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Alpha Tester
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  1. Meh, a few  times i got the question for the scale that  I would advise to play this game to others. The longer I play, the lower I want to suggest other gamers to play this game. The play level is hard and for example,  I wasted 1,9 million on stupid things. Not enough cargo, a wrong mining unit, etc. and other mistakes that could have been  easily fixed.  Haven is also the wrong place to start, I think.  And I still have to build my own ship, yet.


    The grinding, the useless complex things that takes the fun away... I can understand why many people would stop playing.  I have copper in the ground,  but I can't even build the damn mining thing for it.  You need lithium of all things. And I have only  some Copper ore. All this because the field has stopped spawning ores.  I can only use mining units now. XD....  The play level is really very hard. I'm losing it guys...

    1. Koruzarius


      There's no copper on Haven, do you have a tile elsewhere? And an uncommon mining unit should handle getting the copper, and you can make that without Lithium.

    2. -=DWM=-


      I see, thanks for the info. I had bought that uncommon mining unit and installed it. That would explain that I thought that it was the wrong unit. But there is still faulty logic here. Why was there malchite and limestone on the surface? But nothing to mine? Seriously, was this also a great idea for a game mechanic,  how to stop progress? Since I cleaned the surface of all ores, I take it this was it? No respawning anymore? 

    3. FatRillos


      After you mine the "skittles" on your claimed tile they do not respawn, but on those tiles that are not claimed you can surface mine. So I'm assuming you can mine around you. But if I were you I'd at least join the main DU discord. You will find people to help quickly, also you will find people willing to invite you to their org just to be a mining monkey. Be careful and have fun. 

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