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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Caesares

  1. The problem is not lots of alt corps, but alt corps at the top of the community listings, having unfair publicity.


    Solution: remove the corporation listings by member count.

    Instead list them by searchable tags, i.e. , Pirates, banking, RP, industry, military and corporations name. etc, ect.


    Then all the corporation advertising can be done on the DU forum, ON A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD.


    Now there is no insentive to artificially build large corps. Any inactive corp or alt corps will collect dust in a folder somewhere giving no one unfair advantage.

    Or having a kind of spotlight, where certain orgs are selected somewhat randomly based on a couple of factors (when was it made, activity, attention, or ratios of that)


    I've long had an interest in nomadic life, have read a fair number of books on nomads throughout history and even stayed in Mongolia for a month in '93. The most interesting fact about Mongolia for me was that no one owns the land. People can rent a patch of land to pitch their ger(Mongolian felt tent) on if they live in a township, but outside of that no one owns property per se. Among the Mongolians that still follow their herds what they own is seasonal and has to do with rights to pasture and water. In winter this also applies to shelter where extra hay is stored for the herds.
    Here on earth nomads basically follow their herds to pasturage dependent on season and geography. This results in cyclical patterns of movement as the pasture is depleted and the herds move on to other pasturage. Nomads may alter these routes when other locales prove ideal for an upcoming season, but by and large these patterns take on a proprietary nature for a group of nomads. The routes of pasturage were often the cause of wars between nomadic peoples as droughts altered the geography. 
    The sedentary peoples were often viewed with contempt by nomads. For one, they ate 'grass' like the herds due to farming for their food. Then they took up so much of the land as to deny space to move. In fact, sedentary people put claim on the land itself. Sedentary people were like vast herds of humans, stuck in the same pasture year round. A nomad found this extremely disgusting, even distressing to conceive. It was inhuman to consider such a life of filth and misery.
    Now, how would this be translated into Dual Universe? I can see space-faring nomads here primarily because of the voxel-creation process. In Dual Universe, if you think of it you may very well be able to build it. Even ISS Wandering Mountain is on to this idea with a mobile station of sorts. Space-faring nomads will need 'pasturage' that can likely be found in asteroid belts, rather than planets, for easy access. Planets will have their uses for resources but asteroid belts will be far more accessible and less compromising in terms of combat(and maybe the gravity well will be a concern too). Asteroid belts may also vary in terms of what sort of ores and resources can be harvested. Maybe gas giants can be 'skimmed' for compounds in volume by nomadic skimmerships.
    With space-faring nomads there is no limit other than finding resources for whatever you need. You can go where you please without concern of a logistics tether. There are many ways to envision such a group. One can consider the mothership idea that ISS Wandering Mountain aspires to but a series of smaller clan-ships might provide more flexibility as well as more tactical and operational options.


    Although being a Nomad will probably be doable, I do not think that it will be a main way of life, besides maybe for miners, pirates, or mini-clans focused around that. I think that it will probably be easier to settle and start a colony then set up a massive (or maybe small ship for yourself) ship for being a nomad. Also, there is the danger that your ships runs out of energy, fuel, or you move too far out of a certain territory and the pirates get you.


    With all that in mind though, it will still probably be an awesome way of life.

  3. So, I was curious on what the community thought about the possibility of services industry, as in non-essentials, such as insurance, banking, funding, loans, investment, and other things such as hotels and entertainment. 


    I was wondering if they will be a part of the game, or if the game will be more like EvE, where the majority of organizations have to work mainly on essentials and there aren't, or are limited player-run entertainment groups or orgs, and the banking, insurance, loans etc. that there is is risky, as a player could just grab the money, send it to a friend, and disappear from your radar.


    Anyway, I was wondering what people thought the role of the service industry will be, whether or major or non existent.

  4. I see your intention, I really do but by no means do I support your actions, these kind of actions do create problems in the community as a whole as you might have noticed as such kind of actions divert the attention of NQ from important things like developing the game and while I really believe that social community management is a big thing to consider, we also need to know that NQ doesn't have a very large team and they are all involved in certain parts of development of game.

    We all are humans and we make mistakes, it is good to see that you are at least stating your point of view and while I do not support your actions I can at least respect you for standing up and doing what you did.

    I do hope though in the future such an incident doesn't takes place and if you do end up making a bank it is without alts :P But again best of luck.

    I understand that, and I also respect your opinion. I just think that if this issue could be resolved early, then when others joined they could feel like the community was more authentic and real. This could help the whole game, since then those players could end up pledging and making the game go quicker.


    Again, I also see your way of thinking, and understand that most, if not all people will disapprove of my actions.

  5. Greetings,


    It is I, the nefarious, evil, wicked, retarded and dastardly creator of the Intergalactic Banking Federation. Now first off, I would like to say that what I did was wrong, obviously, and that I in general should not have done it. However, I find that a lot of people did not understand why I had made this organization. I recently moved to DU from Star Citizen. The problem I had with Star Citizen was that, first off, it was not being made, and, second off, each main economy had it's own industry giant, with no hope of catching up. Many of these organizations had joined early, and where stuffed with alternate accounts that had been made before SC had decided to stop players without packages from being able to join orgs.


    Despite this, accounts that had already joined where not affected, allowing large organizations to remain in control mostly because they inflated the numbers. 


    So, then I saw DU. I instantly sold what I had in SC, and switched over. There was no way you could compete with those giants. But, looking through the organizations, I grew worried. Much of the accounts in the larger orgs (TU, Void) seemed to be fake, or at least inactive. This worried me. After already being scammed out of years of time hoping for SC, I did not want to go through the same thing with DU. 


    So, I made the IBF. I made multiple alt accounts (how I did so I will later explain). The only goal in my mind was to see that, if I pushed hard and made all the accounts so that the community would see, what would Novaquark do? 


    Also, as a note, the perpetrator of these activities where me, myself, and I. There was no one else involved.


    In the end, Novaquark shut down the organization I had made, which gives me an enormous amount of joy. In SC, the devs don't want to attack the big orgs, because they are their main customers, and they simply don't care. To see devs and moderators shutting down an org, but still allowing the accounts to be free as a kind of second chance was also uplifting, because it shows that the people at Novaquark (I hope I spelling this correctly) don't want to be strict on any one, and are free to second chances. 


    So, in the end, my mission is accomplished. You may not like or approve of my methods, and after this neither do I (I had a surprising amount of stress because of this, resulting in me typing this going on 70 hrs of no sleep), but at the end of the day it made me a staunch DU fan and believer. 


    How I Made That Alts And How To Stop Alts

    The most annoying thing about the signup system right now for an alt-maker is the recaptcha. This requires a human to do the recaptcha and puzzles it gives. (That is what would take up the majority of the ten hours I spent making alts)


    However, the other things people thought would be difficult, password, email, nickname, where not that difficult. For email I would use guerilla mail, since you can make unlimited email addresses and for usernames I simply came up with them or had a generator open. On average, it took 3 minutes to make a convincing alt, and about 2 min to make a really horrible alt.


    Now, there is a very easy way to stop this. Don't allow more than three alts per IP address (all the accounts I made, totaling 150, where made on two devices) do not allow users to have guerilla mail emails, and add more human-required brain work, such as maybe answering a code or making sense out of phrases in the email before the verification process for the accounts begins. 


    If all of this is done, the average time for one alt account could exceed 20-30 minutes.


    Also, maybe require filling out payment info, or at least residence, that way someone cannot be two people in the system.


    The Apology Part:

    I know I might have caused some pain recently. Whether annoyance, anger, or frustration, it was my fault. Please understand, I absolutely hate alts. They where what made me leave SC. I wanted to see if DU could be affected in the same way. The pain, annoyance or frustration I caused was completely my fault, and I sincerely apologize.


    Getting to know this community, and see it come together to fight my organization was very empowering and motivating. I am now certain that this game will come out, because of the people who make up it's community and the developers, who listen to that community.

  6. As some of you already pointed out, the "Intergalactic Banking Federation" (IBF) had an extremly high growth in the last days. Founded on the 1st of march, they already have 65 members. Nearly all those accounts were created in the last 5 days. There were 26 new members in one day. That's more than 1317 orgs got in their whole time of existance. I'd like to ask NQ to either delete this whole organization or the fake members. This is a problem that many online games have but we should start fighting against it as soon as possible.

    The reason for this massive amount of growth is because all of our members have migrated from Star Citizen, a game which was never going to be made in the first place. Our group was made up of an alliance of industrial organizations, but we where always playing catch up to the other organizations. 


    In DU, we have a chance to become a leader of an industry in a game that could become an actual game.


    Also, if you noticed our recruitment report, we do not think that this growth will last. If anything, we will get a few more players, but most of the players that are joining us from SC have already joined.

  7. No player made currency (refer to the ama videos and or questions) will be in DU. There is ONE currency, made by NQ.


    As twerk pointed out you CAN play with no in-game money at all if you wish and if your org has the proper logistics for it, but all of us would still use that one currency

    I agree. Banks will mostly be for savings accounts, insurance, or for setting up exchanges.

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