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Posts posted by DarkHorizon

  1. (as the DualUniverse name was squatted by someone somewhat hostile towards the community).


    The guy running the other one has been banning anyone who mentions /r/dualthegame, which kind of goes to show how he really feels about the Devs and the community. 

    I smell a power struggle. Sounds like someone trying to gain relevancy around here?  -_-

  2. Does it matter?



    No, no it doesn't. 


    Tis exactly what jesus would say...


    "Who among you twelve apostles is a rich tax collector? Does it matter, it does not, for I love you all equally."


    It's a interesting post. I am not sure if anyone has that supporter package.


    According to the KS page, it says 6 people picked up that particular pledge, though who knows, more could have upgraded to that level since then.

  3.  Just because you dislike The Void Republic doesn't mean you try your best to find False negative information. 




    I like this thread. c:


    Getting back on topic now, no, I don't think that orgs should be limited. While it could make a very small amount of revenue for DU (as a means of controlling one man / not serious orgs), it would be insignificant in value since it is only a one time cost, especially if it's a small fee like $5. Not only that but it could be easily seen as greedy by the player base and that is never a good thing.


    Also, they don't impact the gameplay, it's just a few words of text, maybe an icon, description, and a little more clutter in the org list; but other than that it's nothing major that would require any sort of limiting by NQ imho.

  4. given how much thought has gone into making the game as less passive as possible.



    Is the input to each of those accounts being done manually? Great, then nothing is wrong with it.


    If I'm running two computers side by side with two keyboards and two mice, I should be allowed to do that because it's not like I'll be getting any benefits out of doing it other than being in multiple places at once. 


    I have two accounts, I paid for both of them, I should be allowed to play them on separate computers at the same time so long as I am manually doing input as opposed to macroing user-input away. 


    If this is the case then I'd be a bit concerned... People who "multibox" or run two separate accounts at the same time can do two different things at once. Sure they wouldn't be controlling both at the same time since each requires manual input, but what worries me the most here is the distance that might be between the two.


    Say one avatar is out mining ore while the second is on the other side of the galaxy manning a turret of a warship. Yeah looking through the crosshairs into empty space is boring, and the mining fulfils that boredom, but now you're doing two things that I as a player with one avatar can't do. Either I can man the guns, or fire the lasers. if both of your avatars are working towards a goal they share, then I'd see that as an unfair advantage since your two players avatars are just me split in two.


    I don't recall anything specific, but honestly, imho, one person would control only a singular avatar at a time, no switching between two or more. At what point do I wonder that this would become something akin to (dare I say) "pay to win/do more" since one human is acting behind two avatars? Maybe it's just the gaming environment that I come from, but this is something I really don't feel is right.

  5. I need to quote the kitty here:

    "Everyone always wants to play a leader or a soldier. No one wants to play support"



    Excuse me, I might not always be on the front lines but if it involves raining steel hell on an enemy from a mile away, sign me up!  :lol:

  6. Give me a hinge and I can move Alioth.


    Hinges are too expensive, first, lets see what you can do with this bar of chocolate...


    On a separate tangent here, one elevator I formerly used would have a voice-over that would give the floor number it was currently at and the direction it would be going for its next call. I wonder if we'd have the option for such for elevators we create here?


    It then spirals into the another idea, can we have player controlled intercoms (with a text to speech system or that uses an actual player voice), perhaps radio, satellite communications that could be terrestrial or between ships etc.

  7. I'm split on the issue. Personally, I just ignore the post count and turn the other cheek, but then again as you've stated, the number can have its implications. On the opposite side of things, however, do we even need a post count visible on our profiles? As someone here stated earlier, quality, not quantity.


    If people are posting rubbish just to artificially inflate a meaningless number, as others have said, that can bring the entire forum community down. Aside from removing the post count entirely, I think it could be more beneficial to make post counts a private thing where only the member can see their own post count in their own posts and on their profile.


    If we're going to give a person a value, we should look at what they post on an individual basis. If people want to be known, valued, and respected here, then post good stuff and good stuff should follow.


    TLDR: I like to fall back on this...





    I hope things wouldn't go as far as insults, but you get the idea. ;) 


  8. I doubt territory units (TUs) could be claimed under an anonymous status, if TUs will be claimed then they must be tied to a name of some sort, almost like renting the land you plan to build a property on in real life or at least that's how I see it. Who knows, maybe you could, I haven't seen anything that suggests otherwise.


    Per my knowledge, you don't need to claim land to build upon or mine from it. Owning territory just gives you exclusive rights like possibly restricting construction/destruction,  who can and can not enter and so forth through the Rights and Duties Management System (RDMS).


    You can find more info on TU's here and details on the RDMS here.

  9. Our planet Mercury has an extremely long day. It takes so long for the sun's light to get all the way around the planet that Mercury was once believed to be tidelocked.

    The opposite, actually. Earth and Mars have nearly identical days (24h and 25h) but all the gas giants have much smaller ones (10h, 11h, 17h, 16h). Mercury's is over 58 Earth days (only about 30 shorter than its orbit) and Venus over 116 days. These rotations have little to do with their location in the system. Mercury, for example, is thought to have such a long day because early in its history it was hit by a planetoid so large that its effects rippled through the core of the planet producing marks on opposite sides of the planet. Venus spins on its axis in the opposite direction to everything else, so it too was probably hit (so hard that it changed direction).


    Hmm, interesting, I always thought the innermost planets had spun much faster due to influences from the sun...


    Guess I'll have to dip back into my early childhood and reread that 300-page book on astronomy!


    I'd be curious to see how many real life things are brought into the game, not that I'm expecting a simulation game out of this, but then again we are talking about "another universe" (my interpretation of the "dual" part in DU).

  10. It was reopened in the 1980's and is still being mined today 20 years later


    It's easy to create an org to beautify spawn and repair the world. It's even possible to make a filling voxel cheaply to fill holes. It's a simple matter to make restoration an org project or a Nova Quark market NPC transaction.


    Hmm, seems like we're missing a few years in that equation?  :P


    I bet sooner or later there will come an org that specializes in reclaiming the environment. Heh, that's emergent gameplay for ya. That's why I think I'll be loving DU.

  11. How long will a day (one complete revolution on its axis) be on any given planet? Just finished up a little bit of free roaming in burnout paradise and for those of you that have played the game before, it has an adjustable day/night cycle.


    With that in mind, another mechanic popped up. Per my recollection, the planets Mercury and Venus, the two closest planets to the sun have very short days while the planets further out have much, much longer days. Would we see something similar wherein some systems the planets closest to their star have a shorter day and those further back have longer ones or will everything be random?

  12. The universe is inside of us all, growing.


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Now that's interesting, it's also kinda scary...


    I never understood if the universe was finite since it was always growing, but what I do know is that people are a finite object, so a possibly infinite object inside a finite being. That could have messy consequences!

  13. grant build permissions to everyone they would allow to build, then hire "building police" to ensure they stay within their own boundaries. 


    In the same way we lay out voxels, can't an owner just swoosh their arm twice to predesignate a three dementional zone for the renter to build withen?


    Any time the renter tries to build outside that zone the object they're trying to build either doesn't appear, their suit brings up an error, or any other logical thing you can think of. *shrug*

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