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Posts posted by war

  1. 10 hours ago, NanoDot said:

    EVE has a well-known saying: "Don't fly it if you can't afford to lose it".

    In DU, that applies too, but there's an additional saying needed: "Don't build it if you can't afford to have it blown up".


    This worries me ... I'm only an "average gamer", and games that force "elitism" essentially end up driving me out as I lose interest in being ganked or cheesed all the time.

    Hopefully there will be some good Security forces that make up a policing alliance in the game :) 


    Half tempted to take on a role that results in driving intel in to such a group with LUA driven smarts in ships.

  2. 3 hours ago, Lethys said:

    player built protection bubbles which run with fuel and have a 48h timer

    ? Where is this documented ?
    I've not seen any mention of this in the dev blog ... did I miss one?


    3 hours ago, Lethys said:

    automated defenses for your base

    I've suggested that possibility on other threads, you've outright denied this will ever be possible. 
    I still think this is a good idea though ... would be nice to be able to deploy turrets on buildings or something to protect my corp base when offline.


    3 hours ago, Lethys said:

    so yes, there ARE mechanics you can use as a small group to survive out there


    Good to know ... wouldn't mind seeing the dev blog / NQ source for all this though so I can form my own opinions as much of the information being out at the moment is deliberately vague (good call on NQ's part IMO).

  3. How about advertising on in game screens.


    NQ have already talked about screen components and the ability to create programs on virtual computers with LUA. 
    They have also talked about how that content is literally HTML.


    So any existing advertising platforms could easily be ported to run in the game or they could build a new one and sell the advertising space.

    Much like in futuristic movies where you see space mounted billboards, you could get "credit" for showing ads to a user on the side of a building you own (like maybe each time a user flies a ship within x number of feet of a billboard you mount on the side of a building you get another 1 minute of rent paid on the land or something and NQ get real money for serving up ads.


    I'm not normally a fan of advertising but this would make for more real looking game environment (think times square type scenarios).


    The same ads could be piped in to screens mounted around ships or space stations.

    Obviously there would have to be some control on how they reward players to prevent spamming of advertising all over ship designs as cash cows (or would they). 

  4. Security by obscurity is not really anyone's solution, in IT that's actually considered actively "bad practice".


    I'm one of those people that likes to know my efforts will still be there when I return from not being around ... none of us play games 24/7/365, it just can't be done so my preference is to have options no matter how I choose to play ... even if that choice is to go it alone!


    I'd like to think i'm in a corp that does well, but my experience from eve is that really, only a the top few do that well, everyone else is likely to lose anything not stowed in a space station or in high sec space.

    That said ... if I do something risky, sure I don;t expect the game to bail me out ... but that's my choice ... having control over my losses is the thing I would say is most important.

  5. I can't protect anything if i'm not online ... so what protects my stuff then?

    There's no game rule that says I have to be in a corp and usually when I play games like this, I end up in a corp with my mates ... we are all online at the same time and play at the same time ... so of a typical 24 hour day there's still 16+ hours a day we aint online ... ALL of us.


    So ... getting a corp that has players from across the world online in different time zones, that speak the same language and are committed to the same goal ... that's going to be the top 1% of all corps.

    Defending your shit by your logic is basically impossible unless you are in that top 1% corp and even then it's only possible through fear of potential reprisals if the corp has a high enough rep on the game which they got from basically being monopolistic in ability.


    In short ... 

    We all might as well not bother collecting resources and putting them in to anything that stays in game when we aren't there as we are going to lose it.


    Sounds like a depressing game if that's even remotely true.

  6. I'd still like to not be forced to join one of 2 or 3 top corps to get "some level of safety" whilst also painting a target on my back for the other 2/3rds of the game just to have a box to store a few assets in (like a garage for my pride and joy ship).


    It's not an unreasonable request that people not in game shouldn't be open to being trolled.

    That said ... If the current information from NQ is to be believed a typical player on their own won't be affording a garage at all .. as putting it down somewhere is beyond their affordability.


    This is why I like the idea of there being at least one NPC corp ... it shields the little guy til they are ready to get out there and join the big guys.

  7. Again not what i'm suggesting.


    NQ have already hinted that the LUA scripting can do things like control the flight of a construct.

    There speculation about gun control (no confirmations either way).

    I've not seen anything about the ability to construct or tear down things.


    But it's plausible that given what we already know I could build a set of lightweight constructs that I can LUA script to orbit my own craft and use them as physical shielding.

    You're just thinking about one thing which is "build something smart and log off so when I get back I have a city waiting for me".


    I'm not suggesting anything of the sort.


  8. I think you missed the point ... The Scope Org in Eve is nothing like that Lethys.
    If I was able to build a construct that could place blocks or handle outputting stuff from a blueprint given the materials I could save a lot of time.


    I'm fully aware that there's no plan for NQ to build such things, but that doesn't totally exclude the possibility that LUA scripting gives us.

    and by drone I was more thinking "remote control" than fully automated.

  9. NQ won't ... but that surely doesn't mean we can't use the tools provided right!


    I was actually more thinking as a means to have Aphelia secure the around the Ark ship, but that mechanism could be extended to special types of Aphelia connected units that when you make a building on land you own could get a level of security from the AI.
    but adding the ability to have player built AI deffo sounds like a plan i'd want to have a go at :)
  10. Welcome Coldstar, you did what I did ... waited til the last minute and went with your gut feeling.
    I seriously hope this pans out to be the awesome game it's looking like :)


    I'm quietly optimistic ... skeptical, but in a good way ... and put my money on it being what I hope it to be!

  11. Yeh I have a discord server, but I'm reluctant to talk anything DU til i'm out of NDA on it.
    Unless a NQ staffer wants to help out with moderation and lock down all DU chat to a DU founder with alpha access only set of users I can't see how anyone but NQ's team could do this.

    Wouldn't mind joining a NQ run DU discord chat though.

  12. Given the push to make this a social game, i'd like to see some automation, but not enough that I spend most my time meeting other players bots.
    Curious to see how NPC driven content might work though.

    I thought the guys over at Everquest next had the right idea, drive a large construction effort with massive scale missions given to large groups of players (like founding a new city), but the actual construction work could be done by drones that simply take the building materials supplied by players and apply them to the mission.

    You could have missions like that run over a month long period or something and the outcome of the project based on how much work the player base chooses to put in.

    The whole idea of corporations / organisations could be used to get new players up and running this way too. 

    Just like Eve, drop them in to a large corp like "Scope" and ask them to get something done to raise a bit of starter cash, then scope gets a nice stream of manpower to get stuff done whilst the "pro's" can feed their own corps.


    Taking it a bit further, area defences could be handled by weapon equipped defence drones as opposed to construction drones.

    That said, too much automation goes against the current lore (AI is banned remember) but simpler forms of AI (non sentient) could be a possibility.

  13. My 2p:

    Gates should work like they do in something like Eve or the x series of games.
    My reasoning is two-fold:

    1. It falls in-line with the lore we currently have if a gate was to be put on a pair of existing wormholes rather than something we create and destroy at will
    2. this would allow the number of gates in a system to be controlled by NQ so I don't jump in to a system that's swarming with gates.


    Given the job of a Stargate I don't see the value of having hundreds of them in an area, even something like Elite controls exactly where you can jump to by spacing the stars in such a way that your ship can only reach the subset around you.
    I also think that over time ... NQ is keen to bring more "emergent" gameplay opportunities so something like mapping the gate system and the security status / alliance of colonies on the ends of gate routes could be a nice new emergent career op.

    It also allows for a more natural thought process that the further you travel the more jumps you'd have to do.
    This could give ship builders another avenue of interstellar nav systems to build for.

  14. You guys seem to think I know nothing about Voxels / rendering.
    The fact is even with things like occlusion you still have to compute what's been occluded and what hasn't, and with Voxels you normally render chunks, so if any piece of a chunk is visible then you need to render the whole chunk at a given LOD you can't "quickly generate a single mesh at various LOD's" you generate the whole mesh at a given LOD.

    My understanding is that to make the data editable something has to store "the edits", from my own tinkering in building voxel based worlds I've figured out that on day 1 for an entirely generated volume (like the planets would be) you'd effectively have a storage requirement of 0 bytes as you only need to store the changes made that deviate from the algorithm / generator.

    With something like a space station though, there's never any part of that that's procedural, you effectively always have to store every Voxel.
    You could store only the mesh data but then you need a means to "figure out" the volume data when the mesh gets edited, which is a considerably more complex task than generating a mesh from Voxels in the first place.
    The other way is to store "actions" and use things like run length encoding to reduce the storage load ... but that's still a lot of data :) 


    So here's where i'm at ...
    As you guys should be able to see from my Avatar ... I'm IN ... i'm taking a gamble ... it's (i think) a risky one but if these guys deliver even a fraction of what i've seen so far I still like I'd get value for money.
    So ... @novaquark ... I donated up to Ruby, the money was going to in to my own game project but i've decided to start a new game dev project ... developing LUA driven DU stuff :) 
    I can't wait!

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