick, an authentication required message shows up asking for the flight command codes.


    While I can also imagine a couple of ways to enforce this, using tags and permissions, it would be really nice if this short of support was baked in to the system core by the devs.


    Your thoughts?

  5. Sounds somewhat like Notch's abandoned 0x10C project.  Might be a cool idea, but I doubt it would work in game, due to performance issues.  Lua is optimal because it compiles into native bytecode for the game, making it highly efficient.  A run-time compiler or processor in game, might kill the performance.  If they could pull something like that off, though, I would love it also.


    EDIT: Oh, your first link is to 0x10C.  Sorry for redundancy.  I don't click forum links generally.


    I really despise that type of game and to bring something similar to that style into this game makes me feel like the game is moving backward instead of forward, moving away from a game that could be realistic into something cartoonish and childish like the Civ series.



    I think you might partially misunderstand their intention for the tiling system..  The planet won't be physically divided up in to tiles, the hexagons are merely the shape of land "claims"  it could be square, but I imagine the devs went with hexagons because it can be easier to divide up a sphere that way?  Either way, you generally won't see these planetary divisions, unless you bring up a territory view of some sort.


    Also, claiming land isn't something that will be simple to do.  It will require a massive amount of resources for a single territory tile and the actual device used to claim the land will still be vulnerable to destruction itself, so it also has to be hidden and protected accordingly.

  7. The nice thing about DU is that I could make a blueprint for it, then manufacture many of them very early on.  They would be tiny, like a small coin and would use minimal amounts of the cheapest, most abundantly possible resource.  The first thing I would do i mine the resource, and make them.  Because they are very small, the nano-builder should be able to do it very quickly.


    My goal wouldn't be to create a currency out of them, that would just be a side effect.  I don't care about market collapse, as that was never the intention.  I would still honor them for products for sale.  X number of tokens = a particular product.

  8. How would you address counterfeiting of your tokens? 


    According to the DevBlog for tagging and lua scripting (I can't remember which off-hand), all constructs have an "owner" property.  The owner indicates the person who created it.  Since I would create all of my resource token, I would only need to verify that the owner is me.  If it is, it is authentic.  


    EDIT: That's how Second Life did it, and why change a system that works?  DU devs didn't describe a "creator" property.  Based on naming conventions, that would be more appropriate.


    But yeah, Welcome to the forums, I wouldn't mind seeing some of your work if you have a development of a game similar to that of DU, would be nice to see more games like DU.. Nothing bad comes from a little healthy competition, :)


    I hope you enjoy your stay in DU 




    I have no spare time and no budget for it, unfortunately. The way things are going, it will not serve as any sort of competition to DU in the next decade at least.  Other than a few components, it's largely still merely a concept.  lol

    What I do have is a partially complete implementation of a custom block-based programming language for simple UI based programming that anyone can do, a partially completed set up for a distributed cloud-based backend server cluster for the ultra-mmo aspect, and a barely started pluggable interfacing system for ship component design and interaction. 

  10. You've obviously been doing some research on this. Let me tell you my honest opinion about this. 


    It's an idea that we've seen time and time again, but it's tricky to see how well this would work out in the long term. We can't tell if a player would be willing to honor his end of the agreement and if that player will even be able to profit enough to do this. So, we have to break it down real quick.


    You: The issuer of this currency and manager.

    Person 1: A person who accepts this agreement and takes some of your currency after he trades you something.


    When Person 1 gives you something, it would be reasonable for him to expect a repay or due date for his payment, items, etc. You would have to then repay him by that date, in order to honor his investment. If you didn't honor his investment, let's assume he asks for collateral so that he has something to take back if need be. Now, there is a lot of trust here and it can easily be abused, unless, you are a extremely trusted individual. In that case, the collateral might be able to be taken out of the equation(which is unlikely.)


    Is this a usable idea? Yes! However, using it early in the game is probably not going to work for anyone in the end. Sorry.


    Well, those are my thoughts as I have had the idea before, but by all means, give it a go!


    Well, as a trader and builder, I'd be 100% reliant on my reputation to sell anything.  If I made junk or didn't honor agreements, obviously no one would do business.  So, I can assure complete trustworthiness or I may as well not trade.


    That said, I fully understand people would be hesitant to do an "honor system" trade.  However, once I have a few blueprints, people will be able to see me with another player constructing objects with the resources they've given me to do so.  That would boost confidence fairly quickly until i get a full shop set up.

  11. Not sure about that. I think you'd need an element that detects the revocation of tags... seems doubtful something like that would exist. Maybe Nyz will enlighten us?


    What you could probably do instead is program the ship to self destruct when someone without access attempts to use the controls.


    Yeah, but that would be less fun since I am a jerk in this theoretical dimension (not true in real life). In that instance, perhaps I would want to blow up the ship when the pilot least expects it.


    It could fairly easily be accomplished by setting up a timed event that checks tags every XX milliseconds and then activates when it is gone.  But it would be far more efficient from a software / performance perspective to have the tag change events pushed to any DPU listening for them rather than to use a timer. ex:

    // Psuedo-code
    function onNavigationConsoleActivated() {
        create_timer(call: check_tag, every: 10 ms);
    function check_tag() {
        if navigation_console.pilot.hasTag("youre_alive"):
            return       // Ok, you're safe for now...
        // otherwise..


    // Psuedo-code
    function onNavigationConsoleActivated() {
        navigation_console.pilot.listen_event(event: "tag_removed", tag: "youre_alive", call: uh_oh);
    function uh_oh() {

    The first function fires constantly. The second, only once.

  12. NOTE: I've posted this as a random comment on another posting, but I think it is worthy of it's own discussion...


    From my early on in the DU, I plan to focus on building and selling useful (scripted) tool and transport constructs. To help with this, I am mulling over the idea of creating a small "Resource Token" construct (the size and shape of a coin) that players will be able to trade with me at any time for product.


    For example, I might not have a lot of money available at game launch, so I would give out these "resource tokens" to other players instead of money for the resources they give me.  Later, once I have built items for sale, I would allow players to trade the resource tokens freely for finished products instead of game currency..  Essentially, it is an IOU.


    Suddenly, my resource tokens have suddenly become an alternate form of currency that players can trade on the game Markets for game currency if they so desire.


    Obviously, I realize that this would require the honor system on my part. But that is typical of any cottage industry, isn't it?


    What do you all think of this idea?  Would you accept resource tokens in place of currency early on in game?

  13. There is no available Alpha for DU yet, unfortunately.  I believe it is planned for later this year, but may be part of a kickstarter campaign. In the meantime, get yourself active with helping out on these forums and perhaps we will get noticed. :)

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