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Alpha Tester
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    Parked my ship (yeah I know, it's an ugly thing/ship/whatever) on Haven 5 and went to Elioth and sold some Kergon in a market in district 6. It seems that it is the most active place in the whole game. I can only produce enough kergon for around 100.000 worth of money each day. Well, it's something. I wanted to expand my territory to get more basic ore so that I can produce more fuel, but I seem to hit some problems, since I was denied to get the tile even when I got the 'green' light to plant that thing. I think I need to create my own org. or something. What a pain. 


    I also visited Exchange. It was so busy there.... well not exactly, even there it was a ghost town... It seems that dreams are not always been fulfilled. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -=DWM=-


      Thanks for the info. I haven't installed Discord anymore since my computer crash (destroyed windows) after playing a game with the 3d-glasses version of Nvidia years ago. Never used the 3d-glasses after that too.


      I'm not happy to hear that you need to move to another planet for expansion. 🤷‍♂️ But thanks anyway, I will think about it to install it again. But personally I like the forum as a better system, since Discord is more chaotic in my own opinion. And I'm just posting my experiences here lol. 

    3. Talocan


      That's a pretty good looking ship. Better than what I've built if you ask me.

    4. -=DWM=-


      At least you do like it 🙂  I tried  to reduce the weight with using just a frame work, that makes it more interesting I think. Thanks for your comment.

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